Axis2 Environment Validation

Axis2 provides an initial validation step that is provided by its built-in validation check. You invoke this by entering the URL for your Axis2 web service application as defined by your web services application root context and application server port configuration. For instance, this might look like: http://localhost:9099/CuramWS2/axis2-web/index.jsp. This page brings up the "Welcome!" page with an option to validate your environment, which you should select. Out of the box, the only error you should see on the resultant page is in the "Examining Version Service" section where it warns you about not having the sample Apache Axis2 version web service. You can rectify this error (which is not really an error, but a nice sanity check) by including that service as external content when you build your Axis2 web services WAR/EAR file; see Building and Packaging Web Services for more information on doing this.

Having successfully validated your Axis2 environment you should click the "Back Home" link on that page and select the Services link on the "Welcome!" page. The resulting "Available services" page will list all available services (classes) and their operations. If there is any invalid service (e.g. due to a missing implementation class) it will be flagged here in more detail and you need to use the diagnostics provided to resolve any errors. For all valid services selecting a service name link from the "Available services" page will generate and display the WSDL for that service. This verifies your deployed service(s) and it should now be available for invocation.