Multiple Choice

<decision-activity id="1">


              <locale language="en">
              Is the claimant, %1s, for Case %2n, over 18?
            <wdo-attribute wdo-name="Participant" 
              name="userName" />
            <wdo-attribute wdo-name=
              name="identifier" />              
        <answers multiple-selection="false">
          <answer name="yesAnswer">
                <locale language="en">Yes</locale>
              <wdo-attribute wdo-name="DecisionResult"
                             name="ageBracket" />
          <answer name="noAnswer">
                <locale language="en">No</locale>
              <wdo-attribute wdo-name="DecisionResult"
                             name="ageBracket" />


This represents the question associated with the decision activity, which for a multiple choice question contains the metadata outlined below.
This represents the parameterized text of the question to be asked for all locales.
This represents a list of answers the user can choose from for the multiple choice question.
This represents a flag that indicates if the user can select multiple answers from those supplied, or whether only one can be selected.
This represents an answer that the user can select. There must be at least one answer supplied for a multiple choice question.
This represents the name of the answer. Once the user selects an answer or answers, the names of the selected answers are passed to the workflow engine and the process is progressed. As the engine treats these answers similar to workflow data object attributes, answer names must be valid Java identifiers.
This represents the answer text that the user can select for all locales.
This tag encloses the metadata that describes how the output from a multiple choice answer will be persisted.
The name of the workflow data object attribute used to store the value of the multiple choice answer.
If specified, the value in this element will be persisted to the workflow data object attribute if that answer has been selected by the user. If the workflow data object attribute is a boolean type this value need not be specified, it will get a default value of true.
If specified, the value in this element will be persisted to the workflow data object attribute if that answer has not been selected by the user. If the workflow data object attribute is a boolean type this value need not be specified, it will get a default value of false.