What Information Needs to be Captured for these Rules and How?

As stated above, rules design is about asking questions in an effective manner, which means grouping related questions together. It is quite likely that the answers to many questions will come from other questions. But at some point or another, the basic data required to answer all questions emerges. Real world data required to make decisions can be extracted from existing data tables on the system, such as participant records, it can be captured as case evidence, and it can be read from rate tables. Evidence can be defined using the dynamic evidence editor; rates can be stored in the rate tables.

Rule object propagators are used to link real world data to rules. The application provides out-of-the-box support for linking evidence types and rate tables to Cúram Express Rules. For example, linking the evidence required to make decisions regarding eligibility and entitlement is as simple as linking the name of each evidence type required to the name of the eligibility and entitlement rule set.