Creating a Simple Product Evidence Entity

The information that we require to determine eligibility and entitlement is temporal in nature: the claimant can be eligible or ineligible for periods of time, and the entitlement amount during those eligible periods can change over time. The following table describes the attributes for the new simple product evidence entity:

Table 1. Description of Simple Product Evidence Attributes
Simple Product Evidence Attribute Description
startDate Start date of claimant's eligibility period.
endDate End date of claimant's eligibility period.
eligibleInd Flag to indicate whether the client is eligible or ineligible, true being eligible and false ineligible.
amount The entitlement amount during an eligibility period. This cannot be 0 when the eligibleInd is true. This field can also change over the course of a claimant's eligibility period. For example, the claimant may be eligible from January 1, 2011 to December 31, 2011, with differing entitlement amounts over that time period.