Deriving the Eligibility and Entitlement Timelines

The DefaultCase rule class must be extended to include the derivation of the isEligibleTimeline attribute. This attribute is used to derive the eligible periods over the lifetime of a simple product delivery case using the startDate, endDate, and eligibleInd values for active simple product evidence. The basic derivation of this attribute is outlined below:

This attribute calculates the succession set periods for any simple product evidence recorded. It searches for startDate values, and endDate values, if available, of active simple product evidence. If found, it builds the list of dates that are part of the succession set.

The DefaultObjectiveType class in the DefaultProductEligibilityEntitlementRuleSet must be extended to provide a definition of the objective being delivered. It must also provide an isEntitledTimeline attribute complete with derivation. The derivation of this attribute for out simple product is outlined below:

The claimant will be entitled to the SimpleObjectiveType if they're eligible (i.e. for periods where the isEligibleTimeline is true) and where the evidence amount is greater than zero. In fact, this processing is controlled centrally in CER. A claimant can never be entitled to benefit during a period of ineligibility. A separate amountTimeline attribute should be created to build up the list of amounts for each eligible period as determined by the isEligibleTimeline.