Financial Component Creation for Multiple Objective Tags

Where there is more than one case decision objective tag associated with a case decision objective, the eligibility and entitlement engine must determine the appropriate objective tags to use when creating financial components. The eligibility and entitlement engine uses the nominee delivery pattern frequency to determine the base objective tag. This base objective tag is used to create recurring financial components. Thus, if the nominee delivery pattern frequency is weekly, and there is a case decision objective tag with a weekly rate, the eligibility and entitlement engine will use this weekly rate for creating any recurring financial components.

The eligibility and entitlement engine uses the case decision objective tags that have a period less than the base objective tag to create once-off financial components. Thus, if the base objective tag is the weekly rate and there is also a case decision objective tag with a daily rate associated with the case decision objective, the eligibility and entitlement engine will use this daily rate for creating any once-off financial components.

The following example demonstrates how the eligibility and entitlement engine uses the multiple objective tags to create financial components:

Nominee Delivery Pattern Frequency: Weekly

Case Decision Objective: Max Personal

Case Decision Objective Tag 1: Daily Rate of 10

Case Decision Objective Tag 2: Weekly Rate of 70

The value of all recurring financial components will be based on the weekly rate, i.e., 70.

The value of all once-off financial components for the Max Personal Objective will be based on the following equation:

Number of days * daily rate = Number of days * 10

Important: A user will not be permitted to change a delivery pattern in the middle of a cover period unless a daily objective tag is assigned to the relevant case components. This is to protect against zero amounts for once-off financial components. For example, a case is paid weekly by check for 4 perfect weeks. If the delivery pattern were changed to weekly by EFT mid-week and if there was no daily objective tag, then a 5-day ramp-down financial component with an amount of zero would be created for the weekly-by-check delivery pattern and a 2-day ramp-up with a zero amount would be created for the weekly by EFT delivery pattern.