
This annotation indicates to the Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter (see Active Succession Set Rule Objects) which attributes on a rule class hold the start and end dates which mark the "lifetime" of the succession set of evidence.

This annotation may be placed on a rule class only. The annotated rule class must ultimately extend the PropagatorRuleSet.ActiveSuccessionSet rule class included with the application.

The names of the start date attribute and the end date attribute are each optional in this annotation. However, if present, each named attribute must exist on the rule class (i.e. must be declared by or inherited by the rule class), and must return a Date value.

If the start date attribute is not named by the annotation, or is named but at evaluation time is found to have a null value, then the data in the initial version of the succession set is assumed to apply from the beginning of time.

Similarly, if the end date attribute is not named by the annotation, or is named but at evaluation time is found to have a null value, then the data in the final version of the succession set is assumed to apply until the beginning of time.