
The Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter is responsible for converting a succession set of active evidence records into a CER rule object.

The Active Succession Set Rule Object Propagator is responsible for listening for changes to active evidence records and for notifying the Dependency Manager that active evidence data for succession set rule objects has changed.

Do not confuse the Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter and Propagator (suitable for use in eligibility/entitlement processing) with the Active/In-Edit Succession Set Rule Object Converter and Propagator class (which is not suitable for eligibility/entitlement processing, and thus not described in this guide - see the Cúram Advisor Configuration Guide).

Evidence (see Designing Cúram Evidence Solutions) allows developers to store records of evidence that can change over time. When circumstances change in the real world, a user can record those changes in the system by "succeeding" an earlier version of evidence. These versions of evidence make up a "succession set" which describe the history of some real-world evidence.

By contrast, in CER rules it is typically far easier to treat each piece of changeable evidence as one rule object, which has timeline-based attributes (see "4.5 Handling Data that Changes Over Time" in the Cúram Express Rules Reference Manual). The Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter automates the conversion of a succession set of evidence rows into a single rule object with a mixture of timeline and non-timeline attributes.

Changes to evidence go through an edit/activate lifecycle. Only evidence changes which have been activated are considered by the Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter; any pending additions, changes or removals are ignored.

Each rule class targeted by the Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter must extend the PropagatorRuleSet.ActiveSuccessionSet rule class included by the Engine. This rule class contains a successionID rule attribute which is used as a unique identifier, since the rule object represents the entire succession set of evidence.

Both dynamic and non-dynamic evidence types can be used with the Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter.

The Active Succession Set Rule Object Converter also populates relationships between rule objects for parent and child succession sets, if required.