Simple Mapping Configuration

The following example illustrates a configuration for the Evidence Application Builder:

1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <application-builder-config 
3   <evidence-config package="curam.evidence">
4     <entity name="HouseholdMember"/>
5     <entity name="HeadOfHousehold"/>
6   <evidence-config package="curam.evidence">
7 </application-builder-config>

In this example, the Evidence Application Builder has been configured to create HouseholdMember and HeadOfHousehold evidence. On line 3 the base Java package name is specified as curam.evidence. The Evidence Application Builder uses this information to infer the following about HouseholdMember:

  1. The name of the Evidence Service Layer class is curam.evidence.service.HouseholdMember.
  2. The name of name of the operation on this class used to create the evidence is createHouseholdMemberEvidence().
  3. The name of the class passed in to this call as an argument is curam.evidence.entity.struct.HouseholdMemberEvidenceDetails.

The Evidence Application Builder uses this information to construct the HouseholdMember evidence for the current Person being processed.

All of the above is based on the assumption that the evidence is coded according to certain patterns. This is guaranteed to be the case if the Evidence Generator is used to generate the evidence. It is possible for the Evidence Application Builder to work with hand coded Evidence as long as it follows the patterns used by the evidence generator.