Adding a Simple Calculation

In the diagram for the rule which is opened when a new rule is created, a rule element is displayed. This is the starting point for any rule and elements from the palettes can be dropped onto this element. A description can be added to the rule in the properties panel that will describe this rule from the business perspective.

In the description property add Simple Calculation as the description for this rule.

  1. From the Business Logic palette drag an Arithmetic element onto the rule element on the diagram. A Golden Circle will appear when the arithmetic element is correctly positioned over the rule element. Releasing the mouse will allow you to add the arithmetic to this rule. The default behavior for an arithmetic expression is to add two elements. Double click on the Addition text on the arithmetic element and enter Adding 2 and 2
  2. From the Tools palette select the dropdown to change from the business Logic palette to the Data Types palette. Now drag the Number element onto the left Empty Member of the arithmetic element. In the property panel set the value to 2. Repeat this for the right side of the arithmetic operation.

The above example simply adds 2 numbers to answer the question "What's 2 + 2". This is a example of a very basic calculation and rulesets used for eligibility and entitlement or for displaying information to application users will be more complex in structure and how they calculate their results.