Organizing the Business Rules

Once the Business user has completed their portion of the ruleset where the high level business rules are defined, the technical user can then provide the full implementation for each rule. The business rules from the business view are created on the default class, allowing them business meaning of the rules and not worry about the technicalities of the CER language. The editor provides a technical user with the ability to change the attribute associated with the rule allowing them to spread the rules across multiple classes.

  1. From the Rules Outline View, select the appropriate rule and click on the context dropdown menu. From the list of options choose the Edit Rule option.
  2. The dialog displays the name of the rule, a folder dropdown to move the rule and the attribute associate with the rule. To change the attribute select the change link.
Table 1. Edit Rule Properties
Name Explanation
Name Edit the description of a diagram.
Folder Change the folder a diagram is grouped in.
Attribute Change the attribute for the rule. The rule diagram can be copied to another attribute using the Change link.