Displaying Composite Data on a Summary

The information gathered for nested entities can be displayed on a summary page using a nested list. Similarly to regular lists, nested lists must match the entities and criteria used in the nested loops that captured the data.

Figure 1. Displaying Nested Entities on Summary Pages
<list entity="Person" show-icons="true" criteria="hasIncome==true">
  <title id="IncomeList.Title">
  <description id="IncomeList.Description">
    <![CDATA[Here's the income details you've entered for all the 
                   people in your household]]>
  <column id="firstName">
    <title id="FirstName.Title">
      <![CDATA[First Name]]>
  <list entity="Income">
    <column id="type">
      <title id="IncomeType.Title">
        <![CDATA[Income Type]]>
    <column id="amount">
      <title id="IncomeAmount.Title">
        <![CDATA[Income Amount]]>

The sample code snippet above of an income summary list will be displayed in the IEG Player as a regular list with incomes grouped per Person. It will also contain Edit and Delete links for each income and an Add link with a dropdown listing all the people.