IBM® Tivoli® Runtime Security Services, Fix Pack 7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP0002.pak, Fix Pack 7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP-CLIENT0002.pak README


Readme documentation for IBM® Tivoli® Runtime Security Services Version 7.0.0 Fix Pack 2 including installation-related instructions, prerequisites and co-requisites, and list of fixes. The fix pack includes update files for both Tivoli Runtime Security Services and Tivoli Runtime Security Services Client.

7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP0002.pak - Tivoli Runtime Security Services Fix Pack 2.
7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP-CLIENT0002.pak - Tivoli Runtime Security Services Client Fix Pack 2.

Readme file for: IBM® Tivoli® Runtime Security Services
Product/Component Release: 7.0.0
Update Name: Fix Pack 2
Fix ID: 7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP0002, 7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP-CLIENT0002
Publication date: 31 March 2009
Last modified date: 31 March 2009


Download location
Prerequisites and co-requisites
Known issues

Installation information:
  Prior to installation
  Performing the necessary tasks after installation
  Uninstalling if necessary

List of fixes
Copyright and trademark information
Document change history

Download location

The fix pack is available by FTP from the following location:

The fix pack can also be downloaded from the IBM Support site:

  1. Go to the IBM Tivoli Security Policy Manager Support Web site.
  2. Click Download. Specify the fix pack id: 7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP0002 or 7.0.0-TIV-ITRTSS-FP-CLIENT0002 in the search field.

Known Issues

The WebSphere Update Installer has a known problem on Unix systems which incorrectly sets permissions on newly distributed files, allowing write access to any user. To prevent problems after the installation of the fix pack, change directory to the product installation directory and execute the following command:

for i in `find . -perm -777 ! -type l` ; do
chmod 766 $i

This will locate all the files with the incorrect permissions and fix them. For more information refer to WebSphere APAR PK77590.

Prerequisites and co-requisites

  You must have the following software installed in order to install this fix pack:
Installation information:

  Prior to installation   

  Be aware of the following considerations before installing this fix pack:

  Installation path specification for the Windows Server 2008 platform
This preinstallation item applies only to installations on a 64-bit Windows platform like Windows Server 2008.

Because Tivoli Runtime Security Services is a 32-bit application its default path when installing on Windows Server 2008 changes from

C:\Program Files\IBM\RTSS


C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\RTSS

Note that this change to the installation path name also affects a 32-bit WebSphere Application Server on Windows Server 2008:

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere

changes to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\IBM\WebSphere

  Update Installer
This fixpack requires the use of the WebSphere Update Installer version Ensure that you have installed the correct version of the WebSphere Update Installer on each computer where you will install the fix pack. You can download the WebSphere Update Installer version from the WebSphere Application Server Update Installer Web site. Installation instructions are on the download page.

  Fix pack packaging
This Tivoli Runtime Security Services patch is provided on the Tivoli Support Web site as two separately downloadable .pak files. One version is for the standard RTSS configuration, and the other is for the RTSS Client configuration. Download the file or files for your configuration to a location accessible by the WebSphere Update Installer. Typically the default WebSphere Update Installer directory is either

C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller\maintenance

for Windows or


for Unix/Linux.

  Automatic creation of a backup directory
The Update Installer saves backup copies of the files that it replaces during the installation. You do not need to manually backup the Tivoli Runtime Security Services files.
  1. Copy the file you downloaded from the Download Location, preferably into the default WebSphere Update Installer's maintenance directory,
    C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller\maintenance

    for Windows or


    for Unix/Linux.

  2. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts Tivoli Runtime Security Services is running.
  3. Edit the file <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/uninstall/ and set the value for WAS_TRUSTSTORE_PW. Specify the password that was set when Tivoli Runtime Security Services was initially installed. (Typically <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY> would be C:\Program Files\IBM\RTSS on Windows systems, or /opt/IBM/RTSS on UNIX-based systems). This password value is removed from the file when the WebSphere Update Installer exits.
  4. Edit the file <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/uninstall/ and set the value for WAS_ADMIN_PW. This password value is removed from the file when the WebSphere Update Installer exits.
  5. Start the WebSphere Update Installer (typically located in C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller on Windows systems, or in /opt/IBM/WebSphere/UpdateInstaller on UNIX-based systems).
  6. In the Welcome window click Next. Tivoli Runtime Security Services will not be listed, but is supported.
  7. Specify the path to the <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY> for Tivoli Runtime Security Services, then click Next.
  8. Select Install maintenance in the dialog.
  9. Specify the path where the fix pack (.pak) file was copied. The Update Installer automatically detects, enables, and displays the RTSS fixes (pak files).
  10. Select the fixpack to install, then click Next.

    Note: The WebSphere Update Installer allows you to select more than one pak file at a time for installation. Select only the pak files that correspond to the components that are installed on the system you are updating. If you accidentally install more pak files than are needed, you can separately uninstall any fix packs for components that are not installed on the target system. If both the RTSS fix pack and the RTSS Client fix pack are found in the maintenance directory by the WebSphere Update Installer, the RTSS Client fix pack will be selected by default. You must change this selection if you do not want to install the RTSS Client fix pack.

  Performing the necessary tasks after installation

    After installing the fixpack, restart the WebSphere Application Server.

  Uninstalling if necessary

    If you want to return your installation to the state it was in prior to installing the fix pack, you can uninstall the fix pack.

  1. Ensure that the WebSphere Application Server that hosts Tivoli Runtime Security Services is running.
  2. Edit the file <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/uninstall/ and set the value for WAS_TRUSTSTORE_PW. Specify the password that was set when Tivoli Runtime Security Services was initially installed. (Typically <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY> would be C:\Program Files\IBM\RTSS on Windows systems, or /opt/IBM/RTSS on UNIX-based systems). This password value is removed from the file when the WebSphere Update Installer exits.
  3. Edit the file <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY>/uninstall/ and set the value for WAS_ADMIN_PW. This password value is removed from the file when the WebSphere Update Installer exits.
  4. Start the WebSphere Update Installer (typically located in C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere\UpdateInstaller on Windows systems, or in the equivalent directory on UNIX-based systems)
  5. In the Welcome window click Next. Tivoli Runtime Security Services will not be listed but is supported.
  6. Specify the path to the <RTSS_INSTALL_DIRECTORY> for Tivoli Runtime Security Services, then click Next.
  7. Select Uninstall maintenance in the dialog.
  8. The Update Installer will automatically remove the fix pack and restore the previously installed version of Tivoli Runtime Security Services.

List of fixes

Fixes included in IBM® Tivoli® Runtime Security Services Version 7.0.0 Fix Pack 2:

APAR No.Sev.Abstract

Copyright and trademark information


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Document change history

DateDescription of change
31 March 2009Initial Version. Fix Pack 2