Readme for IBM® WebSphere® Business Integration Connect, Enterprise and Advanced Editions, V4.2.2 fix pack 9


© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2004, 2007. All rights reserved.

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These notes describe the changes made in fix pack V4.2.2.9 of IBM WebSphere Business Integration Connect, Enterprise and Advanced Editions. This fix pack is cumulative and includes all fixes released in earlier fix packs for the V4.2.2 release.

This document contains the following sections:

New in this fix pack

Product fix history

Installation instructions

Uninstalling the fix pack

New in this fix pack

Tracking Number



ORACLE support for WBIC 4.2.2 FP9.


DB2 8.1 Fixpack 14 (also known as version 8.2 fix pack 7) support for WBIC 4.2.2 FP9


Product fix history

The following problems are fixed in this fix pack.

Tracking Number



In this fix pack, the column size of the Summary table has been increased to hold results when the unprocessed tables contain old data.


The error page that was getting displayed for non-hubadmin users while
viewing the AS1/AS2 viewer has been rectified in this fix pack.


After successive RNIF transactions, the average transaction time increased that resulted in performance degradation. In this fix pack, the processing time is tuned to be consistent even during heavy RNIF transactions.


Earlier, a document in the gateway directory was not delivered from the gateway until a new document was introduced.


Typically, when the gateway is down and the AUTO QUEUE value is set to true, the gateway should move to offline state. In the earlier fix packs, the gateway was not moved to offline state, so this fix pack has rectified this behaviour.


When an RNIF document was received with attachment, the Websphere Business Integration Connect failed to deliver the attachment to the backend system.


In the earlier fixes, configured pre/post process handlers were removed from the configured list when the gateway was either offline or disabled.


A HTTP response code of 204 was considered as a failure code. From this fix pack onwards, it represents success response code.

Installation instructions

There are separate fix packs for the Advanced/Enterprise Editions. Each fix pack has two major parts, the DBLoader and the Hub. There is a separate launcher for each operating system. The WebSphere Business Integration Connect 4.2.2 fix packs are located at

WARNING: Installation of this fix pack cannot be easily reversed. It is very important that you shut down WebSphere Business Integration Connect and create a backup of the current installation before proceeding with the fix pack installation. Failure to do so may result in the loss of data or prevent you from properly performing the fix pack uninstallation procedure.

Note: This fix pack may not reliably uninstall from machines running the Solaris operating system. There is no problem installing and running this fix pack on a Solaris machine.

To install the fix pack, do the following.

  1. Shut down the WebSphere Business Integration Connect servers in the following order:
  1. Navigate to the ProductDir/console/was/bin directory and execute the server1 (UNIX) or stopServer.bat server1 (Windows) command.
  2. Navigate to the ProductDir/receiver/was/bin directory and execute the server1 (UNIX) or stopServer.bat server1 (Windows) command.
  3. Navigate to the ProductDir/router/was/bin directory and execute the server1 (UNIX) or stopServer.bat server1 (Windows) command.

Note: Shutdown of the receiver and router may fail on Solaris platforms. This can be corrected by applying WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Express fix pack 14 on top of WAS Express 5.0.2 deployed under receiver, router and console. Refer to the technote published on this, located at

  1. Create the backup to restore your current, running version, if needed

A.     Back up the database before running the installer. Use the appropriate database utility to perform this step. For example, DB2 and Oracle provide an export utility. Consult your database server documentation for instructions. Do not continue with the fix pack installation without first backing up your database.

B.     Save any hub configuration that may have been done by manually copying the was/wbic/config and was/config directories to a safe location. Use this copy to restore the system to the earlier version. The hub configuration settings that are not stored in the database are located in the following directories:







  1. Save the ProductDir/common tree to the backup location.
  1. Run the DBLoader setup launcher for your operating system. If you receive warnings stating that certain directories will be overwritten, for example: _jvm, press "yes" to continue the fix pack installation

Note: If you choose not to have the DBLoader run the SQL files automatically, you can run them manually at the completion of the DBLoader. To do this:

      On DB2

                  Run the following commands

a.       UNIX: su – db2inst1
WINDOWS: Start the DB2CLP and make sure you are logged in as the user that owns the DB2 database.

b.      db2start (if the database is not started)

c.       db2 connect to bcgapps

d.      cd {WBIC INSTALL DIR}/DBLoader/scripts/DB2

e.       Run the applicable scripts from those shown below. Determine your starting level of Business Integration Connect. (For example, if your current level is, run all 8 commands. If your current level is, run only the last command).

1.   db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422_422FP2.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422_422FP2.log

2.   db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422FP2_422FP3.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP2_422FP3.log

3.   db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422FP3_422FP4.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP3_422FP4.log

4.   db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422FP4_422FP5.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP4_422FP5.log

5.   db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422FP5_422FP6.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP5_422FP6.log

6.   db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422FP6_422FP7.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP6_422FP7.log

7.   db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422FP7_422FP8.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP7_422FP8.log

8.  db2 –td! –f  BCGUpgrade_422FP8_422FP9.sql  -z /tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP8_422FP9.log

      On Oracle

                        Run the following commands

a. On UNIX : su - oracle
On WINDOWS : Make sure you are logged in as the owner of the Oracle database.

b. Run the applicable scripts from those shown below.

Determine your starting level of Business Integration Connect. (For example, if your current level is, run all 8 commands. If your current level is, run only the last command).

  1. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422_422FP2.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422_422FP2.log
  1. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422FP2_422FP3.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP2_422FP3.log
  1. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422FP3_422FP4.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP3_422FP4.log
  1. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422FP4_422FP5.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP4_422FP5.log
  1. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422FP5_422FP6.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP5_422FP6.log
  1. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422FP6_422FP7.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP6_422FP7.log
  2. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422FP7_422FP8.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP7_422FP8.log
  3. sqlplus –L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_422FP8_422FP9.sql >/tmp/WBIConnect/logs/BCGUpgrade_422FP8_422FP9.log


4.         Run the hub setup launcher for your operating system.

Start the console, receiver, and router. Refer to the Installation Guide for more information.

Uninstalling the fix pack

To uninstall the fix pack, WebSphere Business Integration Connect must be completely uninstalled and then restored to its original state prior to the fix pack installation. Restore the system to its original state using the database backup that was created before the fix pack was installed. Failure to do so may result in lost data or prevent you from properly performing the following fix pack uninstallation procedure. Any changes to configuration files must be manually saved and restored.

Note : It is recommended that you uninstall the Hub before Uninstalling the DBLoader.

1.      Uninstall Hub version

A. Save any hub configuration that may have been done by manually copying the was/wbic/config and was/config directories to a safe location. Use this copy during installation to restore the saved settings. The hub configuration settings that are not stored in the database are located in the following directories: 







B. Save the ProductDir/common tree to the backup location.

C. Uninstall the version hub, removing all components.

D. Delete all remaining files and remove the following directories:




Note: Do not delete the ProductDir/DBLoader and ProductDir/common directories.

2.      To revert the bcgapps database and DBLoader back to the previous running version and restore the database and customer data, follow these steps.

A. Run the DBLoader Uninstall. Do not drop the database.

B. Restore the bcgapps database using the backup created before the fix pack was installed.

C. Run the DBLoader install programs necessary to return to the point where the backup was taken; but, do not run SQL automatically when prompted by the DBLoader. For example, if the backup referenced in Step-B was taken at the level, you will need to run the DBLoader for the 4.2.2 base install, and then run the DBLoader for

Note: During Step C. you will receive a warning stating "database bcgapps exists". This is correct, as you left the database intact in step A.

3.      To return the Hub version to the previous level, follow these steps.

A.  Run the Hub Install programs needed to return to the hub level desired. Make sure to install to the same location for : ProductDir. For example, if the hub level was at when the backup was taken, run the Hub Install program for the 4.2.2 base, and then run the Hub Install for

Note: Be sure to specify the same installation information used in the previous installation.

B.   Restore the configuration by copying and replacing the following directories. This is the backup taken during the installation procedure before starting the installation of this fix pack.




C.   Restore the ProductDir/common tree using the backup copy made during the installation procedure.

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