Installing IBM® WebSphere® Business Integration (BI) Monitor™ v4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2002, 2007. All rights reserved. 

This file contains the required information about installing the IBM WebSphere BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1. This Patch requires a previous installation of IBM WBI Monitor v4.2.4.

The BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1 installation must be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Make sure that a previous installation of the WBI Monitor 4.2.4 already exists, and has not been uninstalled. Otherwise, the installation of this patch will not be performed.  For more information about installing the prerequisite release of WBI Monitor, refer to the install.html file that is shipped with that release.

  2. Un-deploy the existing version of BI Monitor Server completely from the WebSphere Application Server. On Windows™, AIX® and Solaris platform, you can perform the un-deployment either automatically or manually. On z/OS™ and OS/390® platforms you can only perform the un-deployment manually.

    Refer to the section entitled BI Monitor Server Un-Deployment in Part 2 of the BI Monitor v4.2.4 (Fix Pack4) Deployment Guide for the detailed steps of automatic un-deployment of BI Monitor Server. Refer to the sections with the same title in Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C in Part 2 of the same guide for the detailed steps of the manual un-deployment of BI Monitor Server. Refer to Chapter 5: IBM BI Monitor Deployment on OS/390 and z/OS Platforms in Part 3 of the same guide for the un-deployment steps on OS/390 and z/OS Platforms.


  3. Backup your existing Monitor database.
  4. Perform the Database Migration and Upgrade after completely un-deploying the existing deployed version of the Monitor Server to upgrade the existing database and its data to this version. The existing database must be of the previous version of the BI Monitor (v4.2.4 Fix Pack3). if the existing database belong to an earlier version before the stated version, then the upgrade must be done incrementally step by step from each version to its next version.

To perform the database upgrade, run the appropriate SQL file that exists in the migration folder as the following:

Before running these files, you should edit them in order to change the variable named $SCHEMA$ with the actual name of the tables schema in each occurrence in the files.

  1. Make sure that the IBM JDK 1.4 is installed on your machine. Alternatively, you can use the IBM JDK that is shipped with IBM WebSphere Application Server.

  2. Install the BI Monitor 4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1 and Deploy the BI Monitor Server that belongs to this patch after completing the upgrade and migration of the database. The BI Monitor 4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1 Installation Wizard starts by running the batch file named runwizard.bat on Windows platform or the shell file named runwizard.sh on AIX and Solaris platforms. You must install this patch on the same installation (Home) directory where the previous version was installed.

Important Note: You must run this batch file or the shell file in order to start the installation wizard. the usage of the java -jar command for running the installation wizard is now eliminated and not supported.

  1. If you are deploying on WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Network Deployment v4 or v5, then you must provide a specific parameter. If you are installing and deploying the Monitor on an WebSphere Application Server, you must provide the WebSphere Application Server home directory as a parameter to this batch (or shell) file. If you are installing the Monitor on WebSphere Network Deployment, then you must provide the WebSphere Deployment Manager home directory as a parameter to this batch (or shell) file.

          On Windows platform:

  1. Start a command prompt window.

  2. Type the following in the command prompt, and then press Enter:

    • In case you are installing on WebSphere Application Server, type:
          runwizard.bat C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer
    • In case you are installing on WebSphere Deployment Manager, type:
          runwizard.bat C:\IBM\WebSphere\DeploymentManager

On AIX and Solaris platforms:

  1. Start a terminal console as root.

  2. Type the following in the terminal console, and then press Enter:

    • In case you are installing on WebSphere Application Server, type:
          ./runwizard.sh /usr/WebSphere/AppServer
    • In case you are installing on WebSphere Deployment Manager, type:
           ./runwizard.sh /usr/WebSphere/DeploymentManager
  1. If you are deploying on WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Network Deployment v6.0.x, then you must provide a specific parameter. If you are installing and deploying the Monitor on an WebSphere Application Server, you must provide the WebSphere Application Server home directory as a parameter to this batch (or shell) file. If you are installing the Monitor on WebSphere Network Deployment, then you must provide the WebSphere Deployment Manager home directory as a parameter to this batch (or shell) file.

          On Windows platform:

  1. Start a command prompt window.

  2. Type the following in the command prompt, and then press Enter:
        runwizard.bat C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer\profiles\<Profile_Name>

On AIX and Solaris platforms:

  1. Start a terminal console as root.

  2. Type the following in the terminal console, and then press Enter:
        ./runwizard.sh /usr/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/<Profile_Name>

Refer to the section entitled BI Monitor Server Installation and deployment in Part 2 of the BI Monitor v4.2.4 (Fix Pack4) Deployment Guide for the detailed steps of automatic deployment of BI Monitor Server. Refer to Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C in Part 2 of the same guide for the detailed steps of the manual deployment of BI Monitor Server. Refer to the section entitled IBM BI Monitor Deployment on OS/390 and z/OS Platforms in Part 3 of the same guide for the deployment steps.