IBM® WebSphere® Business Integration (BI) Monitor™ v4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1 Readme File

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation. 2002, 2007. All rights reserved. 

This file contains the new updates and fixed defects in the IBM WebSphere BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1. Refer to the file named install_fix_pack4_patch1.html for the required information and steps required for installing IBM WebSphere BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack4 Patch1.

New Updates

The BI Monitor v4.2.4 Fix Pack4 provides the following new updates:

  1. Support for Windows 2003 platforms

  2. Support for Oracle 9i and Oracle Database 10g Release 1

  3. Support for using Oracle OCI Driver

  4. Support for MQ Workflow Native APIs and MQ Workflow v3.5 and v3.6

  5. Support for WebSphere Portal Server (WPS) v5.0.2.1

  6. Support for WebSphere Application Server and Network Deployment for WebSphere v5.1 and 6.0

  7. Support for the new USA and Western Australia daylight saving rules

  8. Error Queue Notification feature is added to the Email Notification section of the System Properties page

  9. The Error Queue page displays the number of events causing errors, instead of displaying the total number of delayed events

  10. Support for using Automatic Installation on an already-federated WebSphere Application Server servers in Network Deployment environment

  11. Enhancements to dashboard views handling are implemented

  12. Two new steps have been added to the installation wizard to help the users manually edit the ear file, in case they choose the Manual Installation option.

  13. A new JVM system property (monitor.adjust4DST.enabled) has been added to support daylight saving time change. For more details, refer to the System Requirements section in the Deployment Guide.

  14. Two new JVM system properties (monitor.cleanup.processInstanceCount and monitor.cleanup.processInstanceActivationCount) have been added to allow segmenting the deletion operation over multiple transactions. For more details, refer to the Deleting Process Instances section in the Administration Guide.

  15. A new JVM system property (monitor.eventbus.locktimeout) has been added to control the Monitor agent locking timeout. For more details, refer to the System Requirements section in the Deployment Guide.

  16. Resolved a known limitation: Upon using Oracle as the runtime database, the event processor used to fail and delay the events to the Error Queue. This used to take place in case you have created on MQWF a process instance without a description ,and then tried to start the process instance.

  17. (MR080306231) You can re-import the BI Monitor XML file, after making some basic changes to the model, without having to change the Valid From date. Basic changes to the model include changing data fields, expressions, business measures, and locations.

  18. (MR071405373) The Drop Database button in the Database Setup page in the WBI Monitor Admin Utility is now disabled by default. To enable this button, in order to drop the Monitor database, set the following JVM property -Dmonitor.admin.enableDropDatabase=true in the WebSphere Application Server Generic JVM Arguments and then restart the application server.

Fixed Defects:

  1. (APAR JR26496) Fixes the defect that caused the Expressions page of the Business Measures Editor to crash.

  2. (APAR JR24584) Fixes the defect that caused the process diagram to display a wrong number of items.

  3. (APAR JR22189) Fixes the defect that caused events to be directed to Delayed Event Queue, in case of Terminate Process, while there are running activities inside blocks.

  4. (APAR JR22190) Fixes the defect that caused Workflow dashboard Start time filter fail to resolve the Start date field in case of Dutch, Spanish, and other Locales.

  5. (APAR JR22191) Fixes the defect that caused events to be directed to Delayed Event Queue, if activities were completed while process in a suspending state.

  6. (APAR JR21631) Improves the display size of both Chart and Legend in Monitor Business Dashboard.

  7. (APAR JR21732) Fixes the defect that caused BI Monitor Business Dashboard weekly reports to display the start day as Tuesday.

  8. (APAR JR21713) Fixes the defect that caused Business Dashboard export CSV file not to include break down attribute values.

  9. (APAR JR21835) Fixes the defect that caused BI Monitor not to update Notification Duration value when re-importing a model XML file with the same Valid From date.

  10. (APAR JR21909) Fixes the defect that caused Business Dashboard outstanding reports negative values.

  11. (APAR JR21945) Fixes the defect that caused Monitor not to update subprocess assigned user when a work item is transferred.

  12. (APAR JR21961) Event processor performance improvement by cashing the WFM.Process_model data to avoid unnecessary database reads over same transaction.

  13. (APAR JR21243) Fixes the defect that caused Monitor collector to fail when it encounters an invalid event type or event code.

  14. (APAR JR21330) Fixes the defect that caused Monitor to fail to process restart of NOOP Activity and restart of terminated process instance which caused these events to be directed to the Error Queue.

  15. (APAR JR21385) Fixes the defect that caused Monitor Activity Instances page to display a list of assigned users when an activity is completed.

  16. (APAR JR21440) Fixes the defect that caused Monitor Business Measure Editor not to display the location of the database metric, if the location is used before.

  17. (APAR JR21148) Fixes the defect that caused Monitor to fail to process notification events which caused these events to be directed to the Error Queue.

  18. (APAR JR20417) Fixes the defect that caused wrong activities to be marked with red border in the Process Instance diagram.

  19. (APAR JR20637) In Korean locale environment BI Monitor displays Gregorian calendar (year 2004), rather the Korean ancient calendar called Tangun Era (year 4337).

  20. (APAR JR20646) Fixes the defect that caused the Workflow Dashboard to give empty Business Measure Value when the used Location is at the first activity inside a Block.

  21. (APAR JR208100) Fixes the defect that caused the Workflow dashboard filter to give SQL error -206 when the filter includes two Business Measures if the value of one of them is a sub-string of the other value.

  22. (APAR JR20821) Fixes the defect that caused the Workflow Dashboard not to calculate the Business Measure Values in case of complex container nested/Array structures.

  23. (APAR JR20936) Fixes the defect that handled the view name as case sensitive.

  24. (APAR JR20937) Fixes the defect that caused erratic ascending or descending sort of Business Measure by properly populate non-existing Business Measures with correct default of empty string.

  25. (APAR JR20938) Fixes the defect that caused two events to be directed to Delayed Event Queue, in case of a Terminate Process, that had a sub-process.

  26. (APAR JR20302) Fixes the defect that caused the constraint builder not to accept spaces in Process names.

  27. (APAR JR20310) Fixes the defect that caused Monitor to throw ORA-01000 exception (maximum number of open cursors exceeded).

  28. (PMR 55466,689,864) Handles a known MQWF defect, MQWF APAR IY86642.

  29. (PMR 36669,379,000) Fixes the defect that occurred while importing an XML file that caused the V-Table creation to fail if the specified tablespace property does not exist. The fix is done by rolling back.

  30. (PMR 06012,826,826) The "Show Details" button in the Event Queue page is now enabled by default.

  31. (PMR 41754,689,864) Fixes the defect that caused Timezone"GMT+2 Johannesburg" to be incorrect in Monitor (returns GMT+3), ICU Bug #4265.