Upgrading IBM WebSphere Business Monitor 6.0 to WebSphere Business Monitor 6.0.1

The following will document how to upgrade your installation of Monitor 6.0 to Monitor 6.0.1.


The simplest upgrade option is to completely uninstall Monitor 6.0. (Note: It is not necessary to uninstall the prerequisite products.)  Refer to the Monitor 6.0.1 uninstall instructions[1] and then install Monitor 6.0.1. This is the recommended approach if it is at all possible in your environment.


If it is absolutely required that data you have collected be maintained, please refer to the following instructions.

Upgrade Scenarios

1. Monitor 6.0 is installed, and you want to change languages when moving to 6.0.1

If you need to move to Monitor 6.0.1 in order to pick up one of the supported non-English languages included with 6.0.1, you must uninstall 6.0.  In this case, it is necessary to uninstall the prerequisite products as well. Refer to the  uninstall instructions and then install 6.0.1 Monitor Server and Dashboard Client.


You must uninstall and reinstall both Monitor Server and Dashboard Client.

2. Monitor 6.0 is installed, but you have not deployed any models

First, uninstall Monitor 6.0 (Note: It is not necessary to uninstall the prerequisite products.)  Refer to the uninstall instructions and then install 6.0.1 Monitor Server and Dashboard Client.


You must uninstall and reinstall both Monitor Server and Dashboard Client.

3. Monitor 6.0 is installed, you have deployed models, but you can lose any data collected for the deployed models

If you have deployed models and collected data, but you do not need to maintain the collected data (for example evaluating in a non-production environment), treat this as a situation where you can start anew (deploy your models fresh) with Monitor 6.0.1.


First, uninstall Monitor 6.0 Refer to the uninstall instructions and then install 6.0.1 Monitor Server and Dashboard Client. (Note: It is not necessary to uninstall the prerequisite products.)


You must uninstall and reinstall both Monitor Server and Dashboard Client.

4. Monitor 6.0 is installed, you have deployed processes and models, Monitor has collected data, and you need to maintain the model and the already collected Monitor data

Use these steps when you have a situation where you must maintain the data already collected by Monitor 6.0.


The approach defined below takes advantage of the process that is used when creating and deploying an updated version of a model. 


1.      First, upgrade to Modeler 6.0.1 and upgrade your Modeler model(s) to Modeler 6.0.1. Refer to the Modeler 6.0.1 documentation for instructions on how to upgrade your existing models.


For each model you must create a new version of the model (no model changes are required, but a new version must be created). Refer to Modeler product documentation for instructions on how to do this.   

2.      Stop all processes that emit events being processed by Monitor. Stop Replication Manager.

3.      Apply Monitor 6.0.1 content. A script is included (upgrade601.zip, upgrade601.tar.gz) that copies Monitor 6.0.1 content into your 6.0 installation environment and performs administrative functions to upgrade Monitor server and dashboard client.


a.       Unzip upgrade601.zip (Windows) or upgrade601.tar.gz (AIX)

b.      Monitor Server:

                                                                           i.      Refer to the Upgrade Instructions provided in the readme.txt provided with the script.


·        The WebSphere Application Server application server will be restarted at the end of the script.

·        A file called MON.product is copied to <WAS_home>\ properties\version. This file will cause the Monitor version number to be printed out in the WebSphere Application Server log every time the WebSphere Application Server is started.

c.       Dashboard Client:

                                                                           i.      Refer to the Upgrade Instructions provided in the readme.txt provided with the script.


·        Portal server will be in stopped state at the end of the script.

·        A file called MON.product is copied to <WAS_home>\ properties\version. This file will cause the Monitor version number to be printed out in the WebSphere Application Server log every time the WebSphere Application Server is started.

4.      Perform data migration.

a.       Unzip GMTMigration.zip (Windows) or GMTMigration.tar.gz (AIX)

b.      Refer to the Migration Instructions provided in the readme.txt file.

5.      Restart the WebSphere Application Server application server for Monitor Server.

6.      Start the Portal server for Dashboard Client.

7.      Next, for each model that you had previously deployed into Monitor and upgraded in Modeler to Modeler 6.0.1:

Deploy  the newly exported model (refer to product documentation for details).

8.      Restart Replication Manager.

9.      Start the processes being monitored.




[1] http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/dmndhelp/v6rxmx/index.jsp?topic=/com.ibm.btools.help.monitor.doc/Doc/tasks/installation/un-installingwebspherebusinessmonitor.html