Readme for IBM® WebSphere®Partner Gateway, Enterprise and Advanced Editions, V6.0.0 fix pack 6

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2005, 2007. All rights reserved.

US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

These notes describe the changes made in fix pack V6.0.0.6 of IBM WebSphere Partner Gateway, Enterprise and Advanced Editions. This fix pack is cumulative and includes all fixes released in earlier fix packs for the V6.0.0 release.

This document contains the following sections

New in this fix pack

Product fix history

Known problems and workarounds

Overview of schema-based PIP support in WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0.1


Installation instructions

Uninstalling the fix pack

New in this fix pack

This fix pack includes the following new features and improvements.

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WebSphere Partner Gateway Linear Scaling Deployment Topology
The WebSphere Partner Gateway fix pack 6 suggests a Linear Scaling Deployment Topology to obtain linear scalability using multiple instances of WebSphere Partner Gateways. The suggested configuration changes are optional. Carry out the configuration changes only if you want to implement this topology.

For this topology, two or more instances of WebSphere Partner Gateway are installed to improve the performance throughput, but are perceived by the user as a single WebSphere Partner Gateway.

If one WebSphere Partner Gateway instance provides throughput as x docs/sec, then two WebSphere Partner Gateway instances throughput is 2x docs/sec. All the WebSphere Partner Gateways share the same database, but have individual file systems that are inturn shared.

Installation instructions
The new deployment topology installation steps are similar to the normal install instructions. Remember to keep the following in mind during installation:

  • Common file system has to be local to Document Manager. For each Document Manager installation, the common filesystem should be in the same path.
  • There should be only one database for all the instances.


  • Deployment on Windows - access common file system using UNC path, that is, \\<hostname>\common.
  • Deployment on Unix - the common file system for all WebSphere Partner Gateway instances should have the same mount point.

On each of the WebSphere Partner Gateway Instance, edit the following properties:

Non_rep & msg_store locations in LG_MEDIA table

For Windows:
Make sure that the non_rep and msg_store locations are stored with the drive letter. In all the WebSphere Partner Gateway instances non_rep and msg_store folders are created in the same drive letter.

For example, in Windows the WebSphere Partner Gateway Instance 1 stores the non_rep and msg_store folders in D: drive, that is, D:\IBM\bcg\common\non_rep and D:\IBM\bcg\common\msg_store respectively. The same folder structure must be maintained for all the WebSphere Partner Gateway instances.

For Unix:
Make sure that the non_rep and msg_store locations are stored in the same path. In all the WebSphere Partner Gateway instances non_rep and msg_store folders are created in the same path for Unix.

For example, in Unix, if WebSphere Partner Gateway Instance 1 stores non_rep and msg_store folders in /opt/IBM/bcghub/common/non_rep and /opt/IBM/bcghub/common/msg_store respectively, then the same folder structure must be maintained for all the WPG instances.

bcg.vms_inbound_directory.main=//<host name or IP >/common/router_in
bcg.bpe_temp_directory.main=//<host name or IP >/common/data
bcg.vms_inbound_directory.synchronous=//<host name or IP >/common/sync_in
bcg.bpe_temp_directory.synchronous=//<host name or IP >/common/data<host name or IP >/common/gateways

Note: For, hostname should be from common file system, which is local to the WebSphere Partner Gateway instance.

Add the following new properties:
2nd WebSphere Partner Gateway instance common file system
bcg.vms_inbound_directory.main.1=//<host name or IP>/common/router_in
//<host name or IP>/common/data
//<host name or IP>/common/sync_in
//<host name or IP>/common/data
//<host name or IP>/common/gateways
//<host name or IP>/ common /non_rep

nth WebSphere Partner Gateway instance common file system
bcg.vms_inbound_directory.main.n=//<host name or IP>/common/router_in
//<host name or IP>/common/data
//<host name or IP>/common/sync_in
//<host name or IP>/common/data
//<host name or IP>/common/gateways
//<host name or IP>/ common /non_rep

Note: The value of n is 1, 2, 3.....n.

The following property removes the Gateway level lock so that multiple DeliveryManagers can work on the gateway folder to deliver the documents:

The following property works along with Channel Cache property. Set the value based on the average of active connections:
Add the following new properties:

Second WebSphere Partner Gateway Instance common file system<host name or IP>/common/gateways
//<host name or IP>/common/msg_store
<WPG install location>/console/lib/config/jndi1

nth WebSphere Partner Gateway Instance common file system<host name or IP>/common/gateways
//<host name or IP>/common/msg_store
<WPG install location>/console/lib/config/jndin

1. The value for n is 1,2,3 . . n
2. On the console install location, copy <WebSphere Partner Gateway Install location>/console/lib/config/jndi to <WebSphere Partner Gateway install location/console/lib/config/jndi1. Repeat the same ‘n’ times, where ‘n’ denotes the number of WebSphere Partner Gateway instances. Edit the .bindings file and change the queue manager and port numbers accordingly. For example, bcg.queue.manager1, bcg.queue.manager2 and so on.
Add the following new properties to archiver property file:

Second WebSphere Partner Gateway Instance common file system<hostname or IP>/common/gateways
//<hostname or IP>/common/data
//<hostname or IP>/common/msg_store
//<hostname or IP>/common/non_rep

nth WebSphere Partner Gateway Instance common file system<hostname or IP>/common/gateways
//<hostname or IP>/common/data
//<hostname or IP>/common/msg_store
//<hostname or IP>/common/non_rep

WebSphere Partner Gateway Tuning Recommendations

  • In the file enable the channel cache:
  • Enable the event exclusion property and add the following events:
    Event Exclude List
  • Increase the Delivery Manager Thread pool size:
    ~ ( Avg. no. of. Active Gateways )/ < no. of WebSphere Partner Gateway instances >.
    One can set the value a higher number based on database capacity:
  • Increase the maximum number of database connections in the Document Manager Datasource. Follow this formula or set the higher number based on the Database capacity:
    Maximum number of connections = ~ ( Average number of Active Gateways )/ <number of WebSphere Partner Gateway instances> + 100
  • Edit < WebSphere Partner Gateway install location>\was\profiles\bcgdocmgr\config\
    \bcgdocmgr\resouce.xml and change WebSphere Partner Gateway connection pool parameter value: maximumPoolSize="450"
  • Increase the Document Manager server heap size to 2/3 of RAM.

Oracle Database Tuning
For optimal usage, set the following parameters for Oracle on Windows 2003 server, having 8 CPUs and 4 GB RAM with minimum values:

Processes = 2000 (this depends on number of connections configured for WebSphere Partner Gateway)

db_cache_size = 600M

shared_pool_size = 250M

open_cursors = 2000

log_buffer = 2M


Place the online redo log files on a separate disk: 6 groups of 100Mb each.


Ability to configure alertable events for restrictive logging
Prior to WebSphere Partner Gateway fix pack 6, all the events generated during document processing were logged into the AlertEventQ. The alertable events were then used to generate alerts and others were ignored. To avoid this DB and MQ intensive processing, only the Alertable events are logged into the AlertEventQ. WebSphere Partner Gateway fix pack 6.0 maintains a new AlertableEvents Cache, which gets dynamically refreshed whenever a user modifies the alertable property of an event.


Console permission for the resend functionality has been extended to non-hubadmin users.

Product fix history

The following problems are fixed in this fix pack.

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Sometimes, the logs in WebSphere Partner Gateway displayed fatal error even though the messages were getting processed properly.


In the earlier version the 0A1 could not be suppressed using the console.


When a partner sends an encrypted document in AS2 and WebSphere Partner Gateway fails in the decryption stage, an MDN is sent back to the partner with the failed status. Subsequently, if the partner tries to resend the document, the WebSphere Partner Gateway should recognize the message duplicity, but instead a message stating that the channel could not be found was displayed.


In this fix pack, the JMS receiver has been enabled to spawn multiple threads.


RNIF Exception messages were not getting generated on the receiver end. Due to this, the sender would continue to send erroneous messages till timeout. This fix sends back an Exception Acknowledgement.


In case of multiple WebSphere Partner Gateway instances, a document was processed twice every time the user clicked the resend button for a document in the document viewer.


WebSphere Partner Gateway triggered exceptions when any of the Global Transport attributes were changed on the console.


When renameTo() API returned a wrong status during file rename operation, the business document was updated with incorrect VCM file path. This wrong reference resulted in "FileNotFoundExceptions".


This fix resolved the non-mapped shared drives problem, which was occurring in the archiver on windows operating system.


When the record identifier in a ROD data of type CSV is enclosed in double quotes, the ROD splitter fails with ROD Parser Exception.


This fix has rectified the SSL handshake failures that were occurring when chained certificates were used via FTPS.


Memory leaks occurred while processing certain file operations in Rosettanet document.


This fix pack has eliminated the error messages from the AR_PURGE_HEADERS stored procedure.


Whenever WebSphere Partner Gateway sent an EDI document over the Binary-Binary channel, connection lookup failed error occurred.


This fix pack has modified RNIF 1.1 3B3 PIP package as it earlier contained 3B11 PIP package definition.


Sometimes WebSphere Partner Gateway did not generate acknowledgements for RNIF requests.


This fix pack corrected the inaccuracies from console document summary totals.


Summary Engine generated errors when the unprocessed tables had old data. This fix pack has corrected the Summary Engine procedures.


During inbound PIP, the receipt acknowledgement for request showed the Document ID of the confirmation. This occurred during instances wherein the Request Ack was received after the Response Ack was generated.


Valid UNA segment was not getting created while mapping XML to EDIFACT V3.


When an EDIFACT V3 document was received and the UNA segment was not mentioned, the repeating element separator was always defaulted to space (default of version 4). Any field values which had spaces in them were considered as repeating elements. This fix pack solved the WebSphere Partner Gateway handling of EDIFACT V3 documents.


When a file was received through JMS receiver, the original file name information remained nonexistent. During such instances, when the original file name option was chosen for the FTP Scripting Gateway, ‘NULL’ was prefixed to the file name.


The bcgconsole logs showed DB2 SQL error -514 (java.sql.SQLException: DB2 SQL error: SQLCODE: -514, SQLSTATE: 26501,SQLERRMC: SQL_CURSN200C1).


When an event was configured to generate alerts was published, alerts were sent to configure e-mail addresses with NULL values for some fields.


When the inbound documents do not specify the encoding, receiver uses the default encoding to create the data files. The default encoding is UTF-8. To change this default encoding, add the property name bcg.receiver.default.encoding=<Default_Encoding>.


JMS gateways were not able to release threads after delivering the documents. As a result, other gateways were unable to deliver documents. In this fix pack these gateways have been modified to release threads back to the pool.


The error page that was getting displayed for non-hubadmin users while viewing the AS1/AS2 viewer has been rectified in this fix pack.


The WebSphere Partner Gateway was unable to parse the chunked data received as a response from the trading partner.


7B1 PIP package had incorrect enumeration, that is, "Solution Requestor" was present instead of "Solution Requester" for the element "GlobalPartnerRoleClassification".


Document End State got lost because of errors that occurred during the processing of end state events.


After installation of FP4, the response message did not have "Document Delivered" description for the event BCG250004.


The bcgconsole Admin API generated “500 internal error” instead of an XML document with the element BCGPublicAPIException.


When mapping command assignment mapped the target element, the target element contained spaces instead of NULL. This fix removes the extra spaces that replaced the empty element in the XML output.


In the earlier fixes, WebSphere Partner Gateway was unable to build the cert path if the certificate had serial number as part of the subject field.


Inbound RNIF messages having boundary element without quotes and terminating spaces were getting rejected because of parseException. These MIME messages were sent by TIBCO.


Calendar-based scheduling for an FTP Scripting receiver was incorrect for time zones other than Universal Time Coordinated (UTC).


In this fix pack, the user can edit the custom gateway.


Certain valid certificates were incorrectly marked as invalid. The certificate date handling has been corrected.


In the earlier fix packs the customized values of event delivery information attributes were overwritten with default values.


Delivery manager initialization failure due to delay in loading of cache has been rectified in this fix pack.


In this fix the procedure AR_PURGE_HEADERS has been modified to delete 1000 records at a time.


Resend functionality was allowed only for hubadmin user. In this fixpack other users are also allowed to resend, provided the hubadmin enables resend functionality.


For the WebSphere Partner Gateway installations having Oracle DB, the "Document Viewer" was not displaying any data for the search criteria of "Document status" that were set to "Inprogress" or "Failed".


Certificate unknown error that occurred during the validation of the SSL client authentication has been rectified.


When the locks for any transaction were not deleted from the lock table of a WebSphere Partner Gateway installation having DB2, the transactions remained in "In Progress" state.


The PIPs are modified in this fixpack. However, it is recommended not to upload these new set of PIP packages unless you experience issues with your existing PIP packages.

In this fix pack, the following set of PIP packages are rectified to adhere to RNIF specifications:

  • 0A1 - Notification of failure
  • 3A4 - Request Purchase Order V02.00 - 2 Way Action
  • 3A4 - Request Purchase Order V02.02 - 2 Way Action
  • 3A7 - Notify of Purchase Order Update V02.02 - 1 Way Action
  • 3A8 - Request Purchase Order Change V01.02 - 2 Way Action
  • 3A8 - Request Purchase Order Change V01.03 - 2 Way Action
  • 3B11- Notify Of Shipping Order R01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 3B12- Request Shipping Order V01.01 - 2 Way action
  • 3B13- Notify of Shipping Order Confirmation V01.01 - 1 Way Action
  • 3B2 - Notify of Advance Shipment V01.01 - 1 Way Action
  • 3B3 - Distribute Shipment Status R01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 3C3 - Notify of Invoice V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 3C6 - Notify of Remittance Advice V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 3C7 - Notify of Self-Billing Invoice V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 4A1 - Notify of Strategic Forecast V02.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 4A3 - Notify of Threshold Release Forecast V02.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 4A4 - Planning Release Forecast Notification R02.00A- 1 Way Action
  • 4A5 - Notify of Forecast Reply V02.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 4B2 - Notify of Shipment Receipt V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 4B3 - Notify of Consumption V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 4C1 - Distribute Inventory Report V02.01 - 1 Way Action
  • 4C1 - Distribute Inventory Report V02.03 - 1 Way Action

The date/time format of the following PIP packages are corrected in this fix pack:

  • 2A1 - Product Catalog Information Notification V02.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 2A12- Product Master Notification V01.03 - 1 Way Action
  • 3A1 - Quote Request V02.00 - 2 Way Action
  • 3A2 - Price And Availability Request R02.01 - 2 Way Action
  • 3A5 - Purchase Order Status Query R02.00 - 2 Way Action
  • 3A6 - Purchase Order Status Notification V02.02 - 1 Way Action
  • 3A9 - Purchase Order Cancellation Request V01.01 - 2 Way Action
  • 3B14- Shipping Order Cancellation Request V01.00 - 2 Way Action
  • 3B18- Shipping Documentation Notification V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 3C4 - Invoice Reject Notification V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 3D8 - Distribute Work In Process Notification V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 5C1 - Product List Notification V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 5C2 - Design Registration Request V01.00 - 2 Way Action
  • 5C4 - Registration Status Notification V01.02 - 1 Way Action
  • 5D1 - Ship From Stock And Debit Authorization Request V01.00 - 2 Way Action
  • 6C1 - Service Entitlement Query V01.00 - 2 Way Action
  • 7B1 - Work in Process Notification V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 7B5 - Notify of Manufactuting Work Order V01.00 - 1 Way Action
  • 7B6 - Notify of manufacturing Work Order Reply V01.00 - 1 Way Action

Known problems and workarounds

The following problems have been found in this fix pack:

1.      When a document is sent to WebSphere Partner Gateway via AS2, and if AS2 Package IDs and Content IDs differ, the document fails in WebSphere Partner Gateway. Even though the document fails, the event information is not very clear explaining the reason for document failure. The event text, "From Partner ID" should read "From Content Partner ID" and "To Partner ID" should read "To Content Partner ID".

2.      When a large number of documents are in the process state and the 'Stop Process' link from the console is clicked for any such document, the document processing may not be stopped since it is already processed and delivered. For such a document that was delivered during the time 'Stop Process' was invoked, the event 'Failed to stop the processing' might not get published on the console.

3.      The server does not do any further processing of the document once the document is in the gateway queue, if the gateway is either disabled or offline. If the 'Stop Process' link from console is clicked for any such document, the document processing will not stop until the gateway becomes online or enabled. The user can use the feature of removing the document from the gateway queue from the console itself.

4.      When an in-process document's processing is stopped using the "Stop Process" link from the console, it is required that the router must be running. Otherwise, the processing of the document will not be stopped.

Overview of schema-based PIP support in WebSphere
Partner Gateway V6.0.0.1

Refer to the technote for details of schema-based PIP support in WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0.1 or later.


Migrating certificates from WebSphere Business Integration Connect, V4.2.x to WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0:

If you are migrating from WebSphere Business Integration Connect V4.2.x to WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0, you must refer to the technote before migration.

Installation instructions

There are separate fix packs for the Advanced and Enterprise Editions. Each fix pack has two major parts, the DBLoader and the Hub. There is a separate launcher for each operating system. The WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0 fix packs are located at

Note: If you are on WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.0.0 fix pack 3 or below and if you have WebSphere Partner Gateway - EDI Wizards installed, make sure to uninstall the EDI Wizards console component before installing this fix pack. After you have installed this fix pack, please install the EDI Wizards console component again from The EDI Wizards database component does not need to be uninstalled or reinstalled. Note that you must install the EDI Wizards console component, from the latest version of the EDI Wizards, which is applicable for WebSphere Partner Gateway 6.0.0 fix pack 4 and above.

WARNING: Installation of this fix pack cannot be easily reversed. It is very important that you shut down WebSphere Partner Gateway and create a backup of the current installation before proceeding with the fix pack installation. Failure to do so may result in loss of data or prevent you from properly performing the fix pack uninstallation procedure.

1. Shut down WebSphere Partner Gateway servers in the following order:

Navigate to the ProductDir/bin directory and execute the following

On Unix :

  1. bcgconsole
  2. bcgreceiver
  3. bcgdocmgr

On Windows :

  1. bcgStopServer.bat bcgconsole
  2. bcgStopServer.bat bcgreceiver
  3. bcgStopServer.bat bcgdocmgr

2. Back up the database before running the installer. Use the appropriate database utility to perform this step. For example, DB2 and Oracle provide an export utility. Consult your database server documentation for instructions. Do not continue with the fix pack installation without first backing up your database.

3. Run the DBLoader setup launcher for your operating system.

Note: If you receive warnings stating that certain directories will be overwritten, for example: _jvm, press yes to continue with the fix pack installation.

4. EDI protocols must be migrated for WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0.1. The DBLoader install wizard installs cf_edi_protocoltypeu.bat, and cf_edi_protocoltypeu.sql files into <WPG INSTALL DIR>/bcgdbloader/scripts/<DB2/Oracle> directory. You will have to execute the script once for each EDI protocol you have created. Note that EDI protocols are created by importing them via the Data Interchange Services Client (DIS Client) or bcgDISImport scripts.

On DB2

  1. For Windows platform: Open DB2 command prompt and execute cf_edi_protocoltypeu.bat file. The DB2 command prompt on Windows can be launched by the "db2cmd" command. The following example assumes that database name is bcgapps, database username is db2admin, password is pa55word and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.

cf_edi_protocoltypeu bcgapps db2admin pa55word EDI_Protocol

  1. For UNIX platform: Open console and execute file. The following example assumes that user name is bcgapps, database username is db2inst1, password is pa55word and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.

su - db2inst1 bcgapps db2inst1 pa55word "EDI_Protocol"

On Oracle

  1. a. For Windows platform: Open command prompt and execute cf_edi_protocoltypeu.bat file. The following example assumes that user name is bcgapps, password is bcgapps, SID is victoria and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.

cf_edi_protocoltypeu bcgapps bcgapps victoria EDI_Protocol

  1. For UNIX platform: Open console and execute file. The following example assumes that user name is bcgapps, password is bcgapps, SID is victoria and EDI protocol name is EDI_Protocol.

su - oracle bcgapps bcgapps victoria "EDI_Protocol"

Note: There are no specific database migration scripts from WebSphere Business Integration Connect V4.2.2.5 and above to WebSphere Partner Gateway V6.0.0. The user should follow the procedure to migrate from V4.2.2 to V6.0.0 (that is, run the <6.0.0 install>/bcgdbloader/scripts/.../BCGUpgrade_422FP4_600.sql script) and then apply V6.0.0 fix packs.

Note: If you choose not to have the DBLoader run the SQL files automatically, you can run them manually at the completion of the DBLoader. To do this:

On DB2

Run the following commands

a.       UNIX: su - db2inst1

WINDOWS: Start the DB2CLP and make sure you are logged in as the user that owns the DB2 database.

b.      db2start (if the database is not started)

c.       db2 connect to bcgapps

d.      cd <WPG INSTALL DIR>/bcgdbloader/scripts/DB2

e.       Run the applicable scripts from below. Determine the level you are starting from, that is, from V6.0.0.0, run all six scripts, from V6.0.0.1, only the last five, from V6.0.0.2, only the last four, from V6.0.0.3, only the last three, from V6.0.0.4, only the last two and from V6.0.0.5, only the last one.

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP4_600FP5.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP4_600FP5.log

db2 -td! -f BCGUpgrade_600FP5_600FP6.sql -z /tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP5_600FP6.log

Note: The BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.sql script mentioned in bullet-e above had a migration related issue, which was corrected in V6.0.0.3 onwards.

On Oracle

Run the following commands

  1. UNIX: su - oracle

WINDOWS: Make sure you are logged in as the owner of the Oracle database.

b.      Run the applicable scripts from below. Determine the level you are starting from, that is, from V6.0.0.0, run all six scripts, from V6.0.0.1, only the last five, from V6.0.0.2, only the last four, from V6.0.0.3, only the last three, from V6.0.0.4, only the last two and from V6.0.0.5, only the last one.

cd <WPG INSTALL DIR>/bcgdbloader/scripts/Oracle

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600_600FP1.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP1_600FP2.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP2_600FP3.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP3_600FP4.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP4_600FP5.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP4_600FP5.log

sqlplus -L bcgapps/<password> @BCGUpgrade_600FP5_600FP6.sql >/tmp/bcgdbloader/logs/BCGUpgrade_600FP5_600FP6.log

5. Run the hub setup launcher for your operating system.

6. Start the console, receiver and router. Consult the WebSphere Partner Gateway Installation guide.

Uninstalling the fix pack

To uninstall the fix pack, WebSphere Partner Gateway must be restored to its original state (prior to the fix pack installation). Restore the system to its original state using the database backup that was created before the fix pack was installed. Failure to do so may result in lost data or prevent you from properly performing the following fix pack uninstallation procedure. Any changes to configuration files must be manually saved and restored.

Note: It is recommended to uninstall the hub before uninstalling the DBLoader.

1. Uninstall hub version

a.       Shut down WebSphere Partner Gateway servers in the following order:

Navigate to the ProductDir/bin directory and execute the following

On Unix :

                                 i.   bcgconsole

                               ii.   bcgreceiver

                              iii.   bcgdocmgr

                             iv.   (If using the Help Server)

On Windows :

                               v.            bcgStopServer.bat bcgconsole

                             vi.            bcgStopServer.bat bcgreceiver

                            vii.            bcgStopServer.bat bcgdocmgr

                          viii.            bcgStopHelp.bat (If using the Help Server)

b.     Save any hub configuration that may have been done by manually copying the bcghub/console/lib/config and /was/profiles/bcgconsole/config directories to a safe location. The hub configuration settings that are not stored in the database are located in the following directories:




c.       Save the ProductDir/common tree to the backup location.

d.      Uninstall the version hub, removing all components.

e.       Delete all remaining files and remove the following directories:

Note: Do not delete the ProductDir/DBLoader and ProductDir/common directories.


2. Revert the bcgapps database and DBLoader back to the previously installed version. This will restore the database and customer data.

a.       Run the DBLoader Uninstall. Do not drop the database.

b.      Restore the bcgapps database using the backup created before the fix pack was installed.

c.       Run the DBLoader for V6.0.0.0. Do not run SQL. If reverting to V6.0.0.5, the DBLoader for V6.0.0.5 must also be run.

3. Re-install Hub

  1. Install hub version to the same location ProductDir. If reverting to V6.0.0.5, the Hub install for V6.0.0.5 must also be run.

Note: Be sure to specify the same installation information that was used during the previous installation.

b.      Start WebSphere Partner Gateway servers in the following order:

Navigate to the ProductDir/bin directory and execute the following

On Unix :

                                 i.   bcgconsole

                               ii.   bcgreceiver

                             iii.   bcgdocmgr

                             iv.   (If using the Help Server)

On Windows :

                               v.            bcgStartServer.bat bcgconsole

                             vi.            bcgStartServer.bat bcgreceiver

                            vii.            bcgStartServer.bat bcgdocmgr

                          viii.            bcgStartHelp.bat (If using the Help Server)

c.       Restore the previous configuration by copying and replacing the following directories:


  1. Restore the ProductDir/common tree using the backup copy if it was deleted from this computer.

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