This efix is a cumulative efix for release V3.02.2 include the following APARs/Defects: APAR: PQ42671,PQ42967, PQ44910/PQ44783 CMVC defect:PQ42671,PQ42967, PQ44910/PQ44783 Description: PQ42671--Changed WLM fatal errors to be warnings. PQ42967--Mark connection bad at server vs. proxy level. PQ44910/PQ44783--Performance: Change ConfigInfoManager class to use Hashtable instead of cache. How to apply: - create a directory to store the jar file (e.g. c:\WebSphere\AppServer\efix) - copy pq44910.jar to the directory - add the directory/jar file to the begining of the client's classpath: classpath=C:/WebSphere/AppServer/efix/pq44910.jar... - add the directory /jar file to the server's classpath by modify admin.config file: Follow instructions in wlm.doc for further instructions for PQ42967 APAR. NOTE: Do not need to restart the admin server, however this efix will not fully take effect until next admin server restarted.