IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit Feature Pack for Web Services - readme

for WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, version 6.1.1

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2000, 2006. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

1.0 About this release
2.0 Product fix history
   2.1 Eclipse
   2.2 Server Tools
   2.3 Documentation
3.0 Installation information
   3.1 Installation instructions
   3.2 Hardware requirements
   3.3 Software requirements
   3.4 Software corequisites
4.0 Customer support
5.0 IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit License

1.0 About this release

This fix pack contains fixes to the version 6.1.1 release.

2.0 Product fix history

2.1 Eclipse

2.2 Server Tools

2.3 Documentation

3.0 Installation information

3.1 Installation instructions

  1. If you have an instance of the WebSphere Application Server Toolkit running, please shut it down while the update is being installed.
  2. Start Rational Product Updater:
    • On Windows operating systems, click Start > Programs > IBM WebSphere > Application Server Toolkit v6.1 > Rational Product Updater.
    • On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 (GNOME desktop environment), open the main menu and click Programming > Rational Product Updater v6.0.1.
    • On SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (K Desktop Environment), open the main menu and click IBM Rational > Rational Product Updater v6.0.1.

    Note: On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 and SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0, if you use a desktop environment other than the default, the product shortcuts might not appear in the default location.

    Note: The IBM Rational Product Updater requires luanching as a root user.

  3. Click Find Updates.

    If Rational Product Updater requires an update, you are prompted to install it before you can continue. Click OK. Rational Product Updater installs the update, restarts, and retrieves a list of available updates.

  4. By default, all available updates are selected. Ensure that you select WebSphere Application Server Toolkit Fix Pack 1.
  5. Click Install Updates.
  6. In the License Agreement window, read the license agreement and, if you accept the terms and conditions, click I accept the terms in the license agreement; then click OK.

    Depending on the speed of your computer processor, the amount of RAM, and the speed of your Internet connection, the update might take an extended period of time to download and install.

    After the installation is complete, Rational Product Updater lists the installed updates on the Installed Products page.

  7. Close Rational Product Updater.

3.2 Hardware requirements

For hardware requirements for this interim fix, refer to the WebSphere Application Server Toolkit Hardware Requirements in the readme packaged with 6.1.1.

3.3 Software requirements

This interim fix can be installed on top of WebSphere Application Server Toolkit, version 6.1.1.

4.0 Customer support

5.0 IBM WebSphere Application Server Toolkit License

Use of this feature is subject to the same terms and conditions which govern the use of the Product which included this feature.