Getting Started with the IBM Client for Java Message Service on Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition with IBM WebSphere Application Server

This guide provides information to help you get started with installing, configuring and using the IBM® Client for the Java™ Message Service (JMS) on the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) with IBM WebSphere® Application Server. The guide consists of the following sections:




The IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server is an embeddable technology that provides JMS v1.1 connections to a WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0.2 or above default messaging provider messaging engine. The connection to the messaging engine can be either TCP or SSL. HTTP connectivity is not supported.


The client supports the following Java Runtime Environments (JREs):


  • IBM JRE 1.4.2 and 1.5.0
  • Sun JRE 1.4.2 and 1.5.0
  • Lotus Expeditor v6.1 Device Runtime Environment J2SE 5.0. jclDesktop and jclDevice profiles are not supported.

Selecting the licence

Two versions of the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server are available. The runtime code is identical in both versions; the versions differ only in the license under which the code is made available.


To use the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server only within your enterprise select the “JMS Client” download file sibc_install-<build>.jar which is available under an IBM International Program License Agreement (IPLA). This version of the Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server is warranted and supported by IBM.


To redistribute the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server outside your enterprise select the “JMS Client (OEM)” download file sibc_oeminst-<build>.jar which is available under an IBM International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs (ILAN). This version of the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server is not supported by IBM. 

Redistributing the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server

Before redistributing the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server outside of your enterprise you must obtain a Distribution License from IBM. To receive a Distribution License from IBM you should:


  1. Accept the ILAN license
  2. Agree to and sign a printed copy of the Distribution License Agreement which is available in the docs directory as IBM_JMS_DLA.pdf
  3. Send an e-mail to indicating your wish to receive a Distribution License from IBM for the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server. IBM will reply stating where the signed printed copy of the Distribution License Agreement should be posted to.
  4. Once IBM has received the signed printed Distribution License Agreement an acknowledgment granting a Distribution License will be e-mailed to the e-mail address used in (3) above. Only when the acknowledgment is received can you redistribute the IBM Client for JMS on J2SE with IBM WebSphere Application Server.

Installing the client

The download installation file supports multiple install options. To perform an install of the client enter:


java –jar <installation file>.jar [flags] [positional arguments]



      -text             install using a command-line interface

      -silent           install using silent license acceptance

      -xpd              install Lotus Expeditor v6.1 Device Runtime Environment J2SE 5.0 ready executables

positional arguments

      install option    one of: jms, jms_jndi_ibm, jms_jndi­_sun, nls (see below)

      install directory directory to install into


The following install options are available:


jms - JMS only

Choose this option if you require JMS v1.1 function only. All connection factories must be programmatically created, since no Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) function is available. This option has the smallest installed footprint.


jms_jndi_ibm - JMS + JNDI for IBM JREs

Choose this option if you require JMS v1.1 with basic JNDI function to run under an IBM JRE.


jms_jndi_sun - JMS + JNDI for Sun JREs

Choose this option if you require JMS v1.1 with basic JNDI function to run under a Sun JRE.


nls - optional National Language Support (NLS) files

Choose this option if you require support for languages other than English.


For example, to install JMS + JNDI for IBM JREs into c:\jms use:


            java –jar sibc_install-<build>.jar jms_jndi_ibm c:\jms


The installed directories and their contents are:



Run scripts including the custom.bat and files that you use to configure the client on either Windows or Unix platforms.


The documentation for the client.


The default WebSphere Application Server client key and trust files required for SSL.


The client JAR files.


License files


The trace settings properties file.


UNIX users may need to set execute permission on the ../bin shell scripts.



With the exception of support for WebSphere Application Server v5.1 the following conditions apply:


  1. The client should not be run alongside or in conjunction with any other WebSphere Application Server classes as unpredictable behavior may result.


  1. The client should not be run with the IBM JRE shipped in the WebSphere Application Server or Application Client for WebSphere Application Server products. A JMS client compatible with the IBM JRE shipped in WebSphere Application Server and Application Client for WebSphere Application Server products is already included in both these products.


The client is supported in WebSphere Application Server v5.1 provided:


  1. All enterprise applications using the client package the client jar files inside the EAR file
  2. All EJB jar files within the enterprise application EAR file must include the client jar files in the classpath statement in their file, e.g. Class-Path: sibc.jms.jar sibc.jndi.jar
  3. All enterprise applications using the client must be deployed with Classloader Mode=PARENT_LAST

National language support

Optional national language support files are provided. Any combination of these language files can be copied into the …/lib directory. The following national language support files are available:



Country or region


















South Korea


Brazilian Portuguese



Simplified Chinese



Traditional Chinese



Configuring after installation

To configure the client to work with a simple JMS application:


  1. Copy either ..\bin\custom.bat or ../bin/ to a location of your choice.
  2. Edit this file to set suitable values for the following three variables:


      JRE_HOME=<location of JRE>

      JMS_PCLIENT=<location of JMS Client>

      CLASSPATH=<required application CLASSPATH>


For example, if the downloaded zip file was unzipped into c:\JmsClient then set JMS_PCLIENT=c:\JmsClient


The JAR files for the client contained in the ../lib directory may be embedded into a larger Java application provided system properties required by the client are configured to the Java Virtual Machine. The batch and shell script files in the ../bin directory show what system properties are required.

Creating JMS connection factories programmatically

Suitable JMS connection factories may be obtained programmatically without using JNDI, for example:




JmsConnectionFactory jmsCF = JmsFactoryFactory.getInstance().createQueueConnectionFactory();




A suitable reference to a JMS queue or topic may be obtained programmatically, for example:


JmsQueue jmsQ = JmsFactoryFactory.getInstance().createQueue("myQueue");


For further information see the JmsFactoryFactory class Javadoc available with WebSphere Application Server.


Compiling JMS code

To compile JMS code, include the following jar files in the CLASSPATH setting for the javac command:




Running JMS code

To run JMS code, use your customized custom.bat or file, for example:


custom HelloJMSWorld

Running JMS code in an OSGi environment

When using the JMS code in an OSGi environment the application bundle should import the package:




if using programmatically created connection factories then the following package should also be imported by the application bundle:


Alternatively, if using JNDI lookups then the following package should also be imported by the application bundle:


When performing JNDI lookups in an OSGi environment using an IBM JRE in which no boot delegation to the boot classpath class loader is performed eg Dosgi.compatibility.bootdelegation=false, it is necessary that the following JVM system property be specified:,<all packages exported by system.bundle>


A list of all packages exported by system.bundle can be obtained from the Execution Environment Profile being used. If the Execution Environment is J2SE-1.4 then the list of all packages exported by system.bundle can be obtained from the property org.osgi.framework.system.packages in the Execution Environment Profile file named J2SE-1.4.profile contained in the bundle org.eclipse.osgi_<version>.jar

Using JNDI

A JNDI provider is supplied with the client. The JNDI provider is capable of discovering and performing unauthenticated and insecure lookups of service integration bus resources in a WebSphere Application Server using “jndi” name syntax. There is no SSL support for JNDI operations.


The client provides two JNDI enabled options that allow you to use JNDI to look up service integration bus resources in a WebSphere Application Server instead of creating connection factories programmatically. You must install one of these two options, as described in Installing the client, if you want to perform JNDI lookups.


To create a suitable Initial Context, create the following code, substituting the server IP address and port as appropriate:


import javax.naming.*;


Hashtable env = new Hashtable();

env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"iiop://<server IP address>:<server bootstrap address port>");



InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext(env);


The property “java.naming.corba.orb” specifies the Object Request Broker (ORB) instance that the WebSphere Application Server JNDI provider should use to contact the server. This property is not required by JREs which include the IBM ORB because the WebSphere Application Server JNDI provider will locate an IBM ORB instance automatically. This property is required by all  JREs which do not include the IBM ORB.


If it is not possible to programmatically create an ORB instance as required by the “java.naming.corba.orbproperty then an alternative is to specify the property:




Using SSL                                                                  

The client uses the standard Java Secure Socket Extension (JSSE) provided by all supported JREs to make SSL connections. JSSE documentation can be found at: A JRE configured to use SSL connections to connect to WebSphere Application Server would typically require System Properties to be configured for the client JRE as shown in the following example:\etc\DummyClientKeyFile.jks                   \etc\DummyClientTrustFile.jks


The client is supplied with the WebSphere Application Server default client key file and default client trust file in the .../etc directory. The supplied custom.bat and files have been pre-configured to use the default client key and trust files. Before you deploy the client in a production environment, you must:


1.      Replace the supplied default client key and trust files with your own key files.

2.      Change the SSL_CONFIG settings in the custom.bat and files to specify your own key files and passwords.


Enabling trace and FFDC

Trace may be enabled in two ways:


  1. By means of a system property and a trace properties file
  2. By means of system properties only


To enable trace using a system property and a trace properties file, set the variable WAS_TRACE in custom.bat or to the name of a trace properties file, which should be located in the CLASSPATH, for example:


This is an example trace properties file:



   # A property to specify where the output messages and trace (if enabled)

   # should be routed. Valid values include stdout or a fully qualified

   # file name. If a file is specified but cannot be opened, stdout is used.


   # Sample invocations

   # To specify stdout - traceFileName=stdout

   # To specify a file on NT - traceFileName=c:\\MyTraceFile.log or

   #                           traceFileName=c:/MyTraceFile.log

   # To specify a file on Unix - traceFileName=/usr/MyTraceFile.log





   # Specify trace strings here. Trace strings take the form of:

   # logger={level}={type} where:

   #     level = entryexit || debug || event || all

   #     type =  enabled || disabled

   # examples:

   # enables all tracing for the

   #         single logger created in class

   #*=debug=enabled enables debug tracing for all loggers with

   #         names starting with


   # Multiple trace strings can be specified, one per line.




To enable trace using system properties only configure the system properties:      (trace specification)   for example         (name of trace file)    for example\trace.log


To enable First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) logging, set the variable WAS_FFDC in custom.bat or with the name of the FFDC log file, for example:





New messages in the client are:


CWSJX0001E: An inconsistency in installed component build levels was detected. The installed build level of component {0} which is {1} is different to the build level of component {2} which is {3}.

Explanation: The installed build level of all client components must be the same.

User response: Install a new version of the client which contains the required components.


CWSJX0002E: The client component {0} has been installed but this is not compatible with a Java Runtime Environment from {1}.

Explanation: Not all client components are compatible with all vendor Java Runtime Environments, some vendors provide additional function in the Java Runtime Environment which is not compatible with some client components.

User Response: Install a different version of the client which does not contain the component causing the problem or use a different vendor Java Runtime Environment.


CWSJX0003E: The client found other WebSphere resources which are not compatible with the client.

Explanation: The client must not be run inside a WebSphere Application Server or WebSphere Application Client environment.

User Response: Run the client outside of a WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Client environment.


CWSJX0004E: The installed client component {0} requires that the client component {1} be installed when used with a Java Runtime Environment from {2}.

Explanation: Some client components require that other client components also be installed when run with some vendor Java Runtime Environments.

User Response: Install a new version of the client which contains the required components.


CWSJX0005E: The current Java Runtime Environment is version {0}, the required Java Runtime Environment is {1} or higher.

Explanation: The Java Runtime Environment is not a supported version.

User response: Install a supported Java Runtime Environment.


For all other messages see the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.


Known issues

  1. Warning: One of the license agreement files is not properly created.

This message will appear during installation when a Sun JRE which does not have the “Additional languages” feature installed is used. The message does not prevent correct operation of the client.





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