IBM WebSphere Business Modeler Basic Version 6.1.1
Interim Fix 2 Readme


© Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2008. All rights reserved. 

This is an interim fix for IBM® WebSphere Business Modeler® Basic Version 6.1.1.

Installing the interim fix
Fixes included in this interim fix

Installing the interim fix

There are two ways to install WebSphere Business Modeler interim fixes. Using one method, you download the required files to a local repository, and then use the IBM Installation Manager Update Packages wizard to install the files from the repository. Using the other method, you use the IBM Installation Manager Update Packages wizard to automatically download and install the required files from an IBM download site.

To install the interim fix from a local repository, complete the following steps:

1.      Download the 6.1.1-WB-ModelerBas-MultiOS-IF0000002.zip file.

2.      Double-click the downloaded 6.1.1-WB-ModelerBas-MultiOS-IF0000002.zip file, and extract the files into a temporary directory. 

3.      Open Installation Manager from your Start menu by selecting IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.

4.      From the Installation Manager start page, go to File > Preferences.

5.      Click Repositories.

6.      Click Add Repository… on the Repositories page.

7.      Using the browse button, locate the directory where you have downloaded and unzipped the files for the interim fix.

8.      Select repository.config, and click Open.

9.      Click OK to close the Add Repository window.

10.  Follow the instructions below to apply the interim fix to your WebSphere Business Modeler package.

To update your WebSphere Business Modeler package with the new interim fix, complete the following steps:

1.      Open Installation Manager from your Start menu by selecting IBM Installation Manager > IBM Installation Manager.

2.      From the Installation Manager start page, click Update Packages to start the Update Packages wizard.

3.      Select the WebSphere Business Modeler package and click Next. Installation Manager searches for updates in its repositories and the predefined update sites for WebSphere Business Modeler. If you do not have the files for the interim fix in a local repository, Installation Manager will download the required files.

4.      On the Updates page, select the “Version” update and click Next.

5.      On the License page, the list of licenses for the updates you selected is displayed; click each item to display the license agreement text.

6.      If you agree to the terms of the license agreements, click I accept the terms of the license agreements.

7.      Click Next to continue.

8.      On the Summary page, click Update to install the update. The interim fix is now installed.

9.      Click Finish to close the Update Packages wizard.

Note: Before using WebSphere Business Modeler in a language other than English, you must first install the language you want to use. The interim fixes for WebSphere Business Modeler 6.1 include the national language support files that are required for installing additional languages. 


If you are using WebSphere Business Modeler 6.1 without any interim fixes installed, you will need to install an interim fix before you can install additional languages. After installing the fix, run the Modify Packages wizard from the IBM Installation Manager start page and select the languages to install.

If you are already using WebSphere Business Modeler 6.1.1, you can run the Modify Packages wizard to install additional languages either before or after applying any fixes.


Fixes included in this interim fix

This is a cumulative interim fix for WebSphere Business Modeler Basic Version 6.1.1.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 2

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number

Related APAR Identifier




JR28422, JR28641

Resolves a problem with auto-layout which adds extraneous white space between elements.



Resolves a problem where data can not be associated with the output branch of a decision when the other branch is a split connection.



Corrects a problem that occurs in basic modeling mode where a process cannot be saved after updating a connection.



Corrects a problem with table truncation when exporting to Microsoft Word (.docx) format.



Allows users to modify the order of inputs and outputs for business rule and human tasks from the context menu.




Corrects a problem with the display of connections between diagram elements.




Resolves a product failure that occurs after associating a task with a global repository that has previously been associated with a local repository.



Corrects a problem with importing a WebSphere Business Modeler project in which a human task escalation has been deleted.



Allows the publishing of processes that have the proportional resizing attribute selected in the diagram printing setup preferences.

Fixes included in Interim Fix 1

This interim fix includes the following fixes. The PMR number and APAR identifier associated with each fix are included.

PMR Number

Related APAR Identifier




Fixes an issue that arises when switching to swimlane view and applying autolayout.



Corrects a problem with checking out a project or element from a Rational ClearCase repository.



Enables versioning of queries in CVS and Rational ClearCase repositories.



Introduces an informative error message that is returned when a versioning repository server error has occurred due to access control restrictions.



Removes extraneous white space that is displayed after applying auto-layout in swimlane layout.



Corrects text display issues that arise in diagrams that are exported from WebSphere Business Modeler



Ensures that label display preferences settings persist after other default preferences are modified.

This interim fix includes the following fixes, all of which are associated with APAR JR28638: