IBM WebSphere Telecom Web Services Server Component, Version Interim Fix 5 Readme

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About this fix pack

This interim fix is a cumulative fix which includes the previous fix pack contents for the IBM® WebSphere® Telecom Web Services Server (TWSS), Version This interim fix is recommended for all customers with a TWSS 6.1.1 installation.

This fix pack is installed using the WebSphere Update Installer as well as some manual updates.

Fix and update history

This interim fix includes the following APARs and fixes. See the previous fix pack readme for details of the problems fixed in that fix pack. For fixes related to Parlay or SMPP Services, look for the latest iFix or fix pack covering that content.

Software compatibility


Installation requirements

Hardware requirements

Hardware requirements for TWSS are included in the information center and have not changed since version 6.1.1. Refer to the following information for details:

Software requirements

Software requirements for TWSS are included in the information center. Refer to the following information for details:

In addition to the prerequisites listed in the information center, the following maintenance fixes are required:

WebSphere Application Server Version must be applied to the base WebSphere Application Server for the Service Implementations. The fix pack can be retrieved from the following link:

Additionally, the WebSphere Application Server iFix PK31203 is also required, and provides a fix to the SIP Proxy. The fix is located at

The WebSphere Application Server iFix PK35193 is also required, and provides a fix to a memory leak. The fix is located at

Installation instructions

Before you begin, ensure that the following service has been applied to the application server where the Service Implementations are installed:

To apply the fix pack, complete the following steps:

  1. Verify that WebSphere Application Server version is, and that the appropriate iFix or iFixes have been applied.
  2. If you have an earlier TWSS fix pack that was installed using the Update Installer, uninstall it. The TWSS Update Installer fix packs are cumulative.
  3. If you need a fix to a Parlay- or SMPP-based service, look for the latest iFix or fix pack that covers that content.
  4. Download the TWSS Update Installer package 6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-SP-IF000005.pak into the WAS_HOME/updateInstaller/maintenance directory.
  5. Download the TWSS Update Installer package 6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-IMSServices-IF000005.pak into the WAS_HOME/updateInstaller/maintenance directory.
  6. Download the TWSS Update Installer package 6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-AG-IF000005.pak into the WAS_HOME/updateInstaller/maintenance directory.
  7. Start the Update Installer as described in the WebSphere documentation, and select the TWSS fix pack(s) to be installed.
    6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-SP-IF000005.pak contains updates to the Service Platform and must be installed first.
    6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-AG-IF000005.pak contains updates to the Access Gateway and must be installed on a separate cluster from the Service Platform.
    6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-IMSServices-IF000005.pak contains updates to the IMS Services.

    Install 6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-SP-IF000005.pak first, followed by 6.1.1-WS-WAS-TWSS-IMSServices-IF000005.pak.

    The Update Installer updates the WAS_HOME/installableApps/TWSS-Base and WAS_HOME/installableApps/TWSS-IMS directory contents, but does not deploy the updates onto the application server.

  8. Update the component EARs that are deployed on the application server:
    1. Start the WebSphere Application Server where the component is installed.
    2. Open the Integrated Solutions Console and log in.
    3. Click Applications > Enterprise Applications and select the appropriate Application EAR.
    4. Click Uninstall.
    5. Follow the instructions in the information center to install the new EARs included in the fix pack. Refer to the following instructions:


Uninstall instructions

The TWSS product InstallShield installers provide an uninstaller. However, the uninstaller does not uninstall Update Installer .pak files. To uninstall TWSS components, uninstall any Update Installer packages first. Then use the product InstallShield uninstallers.

Updates, limitations, and known problems

Updates, limitations, and known problems about Telecom Web Services Server are documented in technotes on the IBM Software Support Web site:

As limitations and problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Software Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems that you experience. The following link launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base. To create your own query, go to the Advanced search page.

All technotes for Telecom Web Services Server Version

WebSphere HTTP Proxy does not route Web Service Requests

The WebSphere Proxy Server does not route Web service requests in a cluster. An HTTP 500 internal error may result, along with a NullPointerException. There are two possible workarounds for this problem:


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