IBM WebSphere Voice Toolkit
Installation Readme

November 2005

(C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2001, 2005. All Rights Reserved. Note to U.S. Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the general information under Notices in this document.

IBM(R) WebSphere(R) Voice Toolkit is the new name of the previously released software entitled Voice Toolkit for WebSphere Studio. Also, for users familiar with Voice Toolkit for WebSphere Studio software and documentation, the term call flow is now referred to as communication flow.


This document contains the following topics about installing the IBM WebSphere Voice Toolkit.



This readme provides information on installing the IBM WebSphere Voice Toolkit, which includes the following features:

Getting help

Readme files are located in the <IBM_Rational_dir>\VoiceToolkit\Readme directory, where <IBM_Rational_dir> is the full path to the IBM Rational Software Development Platform. By default, this path is as follows: Program Files\IBM\Rational\Software Development Platform\6.0\VoiceToolkit\Readme

For additional information about the samples included with the toolkit, see the sample readme files that are located in each of the sample directories in <IBM_Rational_dir>\VoiceToolkit\Samples.

For information on using the WebSphere Voice Toolkit, refer to the online Help. To view Help after starting the IBM Rational Software Development Platform, click Help > Help Contents. When the Help window appears, select Developing Voice applications from the Contents pane.

Hardware requirements

Software requirements


This section contains the following topics:
