WebSphere Product Center, Version 5.3.2 Test Fix 6 (TF006)



























             Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” at the end of this document.









































26 February 2008

This edition of this document applies to WebSphere Product Version, Version 5.3.2 Test Fix 6, and to all subsequent releases and modifications until otherwise indicated in new editions.

© Copyright International Business Machines Corporations 2008. All rights reserved. Licensed Materials-Property of IBM. US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

1.   About this release

This document addresses product fixes, documentation defects, installation, and migration instructions, and other updated information for WebSphere Product Center Version 5.3.2, Test Fix 6.


Note: It is strongly recommended to apply the test fix only to a test system. Test fixes DO NOT undergo official IBM testing.

1.1   Product fixes in WPC 5.3.2-TF006

WebSphere Product Center Version 5.3.2, Test Fix 6 includes the fixes listed in the following table. The synopsis of each defect includes the abstract, a problem description, and customer workarounds if applicable.









Abstract: The buttons needed to work with multi-occurring attributes are not aligned in a row and are spread over several lines. This makes the item edit screen appear less user-friendly.

Problem: The buttons were placed in several lines due to which less attributes fit in a screen.

Solution: A code fix is provided to align the buttons in a horizontal line.

Customer impact: N/A




Abstract: Implement temp common.properties switch to disable fix for JR27548 in order to allow customer to adopt scripts to new behavior

Problem: The fix for APAR JR27548 fixed a bug in the behavior of the saveCtgItem script operation, namely, when applied to items in collaboration areas, the inconsistency of its behavior, compared to a Save click “in the GUI”, i.e. a Save click in the DataEntry screens on a workflow step in an item workflow.

Solution: A new boolean property is added to common.properties, called:




with default value “false”.  If it is set to true, then the entire fix is disabled, thereby restoring the old behavior


Customer impact: None, unless the customer chooses to use the new property in common.properties




Abstract: Deleting subspec nodes does not work from updates done via import
Problem: All update imports of subspecs where nodes have been deleted would fail.
Solution: WPC now correctly handles deleting subspec nodes via import.
Customer impact: None



2.   Issues and limitations

This maintenance release contains the following known issues.


Tracking Number



To get rid of the error the parameter max_spec_timeout has to be set to a lower value. There will be a performance impact. Currently we depend on the polling mechanism and time-out for synching the specs cache across jvm. This will be enhanced to the notification mechanism in future releases.


The following incorrect handlings of strings containing special character strings (such as ") are permanent limitations:


If a selection called " is created, it will be displayed in the Selections Console as ".


If an import is assigned to an Access Control Group (ACG) called ", then the ACG name will be displayed in the Import Console as " in the case where the user has access to modify the ACG.


If a collaboration area called " is created, it will be displayed in the Collaboration Area console as ".


If an attribute collection called " is created, it will be displayed in the Attribute Collections console as ".


If a lookup table is associated with a spec called ", it will be displayed in the Lookup Table console as ".


In the Catalog Console:-

            If a catalog is associated with a spec called ", it will be displayed as "

            If the primary hierarchy for a catalog is called ", it will be displayed as ".

            If a secondary hierarchy for a catalog is called ", it will be displayed as ".

            If a catalog is assigned to an Access Control Group (ACG) called ", it will be displayed as ".


In the job console, if a report called " is scheduled, it appears as Report ".

When creating a Hierarchy Mapping, if a hierarchy contains a category called ", it will be displayed as ".  Also, if the hierarchy itself is called ", it will be displayed as " in the tree.


If an item or category has a value of " for one of its attributes, this will be displayed in the Multi-Edit page as " when the cell is not selected for editing.  However, it will appear correctly if the cell is selected for editing.


On WPC implementations using WebSphere Application Server (WAS), if you open a file with a semicolon (;) in the name from the Document Store, a WAS index out of bounds error page appears instead of the document.  A workaround would be to avoid using semicolons in filenames.


If the Parent path of a category contains a category called " (including a hierarchy name), this will be displayed in the Single Edit page as ".


If the return value of a Scheduler job contains a reference to an entity called ", this will be displayed as ".




3.   Requirements

This section includes several requirements that you must have before you apply WPC Version 5.3.2, Test Fix 6.

3.1   Prerequisites

          Note: It is strongly recommended to apply the test fix only to a test system. Test fixes do not undergo official IBM testing.


WebSphere Product Center 5.3.2 or any WPC 5.3.2 Fix pack must be installed before you apply WPC Version 5.3.2 TF006.


If you are upgrading from a maintenance release between WPC Version 5.3.2 and WPC Version 5.3.2 TF 6, ensure that you applied all configuration changes (for example, common.properties updates and schema changes) as stated the Requirements section (this section) of the release notes.



3.2   Database schema modifications

Prerequisite: Make sure to create a backup copy of your database before proceeding with the steps in this section. This is needed in order to have a version of the database to revert to in case of any problems.

Depending on the version of WPC that is currently in use you may have to run one or more SQL scripts to modify the database schema. These need to be run from the command prompt of the database from which SQL can be run.


There are seven migration steps.  The following table indicates which steps need to be run when migrating from a specific version.




From WPC Version

Required schema change steps

























Versions earlier to 5.3.2



·          Step 1 should be run from the current (the version you are trying to upgrade by installing this fixpack) WPC version

·          Steps 2 to 6 should be run after stopping the server and applying 5.3.2-TF006. ($TOP pointed to 5.3.2-TF006 version).

·          Step 7 to be run after bringing the instance after installation 5.3.2-TF006 is complete 





1.       Export ACG roles.

Steps in this section are required for all migrations

1.1   Login to  the current (the version before applying this fixpack) WPC instance

1.2   From the  script sandbox, run the WPC script:


This script will create the file archives/Export.zip in the document store.

If your environment has more than one company, steps 1.1 and 1.2 above need to be performed for each of the companies after logging into each company. The exported file needs to be renamed each time so that it is not overwritten. As an example

                                                                           i.            Log in to a company (for e.g:Company1)

                                                                          ii.            Perform Step 1.2 above

                                                                         iii.            Rename the file created under archives directory to Export-Company1.zip

                                                                        iv.            Logout

                                                                         v.            Repeat the above steps for each of the company, renaming the file each time to avoid overwriting.


Stop WPC server


2.       Schema modifications made in 5.3.2 Base Version


This step is required only if you are migrating from a WPC Version earlier than 5.3.2 (for example, 5.3 or 5.3.1). If you were able to migrate without exporting and importing data, then run the Index Regeneration Capability utility to facilitate the correct operation of an additional rich search option.


The Index Regeneration Capability is provided by a shell script named indexRegenerator.sh and is located in the $TOP/bin directory. The shell script has the following usage:


For catalogs in a company:

--catalog=<<catalog name>> --company=<<company name>>


For hierarchies in a company:

--hierarchy=<<hierarchy name>> --company=<<company name>>


For items in a company:

--items=<<full path of the CSV file>> --company=<<company name>> [--encoding=<<encoding>>]




--catalog=<<catalog name>> --company=<<company name>>

--hierarchy=<<hierarchy name>> --company=<<company name>>

--items=<<full path of the CSV file>> --company=<<company name>> [--encoding=<<encoding>>]

Parameters containing spaces and special characters must be enclosed in escaped quotes (\"). Also, special characters should be escaped with the use of a back slash (\).


Both the Index Regeneration Capability and the Rich Search for Co-Occurrence of Multi-Occurrence Value facilities are described in the WPC Information Center in the Release notes under New Features at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wpc/v5r3m2/topic/com.ibm.wpc.doc/rn/rn_2.0.html.

3.       Schema modifications made in 5.3.2-FP001.

Complete the steps in this section if you are migrating from a version earlier than 5.3.2-FP001


 (a) Upgrade the schema by running the following SQL commands:


      For Oracle:



      For DB2:



The above sql adds one column each to the PPI, PST, PSD, and PDR table.


(b) For Oracle databases run the following SQL commands to upgrade the schema:




Occurrence_id columns in the ITA (tctg_ita_item_attributes) and CAB (tctg_cab_category_attributes) tables should cater for 10 decimal digits.



4.       Complete the steps in this section if you are migrating from a version earlier than 5.3.2-FP002.  Please refer to the table above to see the versions for which this step is needed in the migration.

Schema modifications made in 5.3.2-FP002

For Oracle:



For DB2:



5.       Schema modifications made in 5.3.2-FP7

Run the SQL to recreate the OAC and OBT tables

For DB2 run:



For Oracle run:



6.       Schema modifications made in 5.3.2-FP006

Steps in this section are required for all migrations

Upgrade the schema by running the following SQL commands:


For Oracle:

            alter table tutl_lck_lock drop constraint lck_0_uk;

drop index lck_0_uk;


drop index iutl_lck_0;


create UNIQUE index iutl_lck_0

  on tutl_lck_lock (







  tablespace indx



create index iutl_lck_2

  on tutl_lck_lock (




  tablespace indx



If you are using Oracle 9i, the second statement above “drop index lck_0_uk” will fail indicating the index does not exist. Please ignore the message.

All the above sqls will run successfully in Oracle 10g or later versions.


Verify that the index creation was successful by running the following SQL


select index_name, column_name, column_position from all_ind_columns where table_name= 'TUTL_LCK_LOCK' order by 1, 3;


When the index creation is successful the result will be as follows




IUTL_LCK_0       LCK_JVM_ID                   1

IUTL_LCK_0       LCK_THREAD_ID             2

IUTL_LCK_0       LCK_TYPE                      3

IUTL_LCK_0       LCK_OBJECT_ID              4

IUTL_LCK_0       LCK_OBJECT_TYPE         5

IUTL_LCK_1       LCK_TX_ID                     1

IUTL_LCK_2       LCK_OBJECT_ID              1

IUTL_LCK_2       LCK_OBJECT_TYPE         2


For DB2:


Please use the following steps


1.       Connect to DB2 using the following command


db2 connect to <dbname> user <dbuser> using <dbpassword>


You can get the <dbname>, <dbuser>  and <dbpassword> information from $TOP/etc/default/common.properties file


2.       Execute the index creation SQLs in $TOP/src/db/schema/dbscripts/db2/tutl_lck_lock_indexes.sql file using the following command


db2 –tvf $TOP/src/db/schema/dbscripts/db2/tutl_lck_lock_indexes.sql |tee alter_lck.out


3.       Verify that the index creation was successful by running the following command


db2 “select indname, colname, colseq from syscat.indexcoluse where indschema= CURRENT SCHEMA and indname like '%LCK%'order by indname, colseq”


When the index creation is successful the result will be as follows


INDNAME                   COLNAME                COLSEQ

IUTL_LCK_0               LCK_OBJECT_ID             1

IUTL_LCK_0               LCK_OBJECT_TYPE      2

IUTL_LCK_1               LCK_TX_ID                         1

LCK_0_UK                   LCK_JVM_ID                      1

LCK_0_UK                   LCK_THREAD_ID            2

LCK_0_UK                   LCK_TYPE                          3

LCK_0_UK                   LCK_OBJECT_ID             4

LCK_0_UK                   LCK_OBJECT_TYPE      5



This removes duplication of jvm_id, thread_id in indexes which are large columns, without reducing the LCK indexes.


7.        This step should only be completed after the entire fixpack installation is successful and the required schema migration steps are complete.

a.       Bring up the instance. Click on System Administrator -> Import Environment to import the Export.zip file created in the steps above.

b.       If you have multiple companies in your environment each of the files created in Step 1 Export Access Control Group (ACG) roles need to be imported

As an example

                                                                           i.            Log in to a company (for e.g:Company1)

                                                                          ii.            Import the corresponding export file Export-Company1.zip created for this company.

                                                                         iii.            Go to Collaboration Manager --> Document Store --> archives. Click on the Export.zip file and download it.

                                                                        iv.            Logout

                                                                         v.            Repeat  the above steps for each of the companies in the environment



3.3   Property file changes

Review and verify that all configuration files are updated appropriately.

Refer to the backup copy of the configuration files for the previous installation if needed.

      The configuration files that WPC uses are:

         Common.properties: During system startup, this file is used to read in all system level parameters. This file includes settings for the database layer (connection parameters), directory settings, default character sets, thread-pooling parameters, and other settings, which are documented in the file. File location: $TOP/etc/default.

         Admin_properties.xml: This file is used by the administrative utilities to configure clusters of the application. File location: $TOP/etc/default

         Init_ccd_vars.sh: The initialization file is the shell script that initializes the shell variables used by the system. File location: $TOP/setup.


3.3.1                    Changes to common.properties file

Modify the common.properties file to ensure that you can successfully use some of the features provided in this maintenance release.


1. Remove the following property from common.properties file:  max_number_items_for_realtime_search=1000


2. Modify the following property in the common.properties file by changing max_script_cache_timeout=60 to max_script_cache_timeout_in_seconds=60


3. Add the following properties and their values by copying and pasting the entire section below at the end of the WPC common.properties file:



Remove the following description for property "category_item_count_disabled”:

# This count shows up in different pages of the UI such as left navigation, basic selection, link attribute

# popup, and so on. Set to false to enable this count feature.


Add below description for the property instead:

# With this property enabled the categories would not be expandable to show child items. However search

# and rich search will still work. This count shows up in different pages of the UI such as left nav,

# basic selection, link attribute popup, and so on. Set to false to enable this count feature.


# This property decides whether the Web Services would be session enabled or not. A true

# value will enable sessions for Web Services. A Web Service needs to be saved after changing

# the value of this property.



# This property decides the session timeout period for the Web Services session. The value is in seconds.



# The following are needed for MQ version 6.They can be overridden by specifying a username and password #when calling the jmsGetQueueConnection script operation




# Key combination to trigger shortcuts.  If more than one is set to true, then all set to true will be

# needed to trigger the shortcut.  Default is CTRL-ALT, but if languages that use ALT GR for some characters, such as Polish, are in use then we advise that this #should be changed, e.g. to CTRL-SHIFT or ALT-SHIFT, since in Microsoft Windows, CTRL-ALT and ALT GR always have the same functionality (except #when used with DEL).We strongly advise against setting all of CTRL, ALT and SHIFT to false, since this would cause shortcuts to be triggered by normal #typing!  It is recommended that at least two of these be set to true.





# The width of the popup window for Lookup table entry input widget. This will be set to

# default value which is 800 pixels if the width is either too high (greater than 1680)

# or too low (less than 800). The allowed value can be any integer between 800 and 1680.



# The height of the popup window for Lookup table entry input widget. The allowed value

# can be any integer between 400 to 1050. This will be set to default value which is 400

# pixels if the height is either too high (greater than 1050) or too low (less than 400).



# Can multiple ctg files (for image/binary attributes) exist with the same name?

# If false, will store files in ctg_files within the supplier base

# If true, will store files in subdirectories within ctg_files with timestamps for names



# Spec Cache flushing

# ===================

# The standard behavior when saving a spec is to flush the entire spec cache.  For installations

# with a large number of pre-cached specs, this can cause a reduction in system performance.

# Setting the the parameter below to true will prevent the cache being flushed.



# Can users modify their own usernames via the My Profile page?  Default value is true.

# If set to false, then Administrators and users whose roles allow them to modify other users

# will be able to modify their own usernames anyway.



# Controls if the entry edit page is refreshed after an entry preview popup is closed

# true  = will refresh entry edit page when the popup is closed

# false = do not refresh entry edit page



# Controls if the catalog validation are run when the saveCtgItem script operation is invoked"

# true  = The fix for JR27548 provided in WPC 5.3.2 FP004 is suppressed.

#                (i.e. the fix for JR28521 is applied).

# false = The fix for JR27548 provided in WPC 5.3.2 FP004 is retained, i.e. preserved.

#                (i.e. the fix for JR28521 is NOT applied).




4.   Installing this fix pack

This section provides general guidelines to apply this fix pack to WebSphere Product Center. Some information might differ depending on the methods that you used for previous installations. Contact your support representative for WebSphere Product Center with any installation issues.

4.1   Preparing to install this fix pack

Before attempting to apply the latest fix pack to WebSphere Product Center, the following preparation is recommended:

4.1.1                    Stopping the WPC application on the local server

      Complete the following steps to stop the WebSphere Product Center instance:

a)       Check the scheduler to make sure that there are no critical jobs that need to be completed.

If the queue is clear, stop the scheduler manually by running the following script:        $TOP/bin/go/stop/stop_scheduler.sh

b)      Check the workflow engine to make sure there are no critical workflow events in process that need to be completed by running the following script:


If the queue is clear, shut down the workflow engine manually by running the following script:


c)       For all applications deployed on a cluster environment, the script binding the appservernames parameter can be used to abort specified application servers.


       $TOP/bin/go/abort_local.sh --appservernames= a comma-separated list of names for the Application Servers.


        For example, if the abort_local.sh script is invoked on a host called wpcserver, and the                                                                                                                          defined value of WAS_APPSERVERNAME is wpc_server, and if the following shell command is executed in WAS:


       $TOP/bin/websphere/install_war.sh --svc_name=appsvr1_WPCSERVER --appservername=wpc_server1 --conf_appsvr_port=9188


       $TOP/bin/websphere/install_war.sh --svc_name=appsvr2_WPCSERVER --appservername=wpc_server2 --conf_appsvr_port=9388


       Then, execute:

      $TOP/bin/go/abort_local.sh --appservernames=wpc_server1,wpc_server2


       It will abort an application server named wpc_server1, with rmi name appsvr1_WPCSERVER and an application server named wpc_server2, with rmi name appsvr2_WPCSERVER.

       This does not affect the admin service, event processor, queue manager, scheduler or workflow engine, which will continue to be called admin_WPCSERVER, etc.


       If appservernames is not specified, then the system will continue to abort a single application server, using the parameter ${WAS_APPSERVERNAME} specified in init_ccd_vars.sh.



      d)   Check to make sure that all processes have stopped using the 'ps' command.

                                     Stop any rogue "java" or "rmiregistry" processes that remain after shutting down

                                     the instance.  Occasionally, it might take several attempts to stop all Java processes.

                                    Continue stopping all java processes until they are all stopped.

4.1.2                    Backing up your system

                   Perform the following backup steps before applying this fix pack:

a)       Create a full backup of the current Web Sphere Product Center directories.

The fix pack will overwrite files that have changed. If any issues occur when installing this fix pack, this backup will allow you to rollback to a previous version.

b)      Perform a full backup of the database.

Recommendation: Apply the fix pack to a test system to identify any issues before applying it to a production system. 

Do not delete the previous version of WebSphere Product Center until you perform thorough testing with the new installation.

4.2   Applying the fix pack


    To apply this fix pack, you must perform the following steps:


1.       Unpack the tar file.

2.       Run the application server script.

3.       Run the analyze_schema.sh script.


                    These steps are explained in the following sections below.

4.2.1                    Unpacking the tar file

To extract and update any new installation files into the current working directory perform the following steps:

1.       Copy the WebSphere Product Center tar file to the user or temporary directory.

        For example: {HOME_OF_WPC}/tarballs

2.       Change the directory to $TOP (or the current working directory) and make sure that right permissions exist for unpacking the tar file, by running the following commands

cd $TOP

chmod –R 755 $TOP

3.       Change the directory to $TOP (or the current working directory), and unpack the tar file:

For example, with GNU tar, the following command extracts and unzips the tar file by using an absolute path:

tar zxvf $TOP/5.3.2-WS-WPC-WS6_DB2-TF006-01_update_from_5320-53.tgz


Tip: Use GNU tar to untar the WebSphere Product Center files.

4.2.2                    Running the application server script

The application server script, install_war.sh, installs WPC into the WAS server.

Prerequisite:  Ensure that the default WebSphere Application Server (server1) is installed, running, and that you can log into it. For more information about the default WebSphere Application Server, see the WebSphere Administration Guide.


Procedure: To run the application server script, from the command line run the following:


$TOP/bin/websphere/install_war.sh --appservername=#1 --svc_name=#2 --conf_appsvr_port=#3


#1. --appservername= for the App Server name (defaults to $WAS_APPSERVERNAME set in init_ccd_vars.sh)


#2. --svc_name= for the RMI Service name (defaults to appsvr_HOSTNAME), usage is --svc_name=appsvr<n>_HOSTNAME.


#3. --conf_appsvr_port= for the port on which the App Server will listen (defaults to the appsvr_port setting in common.properties)


These parameters are all optional, if not specified the previous behavior will be exhibited.



4.2.3                    Running the analyze_schema.sh script

The optimizer uses the catalog tables from a database to obtain information about the database, the amount of data in it, and other characteristics. It then uses this information to choose the best way to access the data. If current statistics are not available, the optimizer might choose an inefficient access plan based on inaccurate default statistics.

Therefore, you should use the analyze_schema.sh script to collect current statistics on tables and indexes, especially if significant update activity has occurred since the last time the analyze_schema.sh was executed. This script provides the optimizer with the most accurate information with which to determine the best access plan. On WPC databases, you should run the analyze schema at least once a week.

To run analyze schema in DB2, refer to the WPC TechNote: Analyzing schema and collecting statistics in DB2 located at:


To run analyze schema in Oracle, refer to the WPC TechNote:  Analyzing WebSphere Product Center schema and collecting statistics in Oracle located at:


Recommended: Run the analyze_schema.sh script once a week or when there is a twenty percent or more increase or change of data in the database.

4.3   Verifying the installation

4.3.1                    Starting WebSphere Product Center

To start WebSphere Product Center after you have run the script, install_war.sh, for WAS platform, run:

$TOP/bin/go/start_local.sh --redeploy=yes

This script starts all the services that you need to run WebSphere Product Center. The parameter, --redeploy=yes, ensures that all Web Services are re-deployed properly.

Note: For WebLogic, you do not need to add the --redeploy=yes parameter.

The start_local.sh shell script also supports starting multiple application servers from an individual WebSphere Product Center instance.

For all applications deployed on a cluster environment, the script binding with the appservernames parameter can be used to start specified application servers


$TOP/bin/go/start_local.sh --appservernames= a comma-separated list of names for the Application Servers.


For example, if the start_local.sh script is invoked on a host called wpcserver, whose defined value of WAS_APPSERVERNAME is wpc_server, as:

if the following shell command had been executed in WAS.


$TOP/bin/websphere/install_war.sh --svc_name=appsvr1_WPCSERVER --appservername=wpc_server1 --conf_appsvr_port=9188


$TOP/bin/websphere/install_war.sh --svc_name=appsvr2_WPCSERVER --appservername=wpc_server2 --conf_appsvr_port=9388


then execute:

$TOP/bin/go/start_local.sh --appservernames=wpc_server1,wpc_server2


It will then start an application server named wpc_server1, with rmi name appsvr1_WPCSERVER and an application server named wpc_server2, with rmi name appsvr2_WPCSERVER.  This does not affect the admin service, event processor, queue manager, scheduler or workflow engine, which will continue to be called admin_WPCSERVER, etc.


If appservernames is not specified, then the system will continue to start a single application server, using the parameter ${WAS_APPSERVERNAME} specified in init_ccd_vars.sh.




This process should take approximately 30-40 seconds, depending on the speed of the processor.

4.3.2                    Starting the WPC Services

Run the $TOP/bin/go/rmi_status.sh script and verify that the following services have started correctly.

·          admin_<machine name>

·          appsvr_<machine name>

·          appsvr<n>_<machine name>

·          eventprocessor_<machine name>

·          queuemanager_<machine name>

·          scheduler_<machine name>

·          workflow_<machine name>


4.3.3                    Verifying the installation

                                  You can verify the WPC installation by checking the installed version of WPC with one of

                               the following methods:

1. Run the get_ccd_version.sh script located in the $TOP/bin directory. For example:



2. Confirm the WPC installation through the WPC user interface. Go to Help -> About Current PageID.

Note: You should verify your WPC installation whenever you upgrade or refresh an existing installation.


4.3.4                  Complete migration

Bring up the WPC instance. Complete the instructions in Step 7 of section 4.2 Database Schema Modifications.




5.   Notices

IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in all countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service.


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The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us.


Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurement may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment.


Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements or other publicly available sources. IBM has not necessarily tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products.

This information may contain examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples may include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental.


All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only.

Programming interface information

Programming interface information, if provided, is intended to help you create application software using this program.


General-use programming interfaces allow you to write application software that obtains the services of this program's tools.


However, this information may also contain diagnosis, modification, and tuning information. Diagnosis, modification and tuning information is provided to help you debug your application software.


Warning: Do not use this diagnosis, modification, and tuning information as a programming interface because it is subject to change.

Trademarks and service marks

The following terms are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States or other countries, or both:


the IBM logo
DB2 Universal Database
Lotus Notes


Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, and the Windows logo are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.


MMX, Pentium, and ProShare are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both.


Java and all Java-based trademarks are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the United States, other countries, or both.


Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.