WebSphere Product Center, Version 5.3.2, Test Fix 14

WebSphere Product Center, Version 5.3.2, Test Fix 14 is now available. This release notes document addresses system requirements, installation, and known problems for this Test Fix.


Description of this Test Fix

WebSphere Product Center provides a highly scalable, enterprise Product Information Management (PIM) solution. WebSphere Product Center is the middleware that establishes a single, integrated, consistent view of products and services information inside and outside of an enterprise.

It is strongly recommended that you apply the test fix only to a test system. Test fixes do not undergo official IBM testing.

This Test Fix addresses the following enhancements and fixes:

Product fixes discovered by users

The following fixes were included in this Test Fix as a result of an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). You can search for and view existing APARs here: WebSphere Product Center support site. You can also review the associated PMR (if one is identified) for the fix, with the ESR Web site: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/support/probsub.html.

Product fixes and enhancements discovered internally

The following fixes were included in this Fix Pack as a result of an internal defect that was discovered by the development team. If you want to learn more about one of these fixes, you can use the internal defect number for reference when speaking to someone from IBM Support:

You can review the release notes of previous maintenance releases for WebSphere Product Center, version 5.3.2 to see what enhancements or product fixes were included previously:

Fix Release Release Date
Interim Fix 14 08/07/2009
Interim Fix 13 07/14/2009
Fix Pack 14 06/01/2009
Fix Pack 13 04/28/2009
Interim Fix 12 02/20/2009
Fix Pack 12 01/29/2009
Interim Fix 11 11/29/2008
Interim Fix 10 10/28/2008
Fix Pack 11 10/08/2008
Interim Fix 9 08/19/2008
Fix Pack 10 07/28/2008
Interim Fix 8 06/02/2008
Fix Pack 9 05/07/2008
Fix Pack 8 03/28/2008
Interim Fix 7 02/29/2008
Interim Fix 6 02/18/2008
Fix Pack 7 02/11/2008
Fix Pack 6 01/09/2008
Fix Pack 5 12/12/2007
Interim Fix 5 11/09/2007
Fix Pack 4 11/08/2007
Interim Fix 4 10/29/2007
Interim Fix 3 10/22/2007
Fix Pack 3 10/05/2007
Fix Pack 2 09/12/2007
Fix Pack 1 07/26/2007
Interim Fix 2 05/25/2007
Interim Fix 1 04/12/2007

System requirements

For information about hardware and software compatibility, see the detailed system requirements document at: http://www-01.ibm.com/software/data/masterdata/product-info/requirements/.

Installing Test Fix 14

Before you install this Test Fix, you must have installed WebSphere Product Center, version 5.3.2, or any previous fix packs for version 5.3.2. In particular, make sure that you have applied all the configuration changes as documented in the Requirements section of those release notes.

Remember: This maintenance release is a cumulative patch. You can apply this patch from any previous maintenance release level of V5.3.2.


The steps for installing this Test Fix include:

  1. Preparing to install the Test Fix
  2. Installing the Test Fix
  3. Updating the property files
  4. Modifying the database schema
  5. Verifying the installation

Step 1. Preparing to install the Test Fix

Before you install the Test Fix, make sure to complete these steps:

Attention: WebSphere Product Center, Version 5.3.2, Fix Pack 13 onwards, certain database constraints have been enforced. During the migration process, the data that violates these constraints is moved to the temporary tables and is not available to the application. Though the impact of database constraints is expected to be minimal, ensuring a full backup of the product directories and product database is critical to restore any of the removed data.

Important: Starting with Version 5.3.2, Fix Pack 14, WebSphere Product Center prevents the commit or rollback of an already active transaction by the user code implementation of certain scripts. Refer to http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wpc/v5r3m2/topic/com.ibm.wpc.doc/script/script_a1.html and review your usage of useTransaction() and startTransaction() operations from the affected scripts. Also, starting with Version 5.3.2, Fix Pack 14, an exception that is thrown from a post-save script is now rethrown to any user code calling the item save operation. If your code invokes saveCtgItem() (resulting in the invocation of a post-save script), then review and modify your code for intended handling of the exception from a post-save script.

Remember: If you are migrating from WebSphere Product Center, version 5.3.2, Fix Pack 13, Fix Pack 14, Interim Fix 13, or Interim Fix 14, you are not required to run the constraint data verification report shell script. You can skip the steps 1.1 to 1.3, and continue with the next step, Step 1.4.

  1. Download the following file:


  2. Copy the script file that you downloaded in the previous step within the $TOP/bin/migration directory.
  3. Verify if the WebSphere Product Center database requires any cleanup for conflicting data before enforcing constraints.
    1. Run the following script to produce a report of all the possible violations:
    2. Review the reported violations in the generated log file, which is available at the following location:
    3. If no violations are found then proceed with the installation.
    4. If violations are found then contact IBM Support for assistance and do not proceed with installation.

  4. Stop the WebSphere Product Center application on the local server.
    1. Check the scheduler to make sure that no critical jobs are running or need to complete. If the queue is clear, stop the scheduler manually by running the following shell script:


    2. Check the workflow engine to make sure no critical workflow events are running or need to complete by running the following shell script:


      Then, shut down the workflow engine manually by running the following shell script:


    3. For all applications deployed in a cluster environment, stop all specified application servers by running the abort_local.sh shell script, located in the $TOP/bin/go/ directory:

      abort_local.sh --appservernames=CSV_file

      CSV_file is the fully qualified directory of the comma-separated values (CSV) file. If you do not specify the --appservernames parameter, the abort_local.sh shell script will continue to abort the default application server which is specified in init_ccd_vars.sh.

      Running the abort_local.sh shell script does not affect any of the other JVM services.

    4. Make sure that all processes have stopped using the ps command. Stop any rogue Java(TM) or RMI registry processes that remain after shutting down the WebSphere Product Center instance. It might take several attempts to stop all Java processes, but continue stopping Java processes until they are all stopped.

  5. Backup your system:

    The installation will overwrite your current files with updated versions from the Test Fix. If any issue occurs when installing the Test Fix you can use this backup copy to rollback the installation.

    1. Create a full backup of all of your WebSphere Product Center directories.
    2. Backup the database using native database utilities. Example database utilities include DB2 offline backup and Oracle Recovery Manager (RMAN).

Step 2. Installing the Test Fix

To install this Test Fix, you must perform the following steps:

  1. To extract and update any new installation files into the current working directory, perform the following steps:
    1. Copy the WebSphere Product Center .tar file to the user or temporary directory.

      For example: {HOME_OF_WPC}/tarFileTemp

    2. Change the directory to $TOP (or the current working directory) then verify that the correct permissions exist for unpacking the .tar file by running the following commands:
      cd $TOP
      chmod -R 755 $TOP
    3. Change the directory to $TOP (or the current working directory), and unpack the .tar file:

      For example, when using the GNU .tar utility, the following command extracts and unzips the .tar file by using an absolute path:

      tar zxvf $TOP/5.3.2-WS-WPC-WS6_ORA-TF014-01_update_from_5320-53.tgz

      Recommendation: Use the GNU .tar utility to unpack the WebSphere Product Center files.

  2. Restriction: This step is required only if you are migrating from WPC Version earlier than 5.3.2-FP7. Run the following steps in the specified order as the WAS components must be dropped and recreated in order to apply the fix:

    1. execute $TOP/bin/websphere/create_vhost.sh
    2. execute $TOP/bin/websphere/create_appsvr.sh

  3. Run the application server script:

    The application server shell script, install_war.sh, installs WebSphere Product Center into the WebSphere(R) Application Server.

    1. Ensure that the default WebSphere Application Server (server1) is installed and running. You also need to verify that you can log into the server. For more information about the default WebSphere Application Server, see the administration information in the WebSphere Application Server information center at: http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wasinfo/v6r0/index.jsp.
    2. Run the application server shell script, install_war.sh with optional parameters, located in the $TOP/bin/websphere/ directory:

      install_war.sh --appservername=appserver_Name --svc_name=svc_Name --conf_appsvr_port=appsvr_Port

      appserver_Name is the application server name. The default application server is specified in init_ccd_vars.sh.
      svc_Name is the RMI service name. The default is appsvr_HOSTNAME.

      The RMI service name should contain a number to indicate which application server it is and a host name. For example, appsvr2_hostName is named after the second application server in the cluster.

      appsvr_Port is the port that the application server uses. The default port is the value specified for the appsvr_port parameter in the common.properties file.

  4. Run the analyze_schema.sh shell script for DB2 databases:

    This optimizer script uses the catalog tables from a database to obtain information about the database, including the amount of data within the database and other characteristics. The optimizer script then uses this information to determine how to access the data. If your database statistics are not available, the optimizer might choose an inefficient access plan based on the default statistics, which is inaccurate.

    You should use the analyze_schema.sh shell script to collect your current statistics from within the tables and indexes, especially if significant update activity has occurred since the last time you ran the analyze_schema.sh shell script.

    To run the analyze_schema.sh shell script in DB2(R), refer to the WebSphere Product Center technote: Analyzing WebSphere Product Center schema and collecting statistics in DB2 located at: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21205939

    Recommendation: Run the analyze_schema.sh shell script on your WebSphere Product Center databases at least once a week or when there has been at least a twenty percent increase or change in data on the database.

    Note: Oracle version 10g and version 11g have automatic statistics gathering job enabled by default.

  5. Optional: If you are using the Script Workbench for WebSphere Product Center, when you install this Test Fix, the Workbench communication .jsp and .jar files are removed from your server configuration. To regain communication you must reinstall the docstore_tooling.jsp and docstore_tooling.jar files. See the Script Workbench for WebSphere Product Center Users guide for installation instruction.

Step 3. Updating the property files

To successfully use the fixes and enhancements in this Test Fix you must modify WebSphere Product Center configuration files.

Configurations files

During system startup, the common.properties file is used to read in all system level parameters and is located in the $TOP/etc/default directory.

The admin_properties.xml file is used by the administrative utilities to configure clusters of the application and is located in the $TOP/etc/default directory.

The initialization file, init_ccd_vars.sh, is the shell script that initializes the shell variables used by the system and is located in the $TOP/setup directory.

The following table includes all WebSphere Product Center fix versions, both Fix Packs and Test Fixes, along with their corresponding configuration file changes that you need to apply. Depending on the WebSphere Product Center fix version you are migrating from, use this table to determine which configuration file changes you need to apply, then view the List of configuration file changes that follow for the specific details:

Example: If you migrate from fix version 5.3.2-FP005, you must apply the configuration file changes defined in 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 of the List of configuration file changes.

Your fix version List number of the configuration file change
5.3.2-IF14 None
5.3.2-IF13 11
5.3.2-FP14 11
5.3.2-FP13 11
5.3.2-IF12 10, 11
5.3.2-FP12 10, 11
5.3.2-IF011 10, 11
5.3.2-IF010 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP011 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF009 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP010 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF008 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP009 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP008 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF007 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP007 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF006 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP006 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP005 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP004 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF005 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF004 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF003 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP003 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP002 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-FP001 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF002 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11
5.3.2-IF001 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11

List of configuration file changes
  1. New Property introduced in 5.3.2-IF002:

    Add the following property and description by copying and pasting the text to the end of your common.properties file:

    # The following are needed for MQ version 6. They can be 
    # overridden by specifying a username and password when 
    # calling the jmsGetQueueConnection script operation
  2. New Properties introduced in 5.3.2-FP001:

    Add the following properties and descriptions by copying and pasting the text to the end of your common.properties file:

    # Can multiple ctg files (for image/binary attributes) exist
    # with the same name? If false, will store files in ctg_files
    # within the supplier base. If true, will store files in
    # subdirectories within ctg_files with timestamps for names.
    # This property decides whether the Web Services would be
    # session enabled or not. A true value will enable sessions
    # for Web Services. A Web Service needs to be saved after
    # changing the value of this property.
    # This property decides the session timeout period for the
    # Web Services session. The value is in seconds. 
    # Key combination to trigger shortcuts.  If more than one is
    # set to true, then all  set to true will be needed to trigger
    # the shortcut.  Default is CTRL-ALT, but if  languages that
    # use ALT GR for some characters, such as Polish, are in use
    # then we advise  that this should be changed, e.g. to always
    # have the same functionality (except CTRL-SHIFT or ALT-SHIFT,
    # since in Microsoft Windows, CTRL-ALT and ALT GR when used 
    # with DEL).We strongly advise against setting all of CTRL, ALT
    # and SHIFT to false, since this would cause shortcuts to be
    # triggered by normaltyping! It is recommended that at least
    # two of these be set to true.
    # The width of the popup window for Lookup table entry input
    # widget. This will be set to default value which is 800 pixels
    # if the width is either too high (greater than 1680) or too
    # low (less than 800). The allowed value can be any integer
    # between 800 and 1680.
    # The height of the popup window for Lookup table entry input
    # widget. The allowed value can be any integer between 400 to
    #  1050. This will be set to default value which is 400 pixels
    # if the height is either too high (greater than 1050) or too
    # low (less than 400).

    Properties modified in 5.3.2-FP001

    Replace the max_script_cache_timeout=60 property with:


    Remove the following description from the category_item_count_disabled property:

    # This count shows up in different pages of the UI such as
    # left navigation, basic selection, link attribute popup,
    # and so on. Set to false to enable this count feature.

    Properties removed in 5.3.2-FP001:

    Remove the following properties and description by deleting the from your common.properties file:

    # Rich search: maximum number of items allowed to be searched
    # on in real time. If the number of items returned by the
    # initial query estimate is greater than this number, the
    # search will be scheduled as a background search.
  3. New Property introduced in 5.3.2-FP002:

    Add the following description by copying and pasting the text above the category_item_count_disabled property in your common.properties file:

    # Set to true in order to disable the UI from producing a count
    # of the items mapped under categories. With this property
    # enabled the categories would not be expandable to show child
    # items. However search and rich search will still work. This
    # count shows up in different pages of the UI such as left nav,
    # basic selection, link attribute popup, etc. Set to false to
    # enable this count feature.
  4. New Property introduced in 5.3.2-FP004:

    Add the following property and description by copying and pasting the text to the end of your common.properties file:

    # Spec Cache flushing
    # ===================
    # The standard behavior when saving a spec is to flush the
    # entire spec cache. For installations with a large number
    # of pre-cached specs, this can cause a reduction in system
    # performance. Setting the parameter below to true will 
    # prevent the cache being flushed.
  5. New Property introduced in 5.3.2-FP005:

    Add the following property and description by copying and pasting the text to the end of your common.properties file:

    # Can users modify their own usernames via the My Profile
    # page? Default value is true. If set to false, then
    # Administrators and users whose roles allow them to modify
    # other users will be able to modify their own usernames
    # anyway.
  6. New Property introduced in 5.3.2-FP006:

    Add the following property and description by copying and pasting the text to the end of your common.properties file:

    # Controls if the entry edit page is refreshed after an
    # entry preview popup is closed:
    # true  = refresh entry edit page when popup is closed
    # false = do not refresh entry edit page
  7. New Property introduced in 5.3.2-FP009:

    Add the following property and description by copying and pasting the text to the end of your common.properties file:

    # set to true in order to activate filtering of non
    # indexed attributes from the rich search page default
    # view. This will not affect custom templates.
    # Controls whether to use the new attribute filter for 
    # improved performance
    # true = use the new filter
    # false = use the old filter
  8. New Property introduced in 5.3.2-FP010:

    Add the following property and description by copying and pasting the text to the end of your common.properties file:

    #Default dictionary language for Spell Checker
    #possible values:: en_US/en_CA/en_GB [en_US for English(United States), en_CA for English(Canada) and en_GB for English(United Kingdom).]
    #If this value is not set then en_US will be taken as default dictionary language.
    # Port numbers at which profiling agent would listen for various services
    # The user may change the port numbers to some other value of his choice, if required.
    # Class names for profiler adapters. Please ensure that these classes are in classpath
    # set to true to activate prefetch of lock information for items in the multiedit page.
  9. Updated Property description in 5.3.2-IF011
    modify the description of property "must_save_before_paging_entries" from
    # false -> (old behavior) no saving required
    # false -> (old behavior) no saving required WARNING: this may introduce a significant
    # performance degradation depending on how many items exist in the workflow step.
  10. Updated Property description in 5.3.2-FP013
    modify the description of property "entrypreview_refresh_entries_post_run" from
    # true  = will refresh entry edit page when the popup is closed
    # false = do not refresh entry edit page
    # true = will refresh entry edit page when the popup is closed only when hard coded
    # attribute value is passed for implicit entry object in the script operations for setting entry attributes.
    # false = will improve performance of Entry Preview Script and do not refresh entry edit page
  11. New Properties introduced in 5.3.2-IF014
    # When multiple threads access the user interface, system might stop responding. 
    # Set the below property to "true" to avoid such scenarios.
    # This property allows setting an informative lock timeout such that a situation 
    # where the lock is not released is properly detected. Note, if this setting is too short, 
    # then it may be possible to get a false error simply because the JSP holding the lock is taking too long.

    Contact IBM Support before changing the default value of the two properties mentioned above. These properties may be removed in future maintenance releases.

Step 4. Modifying the database schema

Several changes have been made to the database schema throughout each Fix Pack release of WebSphere Product Center, version 5.3.2, which require you to run a migration shell script to migrate to the database schema of WebSphere Product Center, version 5.3.2, Test Fix 11.

Remember: If you are migrating from WebSphere Product Center, version 5.3.2, Fix Pack 13, Fix Pack 14, Interim Fix 13, or Interim Fix 14, you are not required to run the migration shell script. You can skip this step and continue with the next step, Step 5. Verifying the installation.

To migrate your database schema:

  1. Ensure that you have stopped the WebSphere Product Center application on the local server.
  2. Run the migration shell script migrateToInstalledFP.sh that is located in the $TOP/bin/migration/ directory:

    migrateToInstalledFP.sh --fromversion=BASE|IF1|IF2|FP1|FP2|FP3|IF3|IF4|IF5|FP4|FP5|FP6|IF6|FP7|IF7|FP8|FP9|IF8|FP10|IF9|FP11|IF10|IF11|FP12|IF12

    BASE, IF1, IF2, FP1, FP2, FP3, IF3, IF4, IF5, FP4, FP5, FP6, IF6, FP7, IF7, FP8, FP9, IF8, FP10,IF9, FP11, IF10, IF11, FP12, & IF12 correspond to the Fix Pack you are migrating from, where BASE is used if you have never installed a Fix Pack or Test Fix over the original WebSphere Product Center, version 5.3.2 installation.

    • If you are migrating from a Test Fix version use the table below to determine which Fix Pack the Test Fix was built on. Use the Fix Pack version in the migration shell script that corresponds to the Test Fix version you are migrating from.
      Test Fix Version Fix Pack Version
      TF1 BASE
      TF2 IF1
      TF3 IF1
      TF4 IF2
      TF5 FP3
      TF6 FP7
      TF7 FP1
      TF8 FP11
      TF9 IF11
      TF10 FP12
      TF11 FP14

      Fix Pack migration example:
      In this example the migration shell script will migrate from FP2.
      $TOP/bin/migration/migrateToInstalledFP.sh --fromversion=FP2

      Test Fix migration example:
      In this example the migration shell script will migrate from TF3.
      $TOP/bin/migration/migrateToInstalledFP.sh --fromversion=IF1
    • If you are migrating from a Limited Availability Patch (LA), use the Fix Pack version that corresponds to the LA version you are migrating from:
      • For LA1, use IF6
      • For LA2, use FP1

      LA migration example:
      In this example the migration shell script migrates from LA1.
      $TOP/bin/migration/migrateToInstalledFP.sh --fromversion=IF6
  3. Verify that the database schema migration was successful:
    1. Locate and open your verify.log file located in the $TOP/logs directory.
    2. Click on the log file in the table below to compare the content of your verify.log file against the log file that corresponds to the fix pack you migrated from.

      The following log files include the expected log output for a successful migration based on both the fix pack you migrated from and the database you are using.

      Example: If you migrate from IF6, then you compare your $TOP/logs/verify.log file to the FP1_to_IF7.log file.

    Fix Pack The expected log file output for Oracle databases The expected log file output for DB2 databases
    BASE, IF1, IF2 BASE_IF1_IF2.log BASE_IF1_IF2.log
    FP1, FP2, FP3, IF3, IF4, IF5, FP4, FP5, FP6, IF6, FP7, IF7 FP1_to_IF7.log FP1_to_IF7.log
    FP8, FP9 FP8_FP9.log FP8_FP9_IF8.log
    IF8 IF8.log FP8_FP9_IF8.log
    FP10 FP10.log FP10.log
    IF9 IF9.log IF9.log
    FP11, IF10, IF11, FP12, IF12 FP11_to_IF12.log FP11_to_IF12.log

  4. OPTIONAL: If you have migrated from WebSphere Product Center version 5.3.0 or 5.3.1, run the Index Regeneration Capability utility, indexRegenerator.sh, from the $TOP/bin directory, to correct or enable the new Rich Search Option feature of version 5.3.2.

    The shell usage

    IndexRegenerator.sh --company=COMPANY_NAME RUN-OPTIONS [TUNING-OPTIONS]

    Only one RUN-OPTIONS combination can be used at a time. However, zero or more TUNING-OPTIONS may be used together.

    RUN-OPTIONS include

    Full Container:


    Container subset:

    --items=FULL_PATH_CSV_FILE (2 columns: PK, CATALOG_NAME)
    --categories=FULL_PATH_CSV_FILE (2 columns: PK, HIERARCHY_NAME)

    Generate PK files for multiple machines (numFiles - default is 1)

    --catalog=NAME --items=FULL_PATH_TO_DESIRED_FILE --numFiles=NUMBER_FILES
    --hierarchy=NAME --categories=FULL_PATH_TO_DESIRED_FILE --numFiles=NUMBER_FILES

    TUNING-OPTIONS include
    --nodePaths=FULL_PATH_TO_NODES_SEPARATED_BY_COLONS speed performance by
     specifying node paths, default is all paths. example:
    --lockContainer=[YES|NO] speed performance by locking container, 
    disadvantage is this locks out other users; default is true
    --threads=NUMBER_THREADS speed performance by using more than one thread,
     but be careful enough DB connections exist! default is 1

    In this example, the Index Regeneration Capability utility runs the items in the CSV file, $TOP/item-list.csv in the company named test_Co, by using 2 threads.
    $TOP/bin/indexRegenerator.sh --company=test_Co --items=$TOP/item-list.csv --threads=2

    Parameters containing spaces and special characters must be enclosed in escaped quotes (\").Also special characters should be escaped by back slash (\).

    If you specify more than one file, the file number is placed before the file extension. Like items.csv becomes items-1.csv, items-2.csv, etc.

    Restriction: Catalog and hierarchy arguments cannot be combined. For example, --catalog and --hierarchy cannot be used together, nor can --catalog and --categories. When arguments --catalog and --items are used together, only PK files are generated and no index regeneration is performed.

    A description of both the Index Regeneration Capability and Rich Search for Co-Occurrence of Multi-Occurrence Value facilities are described in the Release notes of the WebSphere Product Center Information Center under New Features at http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/wpc/v5r3m2/topic/com.ibm.wpc.doc/rn/rn_2.0.html.

Step 5. Verifying the installation

To verify the installation of this Test Fix, complete these steps:

  1. Start WebSphere Product Center:

    The shell script, start_local.sh, located in the $TOP/bin/go/ directory, starts all the services that you need to run WebSphere Product Center.

    1. Run the start_local.sh shell script:
      • For the WAS platform, run:
        start_local.sh --redeploy=yes

        The --redeploy=yes command ensures that all Web Services are properly re-deployed.

      • For the WebLogic platform, run:

        You are not required to use the --redeploy=yes command for WebLogic.

    2. Run the start_local.sh shell script to start your application servers:

      The start_local.sh shell script also supports starting multiple application servers from one individual WebSphere Product Center instance.

      start_local.sh --appservername=appserver_Name

      appserver_Name specifies the application server. If it is not specified, the default application server, which is specified in init_ccd_vars.sh file, will be used.

      Multiple application servers can be specified by listing each application server separated by a comma (see the example below).

      In this example, WebSphere Application Server is the platform and the start_local.sh shell script is started on a host called wpcserver that has wpc_server as the defined value for WAS_APPSERVERNAME. Follow the sample installation and application server startup below:

      If these two application servers were specified during installation:

      $TOP/bin/websphere/install_war.sh --svc_name=appsvr1_WPCSERVER --appservername=wpc_server1 --conf_appsvr_port=9188
      $TOP/bin/websphere/install_war.sh --svc_name=appsvr2_WPCSERVER --appservername=wpc_server2 --conf_appsvr_port=9388

      Then you can start both application servers by executing the following shell script:

      $TOP/bin/go/start_local.sh --appservernames=wpc_server1,wpc_server2

      The resulting application servers will start:

      • wpc_server1, with rmi name appsvr1_WPCSERVER.
      • wpc_server2, with rmi name appsvr2_WPCSERVER.

    This process should only take approximately 30-40 seconds, depending on the speed of your CPU processor.

  2. Verify that all WebSphere Product Center JVM services have started:

    1. Run the $TOP/bin/go/rmi_status.sh script and verify that the following services have started correctly:
      • admin_machine_Name
      • appsvr_machine_Name
      • eventprocessor_machine_Name
      • queuemanager_machine_Name
      • scheduler_machine_Name
      • workflow_machine_Name
  3. Verify the WebSphere Product Center installation by reviewing what the installed WebSphere Product Center version displays as:

    Installation verification should be done every time you upgrade or refresh your existingWebSphere Product Center installation.

Known problems

If lookup.addRow() is used to add multiple rows in the lookup table by concurrently using multiple threads, then it throws Unique Constraint Violation exception. This may cause corruption in lookup table records. Fix for this issue will be provided in a subsequent maintenance release.

If the number of items within a given category is more than 10000, the items will not be displayed in the order (primary key or display name). It shows the first 100 items without any order. When number of items within a given category is less than 10000, the items are displayed in the order (primary key or display name). Same issue occurs for the unassigned category.

If the spec ordering of an item in the tabbed view of workflow is not in the expected order, refresh the collaboration area to view them in the expected order. Fix for this issue will be provided in a subsequent maintenance release.

Known problems are documented in the form of individual technotes in the Support knowledge base at WebSphere Product Center support site. As problems are discovered and resolved, the IBM Support team updates the knowledge base. By searching the knowledge base, you can quickly find workarounds or solutions to problems.

The following link launches a customized query of the live Support knowledge base for all published technotes for WebSphere Product Center: View all known problems for WebSphere Product Center

You can search for keywords within this complete list of technotes.

Contacting IBM Support

Before contacting IBM Support, your company must have an active IBM software maintenance contract, and you must be authorized to submit problems to IBM. For information about the types of maintenance contracts available, see "Enhanced Support" in the Software Support Handbook at: techsupport.services.ibm.com/guides/services.html

After you define the problem gather background and diagnostic information, and determine the severity of the problem, you can submit your problem to IBM Support in one of the following ways:

If the problem you submit is for a software defect or for missing or inaccurate documentation, IBM Support creates an Authorized Program Analysis Report (APAR). The APAR describes the problem in detail. Whenever possible, IBM Software IBM Support provides a workaround that you can implement until the APAR is resolved and a fix is delivered. IBM publishes resolved APARs on the IBM Support web site daily, so that other users who experience the same problem can benefit from the same resolution.


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