IBM SSA Windows NT & Windows 2000 Event Logger v1.43 Installation / Setup Notes Last Updated : 22nd September 2000 1.0 - INSTALLATION 2.0 - SETUP .1 - Event Control File - EVNCTRLF.TXT .2 - Predictive Failure Analysis - PFA 3.0 - EXPERT USERS 4.0 - CUSTOMER SUPPORT HOMEPAGE APPENDIX A - Setup Error Messages 1.0 INSTALLATION ================ To install the NT SSA Event Logger service : FROM CD-ROM (ONLY FOR Windows NT) \nt\setup.exe, (installs all Host Software) \nt\files\elogger\setup.exe (Event Logger only) If you are an expert user, the raw files are supplied in the \nt\files\elogger\expert directory on the CD-ROM see section 4.0 below. FROM WEBSITE DOWNLOAD Run setup.exe from c:\issa\update\elog Note : The RSM download package also contains the latest Event Logger. If you have downloaded the RSM package run setup.exe from: c:\issa\update\rsm 2.0 SETUP ========= 2.1 Event Control File - EVNCTRLF.TXT ===================================== The event control file in the c:\issa directory controls the forwarding of SSA events to the Netfinity Alert Manager. This may already be enabled, depending upon which type of Event Logger you installed. To enable event forwarding to Netfinity, remove the "#" from the start of the line "#Netfinity". The POPUP section in the control file controls which SSA events are raised as Netfinity popup alerts. Other options are configurable, see the event control file for details. 2.1.1 NETFINITY ALERT MANAGER ============================= Note that all SSA events forwarded to the Netfinity SM Alert Manager are raised with a Severity of 0 - this is the highest priorty. Events are either of type :Failure or :Warning. 2.2 Predictive Failure Analysis - PFA ===================================== Predictive Failure Analysis is built-in to all IBM SSA disk drives. This allows drives to predict and report this prediction to the system BEFORE any actual data loss / drive failure occur. RSM and the standard SSA Event Logger support events of this type ( RSM will show an icon in the PFA column of the Physical View if a drive has reported en event of this type ). To enable the logging and analysis of such events, the setup program creates a new directory : c:\issa\pfa Where any PFA events are logged in the file pfalog.dat Older SSA Event Loggers used the SYSTEM ENVIRONMENT VARIABLE "PFA_FILENAME" which the setup program will remove if found. (This change will not be apparent until the next reboot) 3.0 Expert Users (CD-ROM Only, Windows NT Only) =============================================== To install the Event Logger manually, copy all the files in \nt\files\elogger\expert on the CD-ROM to c:\issa (or such) Copy the required EVNCTRLF.TXT : Default : \nt\files\elogger\expert\evnctrlf.txt Netfinity Alert Forwarding : \nt\files\elogger\expert\netfin\evnctrlf.txt To install and starts the Event Logger service, open a Command Prompt : cd ( = install path ) md pfa servutil -i \pfa\pfalog.dat Note : -d displays debug output as appropriate. 4.0 SSA Customer Support Homepage ================================= APPENDIX A - Setup Error Messages ================================= A1 - Device Driver ------------------ 0. "Setup did not find the IBM SSA Adapter device driver. This device driver must be installed and running before setup can continue..." Follow the instructions displayed when you click OK and re-run setup when you have installed the appropriate device driver. A2 - Windows Registry --------------------- 1. "Couldn't set registry root to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" Setup failed to contact your System Registry. 2. "Could not create registry Key : xxx" Setup failed to create the registry key xxx, try creating the specified key with regedt32.exe and re-run setup. 3. "Could not create registry value : xxx" Setup failed to create the registry value xxx, try creating the specified value with regedt32.exe and re-run setup. 4. "Could not retrieve registry value : xxx" A value (xxx) required by setup could not be found. If setup aborted, you may not have one of the pre-requisite software components or services. 5. "Could not delete registry old Registry key... xxx" Setup removes old registry software keys after upgrading and recreates the keys with the new settings. Delete the key specified and re-run setup. A3 - Application Launch ----------------------- 6. "Failed to launch application cmdxxx paramsyyy" Setup failed to run the specified application. This generally relates to the RSM or Event Logger Service utility - servutil.exe. Try running the command before setup to stop services if setup fails to copy files, or run the command after setup if setup fails to restart / start a service. For usage see : servutil -h For all commands add -d for debug output. Note : If setup fails to launch notepad, simply view the readme file later. A4 - Event Logger ----------------- 7. Not currently used A5 - RSM -------- 8. "Setup detected an old version of RSM which is not in the default location. This old version has been stopped, uninstalled and replaced by ..." You should delete the files in the old location as specified by the error message. These files have been replaced by those in the default c:\issa\web directory. 9. "Setup could not find the Microsoft TCP/IP Network Service on this machine..." The Stand Alone NT Service version of RSM requires TCP/IP Networking to function. Install the TCP/IP Network protocol and re-run setup. 10. "Setup could not find a version of Netfinity compatible with RSM. You must install the Stand Alone NT Service." RSM is compatible with Netfinity Manager Versions 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2 Setup failed to find one of these. Install the Stand Alone version. 11. "The version of Netfinity you have installed is not compatible with the version of RSM you selected..." Re-select the appropriate version of RSM, or select the Stand Alone version. 12. "Could not find a default browser in your registry..." Setup couldn't find one of the supported browsers, see pre-reqs. Setup will not have created a link to the SSA Tools Menu, but RSM may still function with your browser, try running it manually. A6 - General ------------ 13. "This Software is for Windows NT/2000 Only." Setup detected an operating system other than Windows NT or Windows 2000. This version of the software is for Intel Windows NT or Windows 2000 servers. 14. "An unknown error has occurred." Setup suffered an unrecoverable error. Please contact your service representative / supplier. 15. "An error occurred during the move data process: -nnn" If you have a previous version of the either RSM or the SSA Event Logger services running. You must ensure these are stopped before re-installing, setup tries to stop the service but may have failed. Use servutil.exe to stop both services manually, or use the Control Panel, services window to stop both "PC's SSA Event Logger" and "SSA Remote Systems Management" Trademarks and Notices ====================== The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM, OS/2, Netfinity, Netfinity Manager Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Adobe, Acrobat and the Acrobat Logo are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp. === END ===