ADSM for HP-UX service level is available. ATTENTION: This service update is for ADSM Version 3.1.1 for HP-UX. You must have base level, or higher, installed. 1. FTP (type = binary) the update images to a temporary directory on your server (for example, /tmp). For your convenience, the update is provided as either a single large file, or as several small files. IP21674.img.Z.bin contains fix level for ADSM. This file is approximately 9MB. IP21674.img.Z.01.bin through IP21674.img.Z.03.bin contain fix level for ADSM, split into three 3MB files to facilitate downloading. The individual files must be concatenated into one large file before the update can be installed. NOTE: Service level provides fixes and enhancements on top of service level Service level, in turn, was a significant upgrade to the base version of the ADSM Server. It upgraded all existing filesets, as well as adding several new filesets to enable National Language Support for the Web-based administrative interface. Because of the size of this upgrade, it is recommended that you backup your ADSM data base before applying this upgrade. * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * This server provides enhanced recovery log fault-tolerance and new database entries to support enhanced functions. If you start this server over an existing ADSM database, you will not be able to remove this server program and run the older server over the existing database/recovery log. You should backup your existing database before installing and starting this server. * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * NOTE * 2. Concatenate individual files into one large update. Skip to the next step if you downloaded IP21674.img.Z.bin. cat IP21674.img.Z.??.bin > IP21674.img.Z.bin 3. Uncompress the install image cd /tmp mv IP21674.img.Z.bin IP21674.img.Z uncompress IP21674.img.Z 4. Install the update using swinstall. swinstall -s /tmp/IP21674.img The file IP21674.README.txt describes the changes and improvements delivered with this update. You can FTP (ascii) it to your server. If you do not wish to FTP IP21674.README.txt, the same information is contained in the install image.