IBM Tape Library SMI-S Agent 1.3.0 Release Notes ------------------------------------------------ Introduction ------------ Release 1.3.0 of the IBM Tape Library SMI-S Agent has been certified under the Storage Network Industry Association's (SNIA) Storage Management Initiative Specification (SMI-S) and provides a SMI-S 1.1.0 CIM interface for managing IBM 3584 Tape Libraries. Please see for details of the SMI-S conformance. The enhancements and SMI-S conformance provided by this release are primarily for the IBM 3584 Tape Library device. Existing support for the other IBM System Storage tape libraries including 3581, 3582, 3583, and 3494 remains unchanged. Note that the IBM 3584 Tape Library is now known as IBM System Storage TS3500 Tape Library. The IBM Tape Library SMI-S Agent 1.3.0 uses a Pegasus 2.4.0 CIMOM and DMTF CIM Schema version 2.10.1. Please check the following IBM Tape Library SMI-S Agent support website to download the latest electronic version. Install/Upgrade --------------- For complete installation and upgrade instructions, refer to the "SMI-S Agent for Tape on Linux Systems Installation guide" (install_guide.pdf) located in SMI-S/doc directory. Refer to the notes section below for additional installation and configuration instructions. Upgrade is possible from either release 1.1.0, 1.1.1 or 1.2.0 to release 1.3.0. The installation utility will automatically detect the earlier installed version and upgrade to Release 1.3.0 after confirmation. Minimum Requirements -------------------- In addition to the prerequisites contained in the Installation Guide, the following tape library firmware level is required for the fixes contained in the SMI-S agent release to work correctly. IBM 3584 Tape Library firmware level: 5550 or later It is recommended to use the following tape library firmware level. IBM 3584 Tape Library firmware level: 6110 or later It is also recommended that you use the latest IBM Tape Drive firmware level supported by the library. The IBM Tape Library and Tape Drive firmware can be found online at: IBM TotalStorage Productivity Center (TPC) users should refer to the TPC technical support web page located at to find the correct CIM SMI-S agent version for your Productivity Center installation. Select the appropriate Productivity Center component link, then select the Install and Use tab. The supported products list is located in the Product Documentation section of the tab. NOTE: This version of the SMI-S agent will not interoperate with TPC versions 3.1.1 or earlier. New in Release 1.3.0 -------------------- 1. Enhanced Performance The overall performance of the SMI-S Agent is improved significantly over prior releases. For many operations the performance improvement is ten-fold or more. 2. Enhanced Linux Platform Support RedHat Advanced Server 3 is now a supported Linux platform for running this SMI-S agent. 3. User HTTP/HTTPS Authentication support Pegasus user authentication is now fully supported. 4. SMI-S 1.1.0 CTP Certified Agent: The SMI-S agent for IBM 3584 Tape Library is SMI-S 1.1.0 conformant and passed the SNIA Conformance Testing Program (CTP) for the following profiles and subprofiles. Profiles - Server, Storage Library Subprofiles - Access Points, FC Target Ports, Software, Storage Library Limited Access Port Elements, Please see for details on SMI-S and conformance. Additional Notes ---------------- 1. Configuring the IBM 3584 Tape Library for SMI-S Agent The IBM 3584 Tape Library must be configured to allow SNMP requests by enabling the "SNMP Requests Setting" in the Tape Library Specialist. In addition, the IBM 3584 Tape Library needs to be configured to deliver SNMP V2C traps to the IP address of the SMI-S Agent host. See the tape library documentation on how to configure the 3584 tape library at the following location. 2. One Button Data Collector (OBDC) To facilitate problem determination with the SMI-S agent, use the OBDC utility to collect all logs and system information. To invoke this utility, use the following command as root user. /packages/obdc/obdc where is the installed directory that defaults to /opt/IBM/smis/tapeagent. The dump output is placed in /OBDC-Dump directory. Please make this dump available to the IBM technical support representative. 3. Alert Indication Extensions The experimental Storage Library Alert Indications specification does not define how to convey in CIM certain critical alert information available in a SNMP trap from a 3584 Tape Library. We extended the CIM_AlertIndication class with two additional string array properties named ExtraInfoDescriptions and ExtraInfoValues to carry the SNMP trap VarBinds. This is an IBM specific extension to the Storage Library Alert Indications and the format could change in a future release. Defect Fixes in release 1.3.0 ----------------------------- defect Description ------ --------------------------------------------- 18836 Configuration with alternate HTTP and HTTPS ports not supported The default ports 5988 for HTTP and 5989 for HTTPS are the only supported ports. In addition, the HTTP service on port 5988 must be enabled for device configuration and indication delivery. 18851 Enabling Pegasus user authentication not supported Although Pegasus 2.4 user authentication can be enabled, local CIM applications including adding a tape library device, stopping the agent, and delivering indications will not work. Open Issues in Release 1.3.0 ---------------------------- Defect Description ------ ------------ 21571 SMI-S agent may not respond to CIM requests after fresh install The SMI-S agent service as started by installer does not have the proper environment settings. Restart the agent after a fresh install using the following commands as root user. /etc/init.d/tapecimom stop /etc/init.d/tapecimom start 18477 Alert indications from non-registered devices may be delivered Alert indications are generated based on receiving SNMP traps from a tape library device. Currently, the agent does not check if a received SNMP trap is from a tape library device managed by the agent. As a result, if the IP of the host running the SMI-S agent is configured as a trap destination in a tape library device and that library is NOT configured in the agent, the agent will not filter these traps out and will deliver corresponding alert indications to all registered subscribers. Make sure that the agent host IP address is not in the SNMP destination list of any of tape libraries not managed by the agent. Consult the library operator manual for instructions on modifying SNMP trap destinations. 16830 Property list parameter is case sensitive The case semantics in general for CIM objects is case-insensitive with case-preserved as defined in the mof. But the provider does a case-sensitive compare to determine the filter properties to populate the values. As a result, a value of null is returned for such unmatched properties. Use the correct case for the property names as defined in the mof in any supplied property filter list to avoid this problem. 17973 SystemName property does not match the library's name property The SystemName property value for CIM objects that have the IBMTSSML3584_TapeLibrary as the top-level object does not match the IBMTSSML3584_TapeLibrary Name property value. One example of such object class is IBMTSSML3584_TapeDrive. Regardless of this difference, CIM associator and reference operations work correctly, given an instance of the objects as returned by the agent. Do not directly use the SystemName property value embedded in a reference to such dependent objects. 18684 Additional profile indications not delivered Only alert indications are delivered to registered CIM indication subscribers. Instance life cycle indications including instance modifications are not currently generated.