IBM iSCSI Client for Linux Installation and Configuration Instructions

Configuring the iSCSI client

Each iSCSI client maintains configuration information concerning the various targets it may access. In Linux, this configuration information is kept in a configuration file called /etc/iscsiclient.conf.

The targets are configured by editing the /etc/iscsiclient.conf file. Each line in the file defines a single target. You may specify a maximum of 16 targets. You can also add comments to the file by preceding it with a number sign (#).

Adding a target

To add a target to your iSCSI client:

  1. Edit the /etc/iscsiclient.conf file using an ASCII editor.
  2. Add a new line to the configuration file for each new target using the following syntax:
    target=host portNumber numberOfConnections Initiator:userID,password


    The IP address of the target (for example, 111.222.333.444).

    The port number of the target. This value must be set to 47274.

    The maximum number of open sockets to this target. This value must be set to 1.

    A login parameter that specifies the user ID of the iSCSI client. This ID is assigned to you by the system administrator.

    A login parameter that specifies the password associated with your user ID. This password is also assigned to you by the system administrator.

    For example:
    target= 47274 1 Initiator:Shuri_20,pwd

  3. Save and close the configuration file.
  4. Unmount all iSCSI drives that are currently mounted.
  5. Type ./ restart and press Enter to establish the connection to the new target.
  6. Remount the iSCSI drives.

Removing a target

Note:All disks associated with the target will not be available after removing the target.

To remove a target from your iSCSI client:

  1. Unmount the file systems on the target you want to delete.
  2. Edit the /etc/iscsiclient.conf file using an ASCII editor.
  3. Delete or comment out one or more target configurations.
  4. Save and close the configuration file.
  5. Unmount all iSCSI drives that are currently mounted.
  6. Type ./ restart and press Enter to terminate the connection to the removed target.
  7. Remount the iSCSI drives.

Verifying the target configuration

To verify the syntax of the configuration file, type the following command from a command line and press Enter:
iscsi_check_config /etc/iscsiclient.conf

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