IBM Advanced SerialRAID/X Adapter & IBM SSA RAID Adapter for PC Servers ----------------------------------- Novell NetWare Device Drivers and Utilities - README.TXT -------------------------------------------------------- This file contains information you need to install the IBM Advanced SerialRAID/X Adapter and the IBM SSA RAID Adapter for use with NetWare. Please also refer to the sections "Possible Problems" and "PC Server BIOS levels" for other important information about this product. This README file is divided into the following categories: - Before You Install the IBM SSA RAID Adapter - Software Requirements - Hardware Requirements - Getting Help - Installing IBM SSA Adapter - Using SSA for Operating System Boot - Possible Problems - Configurator Error codes - Trademarks Before You Install the IBM SSA Adapter -------------------------------------- PC Server BIOS Level -------------------- NOTE: It is recommended that you ensure that the Server you are using has the latest BIOS. These can be obtained from the following sites: : IBM PC Company anonymous ftp site. : Compaq company web site. : Hewlett Packard company web site. At the time of writing, the tested levels are: IBM Netfinity 5000, BIOS version 9 4/29/99 IBM Netfinity 5500, BIOS version 7 1/29/99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M10, BIOS version 7 1/29/99 IBM Netfinity 5500 M20, BIOS version 1 4/29/99 IBM Netfinity 7000, BIOS version 1.0014 IBM Netfinity 7000 M10, BIOS version 1 10/9/98 COMPAQ ProLiant 6500 Xeon, COMPAQ System BIOS P11 (11/13/1998) COMPAQ ProLiant 7000 Xeon, COMPAQ System BIOS P43 (2/26/1999) HP NetServer LH II, Phoenix BIOS v 4.06.12 N.B. The following servers are only supported for use with the IBM Advanced SerialRAID/X Adapter. Dell PowerEdge 4300, BIOS V1.10 A03 Dell PowerEdge 6350, BIOS V1.10 A01 Software Requirements --------------------- - Novell NetWare version 4.11 with IWSP6A and version 4.2. Refer to the Novell web site at: for latest information. Hardware Requirements --------------------- - A supported PC Server platform which has a PCI bus (specification level 2.1) and runs Novell NetWare version 4.1 or 4.2. - 1 MB of fixed disk space above that required by NetWare. - .5 MB of memory above that required by NetWare. - IBM SSA RAID Adapter or Advanced SerialRAID/X Adapter, installed into a PCI slot of the PC Server. Getting Help ------------ Documentation. Service and Technical Support. Available Documentation ----------------------- In all cases, consult the documentation provided with your adapter, and enclosures. - Installation Guide - User's Guide and Maintenance Information Manual - Technical Reference Manual Service and Technical Support ----------------------------- We are happy to help you with your IBM SSA RAID Adapter questions. You can contact us through one of the following: For Technical Support: - Please contact your supplier in the first instance - SSA Online Customer Support Homepage (All adapter/drive microcode and all customer host software including device drivers - look here first) For Product Information: Defect Reporting ---------------------- Please report any defects to the supplier of your adapter. Installing IBM SSA Adapter Device Driver and Utilities for NetWare ------------------------------------------------------------------ The following files may be found on this diskette: ISSAPCI.DSK - Device driver for the IBM adapter ISSADSK.DSK - Device driver for the IBM adapter ISSACFG.NLM - SSA Configurator CFGMENU.NLS - National Language Support (UK English) CFGHELP.NLS - National Language Support (UK English) ISSAELOG.NLM - SSA Event Logger EVNCTRLF.TXT - Control File EVNLOG.NLS - National Language Support (UK English) ISSAPCI.DDI - Device Driver Install Script ISSADSK.DDI - Device Driver Install Script README.TXT - This file To install the device drivers on a system with NetWare already installed and running, Put the driver install diskette into your diskette drive (A:) From the System Console command prompt, type: load install [ENTER]. now select "Driver options". select "Configure disk and storage device drivers". select "Load an additional driver". press the INSert key to install an unlisted driver and accept A:\ as the path to scan. Install ISSAPCI.DSK then ISSADSK.DSK (in that order). (the install action will copy all necessary files to the DOS NetWare boot directory, typically c:\nwserver and copy some files to SYS:SYSTEM). Now exit from the installation menu. Return to the System Console command prompt. DOWN, EXIT and restart your server. To install the device drivers on a system whilst installing NetWare, Follow the instructions provided by Novell for installing NetWare 4.1 or 4.2. When selecting disk device drivers to install, put the driver install diskette into your diskette drive (A:) select "additional drivers" press the INSert key to install an unlisted driver and accept A:\ as the path to scan. Install ISSAPCI.DSK then ISSADSK.DSK (in that order). (the install action will copy all necessary files to the DOS NetWare boot directory, typically c:\nwserver). DOWN, EXIT and restart your server. NOTES: - ONLY versions 4.1 and 4.2 of NetWare are supported. - For performance reasons it is recommended that the .NLM, .NLS and .TXT files are copied to the SYS: partition. However please note that the SYS: partition is used in preference and you MUST ensure that if you ever update the SSA RAID adapter software that any copies of code on the SYS: partition are refreshed at the same time. - The Event Logger (ISSAELOG.NLM) records SSA events in a log file. It is advisable that the Event Logger be active at all times. This can be simply accomplished by adding the following line to your AUTOEXEC.NCF: LOAD ISSAELOG Using SSA for Operating System Boot =================================== If your primary boot device is a logical SSA drive, then the SSA adapter must be installed into a PCI slot with a lower number than that in which any SCSI adapters are installed. Verify that the SSA CBIOS has been enabled. During the power-up sequence of your computer you will see a message such as: SSA CBIOS is disabled, press the Tab key to enable it. Ensure that the message indicates that the CBIOS is ENABLED. You should also ensure that the SSA device drivers (ISSAPCI.DSK and ISSADSK.DSK) are loaded before any SCSI device drivers. Possible Problems ----------------- ISSACFG/ISSAELOG UNABLE TO ACCESS NLS FILES? This probably means that the server has been set up to REMOVE DOS copying the IBM SSA support files to the SYS volume. CREATING RAID ARRAYS? If you wish to create a RAID array you should ensure that all of the disks you elect to use as array members are the same capacity. NOTE: The smallest capacity of an array member is used when determining the size of the array. SYSTEM HANGS ON RELOAD Isolated incidents have been seen when NetWare fails to restart if the server is downed and restarted. It is recommended that your PC is rebooted each time you wish to start NetWare. SSA Configurator Error Messages ------------------------------- The Configurator does not currently display all error codes it in a meaningful textual fashion. The error codes include: 0xfffd : General non-specific failure return code. 0xfffc : Hardware error. 0xfff8 : Illegal request. 0xfff0 : Not in table. Can't find disk with given serial number. 0xffe2 : Not yet implemented. 0xffef : Disk is currently offline. 0xffe0 : Not found. 0xfe1e : Array is broken or degraded. Some operations require a non-degraded array. 0xfe1a : NVRAM error. Its probably full with dormant entries. You could go and delete a few and then retry. 0xfe17 : Bad component exchange candidate. 0xfe18 : Array is broken. Some operations require a non-broken array. 0xfe13 : Bad new component serial number. New component is not suitable for component exchange. 0xfe11 : Bad disk serial number. Perhaps the disk went offline. 0xfe0c : Bad serial number. Perhaps there is already an array with this name. 0xff3a : Can't delete in-use resource. You can only delete dormant NVRAM entries. 0xff39 : Operation is not applicable for resource type. Perhaps you're trying to do a disk type of operation to an NVRAM entry (you can only list and delete these). 0xff38 : NVRAM is defective. The only sensible option here is to replace the module. Trademarks and Notices ---------------------- The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation in the United States or other countries or both: IBM, OS/2 Microsoft and Windows are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Novell NetWare is a trademark or registered trademark of Novell Inc. Other company, product, and service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. IBM DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND MERCHANTABILITY WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT. BY FURNISHING THIS DOCUMENT, IBM GRANTS NO LICENSES TO ANY PATENTS OR COPYRIGHTS. Note to U.S. Government Users -- Documentation related to restricted rights -- Use, duplication or disclosure is subject to restrictions set forth in GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.