======================================================================== IBM ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes on Windows NT Readme File ======================================================================== (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 1990, 1998. All rights reserved. Refer to Copyright Instructions Form Number G120-2083 This readln.txt file contains information you need for installing ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes as well as information that was not available for our printed publications. ======================================================================== ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes on NT Version 2.1.9A (PTF 3) ======================================================================== ********************************************************************** * Fixtest 2.1.9A, APAR IC25381: WinNT user logs off while LnConnect * * Agent scheduler service is running * * Additional Information: This software has not been fully system * * tested with the Fixtest code. * ********************************************************************** IMPORTANT : Please read the sections on "Software Requirements" and "Installing the ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes on NT" to determine the correct level of ADSMConnect Agent to install on your system. ------------------------------------------------------------- This readln.txt file is divided into the following categories: 1.0 BEFORE YOU INSTALL THE ADSMCONNECT AGENT FOR LOTUS NOTES 1.1 Assumptions 1.2 Software Requirements 1.3 Hardware Requirements 1.4 Note 2.0 INSTALLING THE ADSMCONNECT AGENT FOR LOTUS NOTES ON WINDOWS NT 2.1 Installing 2.2 Setup 2.3 Licensing 2.4 Uninstall 2.5 Documentation 3.0 LATE-BREAKING NEWS 3.1 What's new in this release 3.2 Known problem/Limitation 3.3 Non-support/support of Lotus Notes 4.62 and 4.63 3.4 Database Access Conflict 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING BACKUP PERFORMANCE 5.0 GETTING HELP 6.0 TRADEMARKS 7.0 APARS FIXED IN THIS PTF 2.1.9A 1.0 BEFORE YOU INSTALL THE ADSMCONNECT AGENT FOR LOTUS NOTES ------------------------------------------------------------- 1.1 Assumptions ---------------- The ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes assumes that you have Lotus Notes 4.5 or 4.6 installed on your system. The directory path for nnotes.dll (Lotus Notes library) must be included in the PATH environment variable. 1.2 Software Requirements -------------------------- - Windows NT 4.0 - Lotus Notes 4.5x client or server or, Lotus Notes 4.6a client or server or, Lotus Notes 4.61 client or server - Access to ADSM server V2 or V3 is required 1.3 Hardware Requirements -------------------------- - Intel 486 or higher - Disk space of 8 MB - Memory for Windows NT workstation-32 MB 1.4 Note --------- For further information on system requirements, please refer to ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes Installation and User's Guide SH26-4065-02. 2.0 INSTALLING THE ADSMCONNECT AGENT FOR LOTUS NOTES ON WINDOWS NT ------------------------------------------------------------------ 2.1 Installing -------------- 1. Insert the CDROM inside the CDROM drive. Installation will begin and display the Welcome window. Click on the next button. It will prompt you to select the appropriate version of ADSMConnect Agent. If your Lotus Notes client/server is 4.5.X or 4.6.0, select the ADSMConnect Agent for Notes 4.5.X or 4.6.0. If your Lotus Notes client/server is 4.6.1, select the ADSMConnect Agent for Notes 4.6.1. The 4.6.1 version of ADSMConnect Agent is able to backup/restore profile documents such as calendar and delegate profiles. 2. The Setup Options window displays. You have the following options: Typical Compact Custom Select Custom and mark all the components including the license file if this is the first time you install this product. If you only want to install the permanent license, select only the license component. This will install the license and nothing else. Otherwise select Typical. 3. The Select Destination Directory window displays. You can specify your Destination Directory by clicking on the Browse button. The default directory for the ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes is win32app\ibm\adsm. The Choose Directory window displays. You can specify the: Path Directory Drives You can also map your network drives by clicking on the Network button. The Map Network Drive window displays. This window displays: Drive Path Connect As When you are done with the Select Destination Directory window, click on the Next button to continue. 4. The Select Program Folder window displays. This window allows you to add program icons to the Program Folder listed. You can type a new folder name or select one from the existing Folders list. Select ADSM for Windows NT\ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes, then click on the Next button. 5. The Start Copying Files window displays. This window shows the current settings for: Setup type Target Directory Program Folder Click on the Next button. 6. The Setup Complete window displays. Click on the Finish button to complete the installation. 7. From the program folder you can now access the ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes window icon, installation and user guide, option file and other icons. All agent files such as executable and libraries will reside in a subdirectory called agentln under the specified directory set on step 3 above. A sample dsm.opt (option) file will be provided only during the first installation process. 2.2 Setup --------- 1. Create the ADSM API option files used by the ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes: If your system has not been setup to use ADSM before, a default/sample copy of dsm.opt file is provided. Edit the dsm.opt file to include the ADSM server that you wish to backup the Notes Databases to. SErvername server_a COMMmethod TCPip TCPPort 1500 TCPServeraddress server_a.domain.company.COM The ADSM server administrator should supply the name and IP address of the ADSM server, as well as the node name and password. If the ADSM backup/archive client is installed on the same system, it is highly recommended that the ADSMConnect Agent is treated as a separate node than the ADSM archive/backup client. This enables the file spaces for these two functions to be managed separately. NODename the_node The ADSMConnect Agent does not offer Open Registration of an ADSM node name. The ADSM administrator should register a unique node name for each user of the ADSMConnect Agent on the system. 2. Add to the PATH environment variable: In order for the ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes to work properly, you must include the path for nnotes.dll (Lotus Notes library) and the path for the agent libraries (such as dsmnoted.dll, adsmv3.dll, and notesdlg.dll) in your PATH environment variable. To set the PATH environment variable: ------------------------------------- From the Window NT Start button, select Settings -> Control Panel, then click on the System icon and click on the Environment folder. Add the directory paths to the PATH variable under the user's environment. Click on the Set button and OK button to finish. 3. Add DSMI_xxx environment variables: The ADSM API uses unique environment variables to locate files. DSMI_CONFIG is the fully qualified name for the dsm.opt file. DSMI_DIR points to the directory where dscameng.txt and agent.lic (license file) reside. DSMI_LOG points to the path for the dsierror.log file. The following are examples to show how to set up these environment variables. Set DSMI_CONFIG=d:\win32app\ibm\adsm\agentln\dsm.opt Set DSMI_DIR=d:\win32app\ibm\adsm\agentln Set DSMI_LOG=d:\tmp You can also add these variables to your Environment folder similar to the PATH variable. 4. The ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes on Windows NT installation program automatically adds the AddInMenus variable to your notes.ini file (usually under \WINNT directory). AddInMenus ties ADSM to the Notes workspace. This is required to use the GUI of the ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes. The specified path name is the fully qualified path name of the dsmnoted.dll file (shown below). If this line is not added to the notes.ini file automatically during installation, you can add it manually. This entry is required if you want to use the ADSMConnect Agent's Graphical User Interface. AddInMenus=d:\WIN32APP\IBM\ADSM\Agentln\dsmnoted.dll 5. The following variables may optionally be added in the notes.ini file: DSMNOTES_LOGDIR variable can be set to any directory where the log file is located (shown below). Log messages are sent to a file called log.dsm. If you do not set this environment variable, the default location for log.dsm is the Notes data directory. If you do not have a Notes data directory, this environment variable is required. Since this file grows over time, it must be managed carefully. DSMNOTES_LOGDIR=E:\WIN32APP\IBM\ADSM\Agentln Set DSMNOTES_STATS variables to send messages to the screen when a command-line function is run (shown below). The messages show the current status of the command. If VERBOSE is specified, two types of status indicators might appear on the screen: * One or more dots (.), indicating that processing is continuing. Depending on the environment, you may experience delays between dots. For example, delays can occur when searching very large Notes databases for deleted documents. There may also be delays when waiting for off-line media to be mounted. * Messages showing the result of the command when the command has completed processing. The messages display information such as the number of documents transferred and whether the dsmnotes command completed successfully without any errors. The default value for DSMNOTES_STAT is QUIET: status messages are not displayed on your screen. This can be the appropriate choice in a large Notes environment, since displaying the status messages on your screen affects the performance of command-line operations. DSMNOTES_STATS=verbose or DSMNOTES_STATS=quiet Note: Anytime you modify the notes.ini file, you have to shut down the Notes workspace and bring it back up for the new changes to be active. 6. Lotus Notes prompts you for your Lotus Notes password on a DSMNOTES RESTORE command using the -TO option (or the equivalent GUI restore function). To bypass the Lotus Notes password prompt, go to the File/Tools/User ID menu on your Lotus Notes workspace to bring up the User ID window. Check the option "share password with Notes add-ins" on the User ID window. After this option is checked, Lotus Notes might prompt you for your Lotus Notes password if you have not entered your Lotus Notes password since you brought up your Lotus Notes workspace. Note: You can use this option only if you have Lotus Notes running. 2.3 Licensing ------------- The ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes on Windows NT implements the Try-n-Buy licensing function. You can use it for a limited time as a full-function demonstration. In order to run the ADSMConnect Agent permanently on Windows NT, however, you need to purchase a full license. Without a license you cannot access the ADSM server. You can just install only the license file from the CD-rom by selecting custom install and select only the license file component and install it. Then the Try-n-Buy license would be replaced by the permanent licence. 2.4 Uninstall ------------- From the Programs folder, select the icon for Uninstall ADSM Components. An ADSM Uninstall dialog box will appear. 2.5 Troubleshooting ------------------- Shell Extension Conflict - * Windows NT V4 platform only * It is possible (although rare) during installation that a message will be displayed indicating a Shell extension conflict. This is a result of a bug in the install tool software that is used on most Windows 32-bit platforms. One product that we know encounters this conflict is IBM AntiVirus V2.5.2. The problem string will be displayed in the Warning message. The install then exits. There are a couple of ways to circumvent this conflict with the install. 1) Get a fixed level of the offending product and install it prior to installing ADSM. Example: (if IBM AV V2.5.2 is the conflict.) First install IBM AntiVirus V3 or later, then install ADSM. 2) Uninstall the offending product (eg. IBM AntiVirus V2.5.2) and install ADSM V3 and then re-install the offending product. 2.6 Documentation ----------------- The following are some useful references to get your ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes installation up and running: ADSMConnect Agent for Lotus Notes on NT - SH26-4065 Installation and User's Guide Note: This manual is also located on the CDROM in two different text formats. Postscript = adsmlnnt.ps HTML = adsmlnnt.pdf The HTML format can be viewed using the Adobe Acrobat viewer. Information regarding the viewer can be obtained at Adobe's WEB page http://www.adobe.com You may also browse this user's guide by following the links on the ADSM WEB page http://www.ibm.com/storage/software/adsm. Using ADSM to Backup Lotus Notes - SG24-4534-01 (redbook) ADSM: Using the Microsoft Windows Backup-Archive Clients - SH26-4056 ADSM: Using the Application Programming - SH26-4002 Interface ADSM: Installing the Clients - SH26-4049 3.0 LATE-BREAKING NEWS ----------------------- 3.1 What's new in this release ------------------------------- 1. When the backup command has completed processing, it will report the number of bytes of data transferred to the ADSM server. This number is not displayed properly if the actual data transferred exceeds 4GB. This problem has been fixed in this PTF. 2. ADSMConnect Agent can now allow wild card, such as ? and/or * as part of the Lotus Notes folder name. 3. For users that have the try-buy licenses, it will warn users before the try-buy licenses expire. 4. Restore to a new database is not limited to 1Gb in size. Restoring a database using the -TO option can restore a database up to 4GB in size. 3.2 Known problem/Limitation ---------------------------- 1. If the documents in a view of the database are sorted in ascending NoteID order, the restored view can be out of order because the restored documents could have different NoteIDs. 2. Insertion and deletions of documents from a folder may or may not update the timestamp for this folder note. This inconsistent Lotus Notes behavior has been reported to Lotus Notes. If the timestamp did not change, the folder note will not be backed up on the next incremental backup, because ADSM backups depend on the timestamp. 3. If the media is offline, a backup/restore with the MOuntwait option set to 'Yes' will take several minutes before a warning is returned. 4. If you are running ADSMConnect Agent 2.1.8 or this PTF on Lotus Notes 4.61, two consecutive Control Cs will hang the application and Lotus Notes. This is due to a signal handling problem on Lotus Notes 4.61 API and has been reported to Lotus Development. 3.3 Non-support/support of Lotus Notes 4.62 and 4.63 ------------------------------------------------------ 1. Lotus Notes 4.62 is not supported due to a serious problem caused by a Notes API function that was acknowledged by Lotus Notes (SPR# SAUA3YLRH4). A summary description for this problem is listed below. This problem is fixed in Notes 4.63 SPR# SAUA3YLRH4 - NSFProfileOpen hangs when called from within the call-back function (NSFPROFILEENUMPROC). 2. Lotus Notes 4.63 is supported. 3.4 Database Access Conflict ------------------------------ The potential access conflict for the ADSMConnect Agent is the Lotus Notes replication process because both processes need a lock called "scanlock". If the Lotus Notes replication process opens a database before the ADSMConnect Agent, the replication process locks the database and blocks the Lotus Notes Agent from accessing it, and visa-versa. It is the user's responsibility to avoid this problem by scheduling the ADSMConnect Agent and the Lotus Notes replication at different times. 4.0 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVING BACKUP PERFORMANCE ------------------------------------------------------- First Backup: 1. Purge deleted documents - when a document is deleted from a database, Notes keeps a deletion stub that identifies the document. Notes removes deletion stubs from a database when they are older than the database's purge interval. A database's purge interval is one-third the number of days specified in the "Remove documents not modified in the last" box (on the Space Savers panel of the Replication Settings dialog box). Removing deletion stubs frees up the disk space the deleted documents occupied. When you perform an incremental backup of a database for the first time, it will act like a full backup since it will backup all the documents inside a database. Before doing the full backup for the first time, the database should be purged to cleanup all the deleted documents inside to avoid the overhead to ADSM for these deleted documents. 2. ADSMConnect Agent backup Subsequent Backups: 1. ADSMConnect Agent backup 2. Purge deleted documents - After the initial backup, any subsequent incremental backup should be done before purging the database. This way the ADSMConnect Agent can find all the deleted stubs in the database and delete them on the ADSM server. If the database was purged before the incremental backup, then the deleted douments will not have a chance to be deleted on the ADSM server. Regular purging of deleted documents is important since these deleted documents will be queried for every incremental backup to ADSM. Note: For more information on deletion stubs and database purge, see the Lotus Notes Administrator or the Lotus Notes online help and documentation. 5.0 GETTING HELP ---------------- To receive service and technical support for ADSM: ------------------------------------------------- * Contact your ADSM administrator. This should be your first step when having problems with ADSM. * Your ADSM administrator will know how to contact IBM for Technical Support on your behalf. * For the latest information about ADSM, visit the ADSM home page on the World Wide Web. The URL is: http://www.storage.ibm.com/storage/software/adsm/adsmhome.htm To participate in user discussions of ADSM: ------------------------------------------- * Subscribe to IBM's officially supported ADSM forum on CompuServe(**). This is located in the IBM Storage Systems Forum (GO IBMSTORAGE ADSM) * Subscribe to an Internet listserv forum for ADSM This is not officially supported by IBM, but IBM support people do participate in the discussions, along with other ADSM users. You can subscribe by sending a note to listserv@vm.marist.edu that contains: SUBSCRIBE ADSM-L your_name in the messages body, where your_name is your first and last name. Others: ------- IBM also supports an anonymous FTP server where you can find PTF maintenance and other ADSM-related materials. Three other anonymous servers are unofficially maintained by non-IBM volunteers. These servers are: index.storsys.ibm.com (primary - California, IBM) ftp.rx.uni-karlsruhe.de (mirror - Germany) ftp.wu-wien.ac.at (mirror - Austria) ftp.cac.psu.edu (mirror - Pennsylvania) 6.0 TRADEMARKS -------------- (*) - Trademark or Registered trademark of the International Business Machine Corporation. (**) - The following terms are trademarks of the indicated company: Lotus, Lotus Notes: Lotus Development Corporation, an IBM Company Intel: Intel Corporation CompuServe: Compuserve 7.0 APARS FIXED IN THIS PTF 2.1.9A ---------------------------------- IC25381 - WinNT user logs off while LnConnect Agent scheduler service is running APARS FIXED IN PTF 2.1.9 ------------------------ IC20472 - Slow backup performance due to extra overhead for query filespace of each deleted document in a database. IC21024 - Lotus Notes server crashes when backup a database with folders that exceeded the disk quota. IC22989 - Cannot restore deleted documents when the value of the days option is greater than zero. APARS FIXED IN PTF 2.1.8 ------------------------- IC21005 - Restore of large database receives "insufficient memory and panic" message. IC19779 - Memory assertion failure while deleting more than 500 objects (ADSM API)