File: Fix1102.readme for AIX ========================================================================== IBM CIM Agent for ESS Version 1 Release 1 Modification 0 and Fix 2 Licensed Materials - Property of IBM (C) Copyright IBM Corporation 2003. All rights reserved. ========================================================================== Download instructions: 1. Please download Fix_1102.aix.tar in binary. 2. Create a new directory, for example, /tmp/cimfix (but you can use any directory). 3. Extract the content of tar file into the directory created in step 2 above (the required space is about 5 MB). You will find the following files in this directory: a) a launch script (cimagentfix) - to launch the upgrade b) cimagentfixaix.jar - that contains the fix installation application c) readmeaix.txt - this readme file d) a subdirectory called cimom - this is the fix code 4. Follow the instructions in the readmeaix.txt file.