Quick Step By Step
Last updated on November 15, 1999
  1. Read the submission rules associated with the type of submission you will make:
  2. Prepare a test system.
  3. Install the operating system you will test, as well as any desired service packs.
  4. Install all drivers you will be using with the test system.
  5. Install the HCT testmanager. For help with the HCT testmanager, read this Overview.
  6. Run the required tests. For a list of the required tests, click on the name of the operating system you are testing for:
  7. Complete the tests.
  8. Resolving errors
  9. Return the test results to WHQL on the following approved media:
  10. Collect all required test result disks:
  11. Prepare submission package with:
  12. Ship submission package to WHQL.
  13. Receive tracking ID from WHQL via e-mail.
  14. Follow the progress via the WHQL web-site.
    Submit the master ID at: www.microsoft.com/hwtest/status
  15. WHQL may contact you regarding the submission if there are problems with:

    You will be given 2 weeks to resolve submission item issues before WHQL fails the submission. Once WHQL fails your submission it cannot be reactivated. You must make a complete resubmission to get your system back into testing.

  16. WHQL finishes testing or reviewing your test logs.
  17. If the submission passes testing, the OEM receives the test report, logo artwork and a signed logo licence agreement. The logo'd device, system or cluster will be listed on the HCL.