WHQL Systems FAQs
Last updated on November 11, 1999

Welcome to the WHQL Systems Support and FAQs page, your resource for finding the answers to your questions. For a list of product support URLs and WHQL e-mail addresses, see Support and Problem Resolution. To find the information you're looking for, click on one of the links below:

WHQL Systems FAQsDescription
Top Ten QuestionsThis page contains answers to the top ten most frequently asked questions for testing and submitting systems to WHQL.
Frequently Asked QuestionsThis page contains answers to the most frequently asked questions for testing and submitting systems to WHQL.
Cluster Server FAQThis page contains an overview of the features of Microsoft® Cluster Server.
NDIS Netcard Test FAQThis page contains answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Ndis Tester.
Clustering Q&A: Cluster HardwareThis page contains information about the harddware components of a Microsoft® Cluster Server.
Clustering Q&A: Deploying ClustersThis page contains information about deploying Microsoft Cluster Server.
HCT Testing ErrataThis page contains notes about the HCT system tests, including acceptable test failures.
NDIS Netcard Driver TestsThis page tracks the changes in the NDIS - AutoNIC test.
Pool Tag Testing InformationThis page contains information about Pool Tag Testing and debugging system failures.
NT Debugging OverviewThis page contains an overview Windows NT® debugging.