Release Notes

31.2 Enhancement to Information Catalog Manager

Information Catalog Manager includes the following enhancements:

ICM now supports the import of ETI filter information for the source or target database, table or column. Upon Register to Warehouse, a new ICM object type ETI Conversion Data is used to store the filter information. These objects are then linked to the source or target database, table or column for which it was defined.

ICM has the ability to link a particular source or target database, table or column with multiple ETI Conversion Data objects as the result of registering different ETI Conversions to the same ICM catalog.

The same ability applies to Transformations in that a particular target column can now contain multiple Tranformations as the result of registering different ETI Conversions to the same ICM catalog. To do this, ICM made changes to the Transformation key when importing a ETI*Extract mapping.

To enable these features, use ETI*Extract 4.2.1 with MetaScheduler 4.1.0 to register with Data Warehouse Manager. More information on enabling these features is available in the Hints and Tips section of DB2 Warehouse Manager at Search on the keywords "ETI" or "Application Data".

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