Release Notes

31.3 Incompatibility between Information Catalog Manager and Sybase in the Windows Environment

The installation of Information Catalog Manager (ICM) Version 7 on the same Windows NT or Windows 2000 machine with Sybase Open Client results in an error, and the Sybase Utilities stops working. An error message similar to the following occurs:

   Fail to initialize LIBTCL.DLL.  Please make sure the SYBASE environment 
   variable is set correctly.

Avoid this scenario by removing the environment parameter LC_ALL from the Windows Environment parameters. LC_ALL is a locale category parameter. Locale categories are manifest constants used by the localization routines to specify which portion of the locale information for a program to use. The locale refers to the locality (country/region) for which certain aspects of your program can be customized. Locale-dependent areas include, for example, the formatting of dates or the display format for monetary values. LC_ALL affects all locale-specific behavior (all categories).

If you remove the LC_ALL environment parameter so that ICM can coexist with Sybase on the Windows NT platform, the following facilities no longer work:

The removal of the LC_ALL parameter will not affect anything other than ICM.

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