IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

List of tables used at the control server

The following table provides a list of tables used at the control server.

Table 41. Quick Reference for Tables Created at the Control Server during DB2 DataPropagator Processes
Table name Internal name and Description See page

Contains Apply program audit trail and problem diagnostic information.

"Apply trail table"
Subscription columns table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_COLS

Maps target table or view columns to the corresponding source table or view column or user-defined expression.

"Subscription columns table"
Subscription events table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_EVENT

Contains user-defined event names that control the execution of a subscription set. This table can be updated by using SQL.

"Subscription events table"
Subscription set table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_SET

Contains processing information for a set of subscription members, which are processed by the Apply program as a group.

"Subscription set table"
Subscription statements table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_STMTS

Contains SQL statements or stored procedure calls that are embodied by a subscription set.

"Subscription statements table"
Subscription-targets-member table ASN.IBMSNAP_SUBS_MEMBR

Identifies a source and target table (or view) pair and specifies processing information for that pair.

"Subscription-targets-member table"
Row-replica-target-list table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Maintains the names of the row-replica tables. Row-replica tables are a type of target table used specifically with the Microsoft Jet database.

"Row-replica-target-list table (Microsoft Jet specific)"
Subscription-schema-changes table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Used to signal add or delete modifications to a subscription.

"Subscription-schema-changes table (Microsoft Jet specific)"

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