IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

List of tables used at the target server

The following table provides a list of tables used at the target server.

Table 42. Quick Reference for Target Tables
Table name Internal name and Description See page
Base aggregate table userid.target_table.target_table

Contains data aggregated from a source table.

"Base aggregate table"
Change aggregate table userid.target_table

Contains data aggregations based on changes from a source table.

"Change aggregate table"
Consistent-change-data table userid.target_table

Contains additional columns to help identify transactions. Individual operations, transactions, and the approximate time of those transactions are ordered in this table.

"Consistent-change-data table"
Point-in-time table userid.target_table

Identical to a user copy table, except that the IBMSNAP_LOGMARKER column is included to record a specific commit time from the source server.

"Point-in-time table"
Replica table userid.target_table

A type of update-anywhere target table.

"Replica table"
Row-replica table userid.target_table

A type of Microsoft Jet target table that can be updated.

"Row-replica table (Microsoft Jet specific)"
User copy table userid.target_table

A copy of the user table.

"User copy table"
Conflict table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Contains row data for DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet-detected conflict losers.

"Conflict table (Microsoft Jet specific)"
Error information table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Contains additional information to identify the row-replica table and row that caused an error.

"Error information table (Microsoft Jet specific)"
Error messages table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Contains error codes and error messages. There can be more than one row in this table. Depending on the error code, additional information will be available in the error information, error-side-information, and conflict tables.

"Error messages table (Microsoft Jet specific)"
Error-side-information table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Contains the names of the conflict tables.

"Error-side-information table (Microsoft Jet specific)"
Key string table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Maps the Microsoft Jet table identifiers and row identifiers to primary key values when the following actions occur:

  • Rows are deleted from Microsoft Jet database tables.

  • Deletes are recorded in MSysTombstone with s_Generation, TableGUID and s_GUID (row) identifiers, but without primary key details.

  • The primary key values are needed to propagate Microsoft Jet database deletes to an RDBMS.
"Key string table (Microsoft Jet specific)"
Synchronization generations table

(Microsoft Jet specific)


Prevents cyclic updates from propagating back to the RDBMS from a Microsoft Jet database.

"Synchronization generations table (Microsoft Jet specific)"

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