IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Defining replication control tables

Normally, the replication control tables are created in one of the following ways:

When you create customized control tables, you must customize the CREATE TABLE statements in the DPCNTL files. There is one DPCNTL file for each operating system environment; these files are located in the SQLLIB\SAMPLES\REPL\ directory. The file names are:

Creates control tables for DB2 Universal Database.

Creates control tables for DB2 for OS/390.

Creates control tables for DB2 for VSE & VM.

Creates control tables for DB2 for AS/400.

Creates and drops control tables for DB2 Universal Database Satellite Edition.

If, after creating customized control tables, you need to drop them, you must customize the DROP TABLE statements in the DPNCNTL files. There is a DPNCNTL file for each operating system environment located in the SQLLIB\SAMPLES\REPL\ directory. The files names are:

Drops control tables for DB2 Universal Database.

Drops control tables for DB2 for OS/390.

Drops control tables for DB2 for VSE & VM.

Drops control tables for DB2 for AS/400.

To customize the SQL for creating or dropping control tables:

  1. Open the appropriate file (SQLLIB\SAMPLES\REPL\DPCNTL.platform_name or SQLLIB\SAMPLES\REPL\DPNCNTL.platform_name, where platform_name is UDB, MVS, or VM.) in a text editor.

  2. Read the commented areas for each operating system and table.

  3. Edit the file for your site or application.

  4. Close the file.

  5. Connect to the database in which the control tables will be created (use the DB2 CONNECT TO database-name command).

  6. Run the file (DPCNTL or DPNCNTL) using one of the following commands from a command window:
    db2 -tf dpcntl.platform_name
    db2 -tf dpncntl.platform_name

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