IBM Books

SQL Reference

Conversion Rules for Comparison

When two strings are compared, one of the strings is first converted, if necessary, to the code page set of the other string. For details, see Rules for String Conversions.

Ordering of Results

Results that require sorting are ordered based on the string comparison rules discussed in String Comparisons. The comparison is performed at the database server. On returning results to the client application, code page conversion may be performed. This subsequent code page conversion does not affect the order of the server-determined result set.

MBCS Considerations for String Comparisons

Mixed SBCS/MBCS character strings are compared according to the collating sequence specified when the database was created. For databases created with default (SYSTEM) collation sequence, all single-byte ASCII characters are sorted in correct order, but double-byte characters are not necessarily in code point sequence. For databases created with IDENTITY sequence, all double-byte characters are correctly sorted in their code point order, but single-byte ASCII characters are sorted in their code point order as well. For databases created with COMPATIBILITY sequence, a compromise order is used that sorts properly for most double-byte characters, and is almost correct for ASCII. This was the default collation table in DB2 Version 2.

Mixed character strings are compared byte-by-byte. This may result in unusual results for multi-byte characters that occur in mixed strings, because each byte is considered independently.


For this example, 'A', 'B', 'a', and 'b' double-byte characters have the code point values X'8260', X'8261', X'8281', and X'8282', respectively.

Consider a collating sequence where the code points X'8260', X'8261', X'8281', and X'8282' have weights 96, 65, 193, and 194. Then:

   'B' < 'A' < 'a' < 'b'


   'AB' < 'AA' < 'Aa' < 'Ab' < 'aB' < 'aA' < 'aa' < 'ab'

Graphic string comparisons are processed in a manner analogous to that for character strings.

Graphic string comparisons are valid between all graphic string data types except LONG VARGRAPHIC. LONG VARGRAPHIC and DBCLOB data types are not allowed in a comparison operation.

For graphic strings, the collating sequence of the database is not used. Instead, graphic strings are always compared based on the numeric (binary) values of their corresponding bytes.

Using the previous example, if the literals were graphic strings, then:

   'A' < 'B' < 'a' < 'b'


   'AA' < 'AB' < 'Aa' < 'Ab' < 'aA' < 'aB' < 'aa' < 'ab'

When comparing graphic strings of unequal lengths, the comparison is made using a logical copy of the shorter string which is padded on the right with double-byte blank characters sufficient to extend its length to that of the longer string.

Two graphic values are equal if they are both empty or if all corresponding graphics are equal. If either operand is null, the result is unknown. If two values are not equal, their relation is determined by a simple binary string comparison.

As indicated in this section, comparing strings on a byte by byte basis can produce unusual results; that is, a result that differs from what would be expected in a character by character comparison. The examples shown here assume the same MBCS code page, however, the situation can be further complicated when using different multi-byte code pages with the same national language. For example, consider the case of comparing a string from a Japanese DBCS code page and a Japanese EUC code page.

Datetime Comparisons

A DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value may be compared either with another value of the same data type or with a string representation of that data type. All comparisons are chronological, which means the farther a point in time is from January 1, 0001, the greater the value of that point in time.

Comparisons involving TIME values and string representations of time values always include seconds. If the string representation omits seconds, zero seconds is implied.

Comparisons involving TIMESTAMP values are chronological without regard to representations that might be considered equivalent.


  TIMESTAMP('1990-02-23-00.00.00') > '1990-02-22-24.00.00'

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