IBM Books

SQL Reference

String Comparisons

Character strings are compared according to the collating sequence specified when the database was created, except those with a FOR BIT DATA attribute which are always compared according to their bit values.

When comparing character strings of unequal lengths, the comparison is made using a logical copy of the shorter string which is padded on the right with single-byte blanks sufficient to extend its length to that of the longer string. This logical extension is done for all character strings including those tagged as FOR BIT DATA.

Character strings (except character strings tagged as FOR BIT DATA) are compared according to the collating sequence specified when the database was created (see the Administration Guide for more information on collating sequences specified at database creation time). For example, the default collating sequence supplied by the database manager may give lowercase and uppercase versions of the same character the same weight. The database manager performs a two-pass comparison to ensure that only identical strings are considered equal to each other. In the first pass, strings are compared according to the database collating sequence. If the weights of the characters in the strings are equal, a second "tie-breaker" pass is performed to compare the strings on the basis of their actual code point values.

Two strings are equal if they are both empty or if all corresponding bytes are equal. If either operand is null, the result is unknown.

Long strings and LOB strings are not supported in any comparison operations that use the basic comparison operators (=, <>, <, >, <=, and >=). They are supported in comparisons using the LIKE predicate and the POSSTR function. See LIKE Predicate and see POSSTR for details.

Portions of long strings and LOB strings of up to 4 000 bytes can be compared using the SUBSTR and VARCHAR scalar functions. For example, given the columns:


then the following is valid:



For these examples, 'A', 'Á', 'a', and 'á', have the code point values X'41', X'C1', X'61', and X'E1' respectively.

Consider a collating sequence where the characters 'A', 'Á', 'a', 'á' have weights 136, 139, 135, and 138. Then the characters sort in the order of their weights as follows:

'a' < 'A' < 'á' < 'Á'

Now consider four DBCS characters D1, D2, D3, and D4 with code points 0xC141, 0xC161, 0xE141, and 0xE161, respectively. If these DBCS characters are in CHAR columns, they sort as a sequence of bytes according to the collation weights of those bytes. First bytes have weights of 138 and 139, therefore D3 and D4 come before D2 and D1; second bytes have weights of 135 and 136. Hence, the order is as follows:

D4 < D3 < D2 < D1

However, if the values being compared have the FOR BIT DATA attribute, or if these DBCS characters were stored in a GRAPHIC column, the collation weights are ignored, and characters are compared according to their code points as follows:

'A' < 'a' < 'Á' < 'á'

The DBCS characters sort as sequence of bytes, in the order of code points as follows:

D1 < D2 < D3 < D4

Now consider a collating sequence where the characters 'A', 'Á', 'a', 'á' have (non-unique) weights 74, 75, 74, and 75. Considering collation weights alone (first pass), 'a' is equal to 'A', and 'á' is equal to 'Á'. The code points of the characters are used to break the tie (second pass) as follows:

'A' < 'a' < 'Á' < 'á'

DBCS characters in CHAR columns sort a sequence of bytes, according to their weights (first pass) and then according to their code points to break the tie (second pass). First bytes have equal weights, so the code points (0xC1 and 0xE1) break the tie. Therefore, characters D1 and D2 sort before characters D3 and D4. Then the second bytes are compared in similar way, and the final result is as follows:

D1 < D2 < D3 < D4

Once again, if the data in CHAR columns have the FOR BIT DATA attribute, or if the DBCS characters are stored in a GRAPHIC column, the collation weights are ignored, and characters are compared according to their code points:

D1 < D2 < D3 < D4

For this particular example, the result happens to be the same as when collation weights were used, but obviously this is not always the case.

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