Application Development Guide

Working with Complex Objects: User-Defined Structured Types

  • Structured Types Overview
  • Creating a Structured Type Hierarchy
  • Reference Types and Their Representation Types
  • Casting and Comparing Reference Types
  • Other System-Generated Routines
  • Defining Behavior for Types
  • Storing Objects in Typed Tables
  • Defining Relationships Between Objects in Typed Tables
  • Storing Objects in Columns
  • Additional Properties of Structured Types
  • Using Structured Types in Typed Tables
  • Creating a Typed Table
  • Defining the Type of the Table
  • Naming the Object Identifier
  • Specifying the Position in the Table Hierarchy
  • Indicating that SELECT Privileges are Inherited
  • Defining Column Options
  • Defining the Scope of a Reference Column
  • Populating a Typed Table
  • Using Reference Types
  • Comparing Reference Types
  • Using References to Define Semantic Relationships
  • Differences Between Referential Integrity and Scoped References
  • Creating a Typed View
  • Dropping a User-Defined Type (UDT) or Type Mapping
  • Altering or Dropping a View
  • Querying a Typed Table
  • Queries that Dereference References
  • DEREF Built-in Function
  • Other Type-related Built-in Functions
  • Additional Query Specification Techniques
  • Returning Objects of a Particular Type Using ONLY
  • Restricting Returned Types Using a TYPE Predicate
  • Returning All Possible Attributes Using OUTER
  • Additional Hints and Tips
  • Defining System-generated Object Identifiers
  • Creating Constraints on Object Identifier Columns
  • Creating and Using Structured Types as Column Types
  • Inserting Structured Type Instances into a Column
  • Defining Tables with Structured Type Columns
  • Defining Types with Structured Type Attributes
  • Inserting Rows that Contain Structured Type Values
  • Retrieving and Modifying Structured Type Values
  • Retrieving Attributes
  • Accessing the Attributes of Subtypes
  • Modifying Attributes
  • Returning Information About the Type
  • Associating Transforms with a Type
  • Recommendations for Naming Transform Groups
  • Where Transform Groups Must Be Specified
  • Specifying Transform Groups for External Routines
  • Setting the Transform Group for Dynamic SQL
  • Setting the Transform Group for Static SQL
  • Creating the Mapping to the Host Language Program: Transform Functions
  • Exchanging Objects with External Routines: Function Transforms
  • Transform Function Summary
  • Retrieving Subtype Data from DB2 (Bind Out)
  • Returning Subtype Data to DB2 (Bind In)
  • Working with Structured Type Host Variables
  • Declaring Structured Type Host Variables
  • Describing a Structured Type

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