DB2 Connect Quick Beginnings for Linux**


Special Characters
Special Characters
  • .INI file
  • db2cli.ini (614)
  • A
  • accessing data
  • using DB2 Connect (490)
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (495)
  • accessing multiple servers
  • accessing multiple servers (621)
  • accessing servers
  • overview (617)
  • TCP/IP (629), (639)
  • add database wizard (734)
  • Administration Server
  • creating on Linux (572)
  • APPC
  • SNA Server (539)
  • software requirements (535)
  • SunLink SNA (538)
  • supported platforms (536)
  • application development
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (498)
  • using ODBC (611)
  • Application Development Client
  • overview (504)
  • B
  • back up database wizard (736)
  • bidirectional CCSID support (680)
  • bidirectional language support (678)
  • bind files and package names
  • bind files and package names (702)
  • binding
  • utilities (610)
  • books (706), (719)
  • C
  • catalog node name
  • naming rules (686)
  • cataloging
  • databases (596), (598), (599), (646), (647)
  • TCP/IP node (594), (595), (643), (645)
  • CCSIDs (669)
  • character substitution (676)
  • clients
  • configuring (618)
  • code page conversion exceptions (675)
  • code pages (670)
  • Command Center
  • entering DB2 commands (654)
  • entering SQL statements (655)
  • commands (583)
  • dasicrt (573)
  • db2icrt (568), (569)
  • db2imigr (586)
  • db2licm (577)
  • db2rmln (581)
  • communication protocols
  • APPC (540)
  • configuring (640)
  • configuring for DRDA host access (590)
  • IPX/SPX (541)
  • NetBIOS (542)
  • TCP/IP (543), (630)
  • communications
  • configuring the client (636)
  • managing (622)
  • TCP/IP (634)
  • components
  • on UNIX operating systems (653)
  • selecting (652)
  • configuration parameters
  • setting DB2 (663)
  • SYSADM_GROUP (658)
  • configure multisite update wizard (738)
  • configuring
  • TCP/IP (632)
  • configuring client communications
  • setting configuration parameters (624)
  • using the command line processor (623)
  • configuring communications
  • overview (628)
  • connections to DRDA hosts
  • direct to DRDA host (487)
  • direct to DRDAhost (589)
  • through communications gateway (488), (591)
  • conversion (671)
  • conversion exceptions (674)
  • country code page support (666)
  • create database wizard (740)
  • create table space wizard (744)
  • create table wizard (742)
  • creating an instance
  • on Linux (565)
  • creating group IDs
  • Administration Server (560)
  • fenced UDFs and stored procedures (561)
  • instance owner (559)
  • creating the Administration Server
  • on Linux (571)
  • creating the sample database
  • cataloging a node (644)
  • connecting to a database (648)
  • creating user IDs
  • Administration Server (555)
  • fenced UDFs and stored procedures (556)
  • instance owner (554)
  • D
  • data conversion
  • CCSIDs (667)
  • code pages (668)
  • data conversion exceptions (673)
  • database alias (597), (600)
  • naming rules (682)
  • database objects
  • naming rules (688)
  • databases
  • naming rules (683)
  • DB2 client
  • changing privileges (657)
  • DB2 clients
  • overview (503)
  • DB2 Connect
  • overview (484), (491), (492)
  • DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition
  • usage (489)
  • DB2 Enterprise - Extended Edition
  • disk requirements (518)
  • DB2 Enterprise Edition
  • memory requirements (515)
  • DB2 for MVS/ESA
  • updating system tables (587)
  • DB2 library
  • books (705)
  • Information Center (727)
  • language identifier for books (710)
  • late-breaking information (712)
  • online help (720)
  • ordering printed books (718)
  • printing PDF books (715)
  • searching online information (753)
  • setting up document server (751)
  • structure of (704)
  • viewing online information (722)
  • wizards (730)
  • DB2 Universal Database
  • DB2 Snapshot Monitor (496)
  • software requirements (525), (548)
  • DB2 Workgroup Edition
  • configuration planning (514)
  • disk requirements (517)
  • memory requirements (513)
  • db2cli.ini (613)
  • db2icrt command (570)
  • db2imigr command
  • db2imigr command (585)
  • db2rmln command (580)
  • naming rules (697)
  • developing applications
  • using Net.Data or JDBC (499)
  • disk requirements
  • client (522)
  • server (521)
  • Distributed Computing Environment
  • software requirements (537)
  • double-byte characters (677)
  • F
  • files
  • bind files (701)
  • list files (700)
  • fixed disks
  • hardware requirements (523)
  • G
  • group IDs
  • creating on Linux (558)
  • H
  • hardware requirements
  • fixed disk (524)
  • HTML
  • sample programs (709)
  • I
  • index wizard (746)
  • Information Center (728)
  • installation
  • client (506), (519)
  • DB2 Installer (550)
  • mounting the CD-ROM (549)
  • server (505), (520)
  • using DB2 Installer (551)
  • installing
  • Netscape browser (725)
  • instances
  • creating on Linux (567)
  • naming restrictions (694)
  • verifying the connection (649)
  • J
  • Java, running programs (616)
  • JDBC, running programs (615)
  • L
  • LANG environment variable (665)
  • language identifier
  • books (711)
  • late-breaking information (713)
  • license files
  • Linux names (578)
  • license key
  • updating on Linux (574)
  • Linux
  • creating an instance (566)
  • creating fenced UDF and stored procedure IDs (564)
  • creating group IDs (562)
  • creating user IDs (563)
  • installing using RPM (553)
  • license file names (579)
  • updating the license key (575)
  • list files
  • list files (703)
  • M
  • managing connections
  • overview (501), (626)
  • using the Client Configuration Assistant (502)
  • using the Command Line Processor (627)
  • using the command line processor (625)
  • memory requirements
  • client (508)
  • estimating (511)
  • recommended (512)
  • server (507)
  • migration
  • instance (582), (584)
  • multisite update wizard (606)
  • multisite updates (601)
  • Control Center (604)
  • testing (607)
  • N
  • naming rules
  • database alias (684)
  • database objects (687)
  • databases (685)
  • general (681)
  • groups (689)
  • instance names (692)
  • password (698)
  • userids (690)
  • username (691)
  • National language support (672)
  • national language support (NLS)
  • bidirectional CCSID support (679)
  • Net.Data
  • connecting to the Internet (494)
  • overview (497), (500)
  • NetBIOS
  • code set (664)
  • Netscape browser
  • installing (726)
  • nodelock file
  • Linux (576)
  • O
  • ODBC
  • running programs (612)
  • online help (721)
  • online information
  • searching (755)
  • viewing (724)
  • P
  • parameters (656)
  • SYSADM_GROUP (659)
  • passwords
  • naming rules (699)
  • PDF (716)
  • performance configuration wizard (748)
  • planning
  • DB2 configuration (509), (516)
  • DB2 Connect configuration (510)
  • printing PDF books (717)
  • privileges
  • required (660)
  • product
  • components (650)
  • descriptions (483)
  • overview (482)
  • protocols
  • TCP/IP (631)
  • R
  • release notes (714)
  • restore wizard (750)
  • restrictions
  • instance name (693)
  • RPM
  • installing DB2 Connect for Linux using (552)
  • rpms
  • choosing on Linux (651)
  • running applications
  • database client (608)
  • S
  • sample programs
  • cross-platform (708)
  • HTML (707)
  • searching
  • online information (729), (754)
  • setting configuration parameters
  • setting configuration parameters (620)
  • setting up client communications
  • using the command line processor (619)
  • setting up document server (752)
  • SmartGuides
  • wizards (731)
  • software requirements
  • communication protocols (527), (529), (533), (545)
  • DB2 client (530)
  • DB2 Connect (531), (532), (534), (546)
  • DB2 Software Developer's Kit (528), (547)
  • DB2 Universal Database (526), (544)
  • controlling (662)
  • SYSADM_GROUP parameter
  • SYSADM_GROUP parameter (661)
  • system configuration
  • with DB2 Connect (493)
  • T
  • TCP/IP
  • client (633)
  • configuring (638)
  • configuring host connections (486), (588)
  • preventing socket collisions (592), (641)
  • setting up client-to-server (637)
  • troubleshooting (593), (642)
  • two-phase commit (602)
  • U
  • unit of work
  • distributed (603)
  • user IDs
  • creating on Linux (557)
  • username
  • naming rules (695)
  • utilities
  • binding (609)
  • V
  • verifying the connection
  • TCP/IP (635)
  • viewing
  • online information (723)
  • W
  • wizard
  • restore database (749)
  • wizards
  • add database (733)
  • back up database (735)
  • completing tasks (732)
  • configure multisite update (737)
  • create database (739)
  • create table (741)
  • create table space (743)
  • index (745)
  • multisite update (605)
  • performance configuration (747)
  • working with DB2 data (485)
  • workstation name (nname)
  • naming rules (696)

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