** Source File Name = utilapi.c 
** Licensed Materials - Property of IBM
** (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1995, 1999 
** All Rights Reserved.
** US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or
** disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.
**    PURPOSE :
**    - contains various functions, used by most other samples:
**    1. SQL_CHECK section
**        1.1 - SqlInfoPrint - prints on the screen everything that
**                             goes unexpected.
** For more information about these samples see the README file.
** For more information on programming in C, see the:
**   -  "Programming in C and C++" section of the Application Development Guide
** For more information on Building C Applications, see the:
**   -  "Building C Applications" section of the Application Building Guide.
** For more information on the SQL language see the SQL Reference.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sqlenv.h>
#include <sqlda.h>
#include <sqlca.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "utilapi.h"

**    1. SQL_CHECK section
**        1.1 - SqlInfoPrint - prints on the screen everything that
**                             goes unexpected.

**        1.1 - SqlInfoPrint - prints on the screen everything that
**                             goes unexpected.
int SqlInfoPrint( char *         appMsg, 
                  struct sqlca * pSqlca,
                  int            line,      
                  char *         file )
{   int   rc = 0;

    char  sqlInfo[1024];
    char  sqlInfoToken[1024];

    char  sqlstateMsg[1024];
    char  errorMsg[1024];

    if (pSqlca->sqlcode != 0 && pSqlca->sqlcode != 100)
    {   strcpy(sqlInfo, "");

        if( pSqlca->sqlcode < 0)
        {   sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "\n---- error report ----\n");
            strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);
        {   sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "\n---- warning report ----\n");
            strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);
        } /* endif */

        sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "  app. message      = %s\n", appMsg);
        strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);	
        sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "  line              = %d\n", line);
        strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);	
        sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "  file              = %s\n", file);
        strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);	
        sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "  SQLCODE           = %ld\n", pSqlca->sqlcode);
        strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);		
        /* GET ERROR MESSAGE */
        rc = sqlaintp( errorMsg, 1024, 80, pSqlca);
        /* return code is the length of the errorMsg string */	
        if( rc > 0)
        {   sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "%s\n", errorMsg);
            strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);
        /* get SQLSTATE message */
        rc = sqlogstt( sqlstateMsg, 1024, 80, pSqlca->sqlstate);
        if (rc == 0)
        {   sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "%s\n", sqlstateMsg);
            strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);

        if( pSqlca->sqlcode < 0)
        {   sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "--- end error report ---\n");
            strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);

            printf("%s", sqlInfo);
            return 1;
        {   sprintf( sqlInfoToken, "--- end warning report ---\n");
            strcat( sqlInfo, sqlInfoToken);
            printf("%s", sqlInfo);
            return 0;
        } /* endif */
    } /* endif */

    return 0;