Warehouse Manager Installation Guide

Warehouse agent sites

The Warehouse Manager supports the following operating systems as agent sites:

For AS/400, you must have a user ID that has ALLOBJ and JOBCTL authority. This level of authority is required for both the AS/400 RSTLICPGM command and the STRVWD and ENDVWD commands. Also, the user profile that starts the warehouse agent daemon should also have *PGMR (bind capability) as the User Class.

Fixed disk space

Warehouse agents on AIX, OS/2, Windows NT, and the Solaris Operating Environment require 50 MB each of fixed disk space.

The OS/390 warehouse agent requires approximately 95 MB of HFS space.

Fixed disk space is not applicable to warehouse agents on AS/400.

Accessing non-DB2 source databases using ODBC

You can access several non-DB2 warehouse sources from agent sites by using ODBC drivers. Data Warehouse Center ODBC drivers and driver manager for Windows NT, OS/2, AIX, and the Solaris Operating Environment are installed when you install a warehouse agent on one of these operating systems. The Data Warehouse Center ODBC drivers and driver manager are the DataDirect Connect ODBC drivers and driver manager provided by Merant.

To avoid errors, do not configure Informix databases with Oracle or Sybase databases on the same workstation.

For information about setting up database client software, see the Data Warehouse Center Administration Guide.

Ensuring that UNICODE support is available

If you are using an OS/390, AIX, or Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent, you must ensure that UNICODE support is available on your system.

Verifying UNICODE support on OS/390

Iconv supports conversion to and from UCS-2 in all releases of OS/390 that support the OS/390 warehouse agent.

Verifying UNICODE support on AIX

To verify that UNICODE support is available on AIX, enter:

lslpp -al | grep -i iconv

Ensure that the following filesets are listed:

UNICODE base converters

UNICODE converters for PC code sets

You must also install the language converter for your language. For more information, go to http://www.austin.ibm.com/resource/aix_resource/Pubs or see the AIX Packaging Guide for LPP Installation.

Verifying UNICODE support on the Solaris Operating Environment

To verify UNICODE support on the Solaris Operating Environment, enter:

pkginfo | grep -i iconv

If UNICODE support is available, you should see the following package:

SUNWuiu8 -- Iconv modules for UTF-8 Locale

If you are using a national language version of the warehouse agent, ensure that you installed the proper code set and iconv module.

Establishing ODBC connections for the AIX and Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agents

When you install the AIX or Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent, two ODBC connection types are available:

This connection type accesses the following sources:

If you use the DB2 CLI connection type, you must have DataJoiner for heterogeneous data access. VSAM and IMS source access also requires DataJoiner Classic Connect.

Merant-enabled ODBC
This connection type accesses the following sources:

Both connection types support the following warehouse target databases:

Both connection types include executable files.

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