Warehouse Manager Installation Guide

Table of Contents

About this book

Who should read this book
Prerequisite publications
How to send your comments

Overview of the Warehouse Manager components

Information Catalog Manager
Warehouse agents
Warehouse transformers

Software requirements

Information Catalog Manager components
Information Catalog Manager Tools component
Information Catalog Administrator component
Information Catalog User component
Information Catalog Manager for the Web
Warehouse agent sites
Fixed disk space
Accessing non-DB2 source databases using ODBC
Ensuring that UNICODE support is available
Establishing ODBC connections for the AIX and Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agents
Warehouse transformers

Installing Information Catalog Manager components

Installing the Information Catalog Manager Tools component
Installing the Information Catalog Manager Tools component
Running the information catalog initialization utility
Installing the Information Catalog Administrator component
Installing the Information Catalog User component
Installing the Information Catalog Manager for the Web
Security considerations
Installing the Information Catalog Manager for the Web on a Windows NT Websphere IBM HTTP Web server
Installing the Information Catalog Manager for the Web on an AIX Websphere IBM HTTP Web server
Installing the Information Catalog Manager for the Web on any Web server
Post-installation customization
Creating a sample information catalog

Installing warehouse agents

Preparing to install warehouse agents
Installing a Windows NT warehouse agent
Removing a Visual Warehouse Windows NT agent
Installing a Windows NT warehouse agent
Installing the OS/2 warehouse agent
Removing the Visual Warehouse OS/2 agent
Installing the OS/2 warehouse agent
Installing the OS/390 warehouse agent
Installing the AS/400 warehouse agent
Removing the Visual Warehouse AS/400 agent
Installing the AS/400 warehouse agent
Installing the AIX and Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agents
Removing the Visual Warehouse AIX agent
Removing the Visual Warehouse Solaris Operating Environment agent
Installing the AIX or the Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agents
Establishing connectivity
ODBC drivers
Connectivity products
Database clients
Testing connectivity
Removing DB2 Version 7 warehouse agents

Configuring the AIX and Solaris Operating Environment warehouse agent environments

Configuring the warehouse agent environment
Cataloging the DB2 nodes and databases

Preparing for and installing warehouse transformers

Preparing your environment
Obtaining the JDK
Updating the environment variables
Updating the database manager configuration
Updating the database configuration
Setting up authorities and privileges
Installing warehouse transformers
Enabling warehouse transformers

Appendix A. Environment structure for Information Catalog Manager components

Appendix B. National language support considerations for the Information Catalog Manager

Appendix C. Warehouse agent environment structures

Appendix D. Using the DB2 Library

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