Troubleshooting Guide

First Failure Data Capture

First Failure Data Capture (FFDC) information is diagnostic information captured automatically by DB2 about an error when the error occurs. This information reduces the need to reproduce errors to get diagnostic information.

The information captured by FFDC includes the following:

When an error occurs, the db2diag.log is updated with information about the error. For more details, see Interpreting the db2diag.log. For information on the DIAGLEVEL setting, which determines how much information is logged in the file, see Setting Configuration Parameters Affecting FFDC.

If an error is determined to be an alert, then an entry is made in the db2alert.log file and to the operating system or native logging facility. See Alerts for more information.

Dump files
For some error conditions, extra information is logged in external binary dump files named after the failing process ID. These files are intended for DB2 Customer Support. See Dump Files, for more details.

Trap files
The database manager generates a trap file if it cannot continue processing because of a trap, segmentation violation, or exception. Trap files contain a function flow of the last steps that were executed before a problem occurred. See Trap Files, for more information.

This diagnostic information is contained in a single location (the DIAGPATH specified in the database manager configuration). It contains internal traces and dumps, which contain crucial information that may help you diagnose and fix problems.

Setting Configuration Parameters Affecting FFDC

The following database manager configuration parameters affect how much FFDC information is collected and where it is kept:

To set these configuration parameters, use the UPDATE DATABASE MANAGER CONFIGURATION command from the command line processor.

Important: You must stop DB2 and start it again before any of these configuration changes take effect.


For information on database manager administration commands, refer to the Administration Guide: Implementation, the Command Reference, and the Administrative API Reference manuals.

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