Troubleshooting Guide

Determining Origins and Symptoms of Problems

If you are supporting an organization using DB2, you will receive calls from users to resolve a variety of problems. Your response depends on:

To solve a problem, start by obtaining a comprehensive description of the problem. This way, you can begin to determine its origin. For example, a problem may exist in any of the following:

Determining the Location of a Problem

Most applications run in a client/server environment. You must determine if a problem is on the client, the server, or somewhere in between (that is, in the LAN or communication protocol stack).

Investigating where the problem is detected or reported is the best way to start. For example, if you receive an unexpected SQLCODE on a client, then investigate the SQLCODE on that client. (See Responding to Unexpected Messages or SQLCODEs for information.)

Often the SQLCODE alone provides enough information to determine the source and cause of the problem. If the SQLCODE does not give enough information to determine the source of a problem, examine the db2diag.log file at the partition server where the problem was reported. For example, if the problem was reported on a client, first look at the db2diag.log file on that particular client.

The db2diag.log file is an ASCII file written by DB2 that contains diagnostic information for DB2. The db2diag.log file reports exceptions encountered in DB2 code. If you know the date and time when the problem occurred, you can go directly to the corresponding db2diag.log file entries.
Note:The error messages relating to a user application problem most often do not cause exceptions in DB2. This type of problem is handled as a normal part of DB2 processing. As a result, they are not reported in the db2diag.log file.

For information on this important file, see First Failure Data Capture. When viewing the file, keep in mind that the most recent conditions are always at the end.

Responding to Unexpected Messages or SQLCODEs

When you receive an unexpected message or SQLCODE, follow these steps until you can determine the problem:

  1. When you receive a message, take note of all available information, including the following:
  2. Check the online message help by typing db2 "? message" from the command prompt, where message is the complete SQLCODE, SQLSTATE, or message number. Read and follow the suggested actions.
  3. Use the SQLCODE or message number to search available DB2 documentation for additional information.
  4. If the problem persists, ensure that you have as much of the following information as possible before contacting DB2 Customer Support:
  5. If you determine that the problem is not with DB2 but with a vendor-supplied application, contact the vendor.

Responding to Abends

In this book the term abend includes:

When an abend occurs, work through the following steps until you can determine the problem:

  1. Confirm that all DB2 components (clients, servers, DB2 Connect, each partition server in an Enterprise - Extended Edition system) are at the same service level, especially if a fix pack has recently been installed. See Updating DB2 Products.
  2. Note the executable module that reported the abend.
  3. If the problem persists, try to collect the following additional information before contacting DB2 Customer Support: See Part 2, Advanced DB2 Troubleshooting for information.
  4. If you determine that the problem is not with DB2 but with a vendor-supplied application, contact the vendor.

Responding to Suspensions and Loops

When the system appears to be suspended or looping, try to identify the problem by working through the following steps:

  1. Using messages, the db2diag.log file, and other information, attempt to determine why the suspension or loop occurred.

    Some common problems that cause suspensions or loops can include the following:

  2. Recover the system:
  3. If the problem persists, try to collect the following additional information before contacting DB2 Customer Support:
  4. If you determine that the problem is not with DB2 but with a vendor-supplied application, contact the vendor.

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