SQL Reference


Special Characters
Special Characters
  • * (asterisk)
  • in subselect column names (7800)
  • naming columns, use in select (7799)
  • ? (question mark) (8530)
  • A
  • ABS or ABSVAL function (6989)
  • detailed format description (7368)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7369)
  • ACOS function (6991)
  • detailed format description (7371)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7372)
  • ADD clause in ALTER TABLE (8010)
  • ADD column clause, order of processing (8035)
  • add database wizard (9356)
  • ADVISE_INDEX table (9308)
  • ADVISE_INDEX table definition (9317)
  • ADVISE_WORKLOAD table (9309)
  • ADVISE_WORKLOAD table definition (9318)
  • alias
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8093)
  • CREATE ALIAS statement (8172)
  • deleting, using DROP statement (8485)
  • description (6015), (6368)
  • TABLE_NAME function (7690)
  • TABLE_SCHEMA function (7693)
  • ALIAS clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8104)
  • DROP statement (8493)
  • alias-name (6300)
  • ALL clause
  • SELECT statement, use in (7795), (7862)
  • ALL in quantified predicate (6937)
  • ALL option
  • comparison, set operator, effect on (7899)
  • GRANT statement (table, view or nickname) (8632)
  • REVOKE statement, table, view or nickname privileges (8812)
  • ALLOCATE (8998)
  • ALLOCATE CURSOR statement (8996), (9001)
  • ALTER BUFFERPOOL statement (7976), (7983)
  • ALTER clause
  • GRANT statement (table or view) (8633)
  • REVOKE statement, removing privilege for (8813)
  • ALTER NICKNAME statement (7985)
  • ALTER NODEGROUP statement (7987), (7994)
  • ALTER SERVER statement (7996)
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8041)
  • authorization required, summary (7998)
  • examples of usage (8039)
  • syntax diagram (8008)
  • ALTER TABLESPACE statement (8042), (8046)
  • ALTER TYPE (Structured) statement (8048), (8054)
  • ALTER USER MAPPING statement (8056)
  • ALTER VIEW statement (8064)
  • authorization required, summary (8058)
  • syntax diagram (8059)
  • ambiguous cursor (8443)
  • ambiguous reference, error conditions for (6731)
  • AND truth table (6978)
  • ANY in quantified predicate (6936)
  • application process, definition of (6113)
  • application program
  • concurrency (6115)
  • uses SQLDA (9101)
  • application requester, overview (6148)
  • application server
  • overview (6149)
  • role of in connections (6156)
  • arguments of COALESCE
  • result data type (6623)
  • arithmetic
  • AVG function, operation of (7274)
  • columns, adding values (SUM) (7351)
  • constants
  • definition of (6641)
  • NOT NULL, required attribute for (6642)
  • CORRELATION function, operation of (7281)
  • COVARIANCE function, operation of (7307)
  • date operations, rules for (6858)
  • datetime, SQL rules for (6850)
  • decimal operations, scale and precision formulas (6825)
  • decimal value, precision and scale (6488)
  • decimal values from numeric expressions (7450)
  • distinct type operands (6831)
  • expressions, adding values (SUM) (7350)
  • floating point operands
  • rules and precision values (6828)
  • with integers, result of (6829)
  • floating point values from numeric expressions (7502), (7637)
  • floating point, range and precision (6487)
  • integer
  • large integer, range and precision (6486)
  • small integer, range and precision (6485)
  • integer values, returning from expressions (7389), (7540)
  • maximum value, finding (7312)
  • minimum value, finding (7322)
  • operators, summary of results (6806)
  • parameter marker, syntax and operations (8748)
  • REGRESSION Functions function, operation of (7329)
  • remote use of, conversions, overview (6181)
  • small integer values, returning from expressions (7670)
  • STDDEV function, operation of (7345)
  • time operations, rules for (6859), (6862)
  • timestamp operations, rules for (6864)
  • unary minus sign, effect on operand (6812)
  • unary plus sign, effect on operand (6811)
  • VARIANCE function, operation of (7360)
  • AS clause
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8397)
  • in SELECT clause (7793), (7814)
  • ORDER BY clause (7914)
  • ASC clause
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8240)
  • of select-statement (7919)
  • ASCII function (6993)
  • detailed format description (7374)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7375)
  • ASIN function (6995)
  • detailed format description (7377)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7378)
  • Assembler application host variable (8547)
  • assigning a string to a column, rules for (6577)
  • assignments
  • character strings to datetime columns, rules for (6561)
  • DATALINK type (6593)
  • datetime to character string value (6591)
  • datetime values, rules for (6589)
  • fragmenting a MBCS character, rules for (6586)
  • mixed character string blank padding (6584)
  • mixed character string to host variables (6583)
  • mixed character string truncation (6585)
  • numbers (6573)
  • reference type (6595)
  • retrieval (6579)
  • storage (6578), (6882)
  • strings, basic rules for (6575)
  • user-defined type (6594)
  • ASSOCIATE LOCATORS statement (9007), (9010)
  • asterisk (*)
  • in COUNT (7291)
  • in COUNT_BIG (7302)
  • in subselect column names (7798)
  • ATAN function (6997)
  • detailed format description (7380)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7381)
  • ATAN2 function (6999)
  • detailed format description (7383)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7384)
  • attribute-name (6301)
  • in dereference operation (6891)
  • authority level
  • authorization name, syntax rules for (6303)
  • authorization
  • definition (6220)
  • granting control on database operations (8585)
  • granting control on index (8605)
  • granting create on schema (8618)
  • public control on index (8606)
  • public create on schema (8619)
  • authorization ID at run time (6384)
  • authorization ID in dynamic statements, overview of (6379)
  • authorization ID, overview of (6369)
  • authorization-name
  • restrictions governing (6302)
  • use of in BIND (6386)
  • use of in Grant and Revoke (6376), (6383)
  • AVG function (7001)
  • AVG function, detailed description (7276)
  • B
  • back up database wizard (9358)
  • base table (6009)
  • basic operations in SQL (6553)
  • basic predicate, detailed format (6928)
  • BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement (8065), (8073)
  • authorization required (8069)
  • invocation rules for (8068)
  • BETWEEN clause, using in OLAP functions (6917)
  • BETWEEN predicate, detailed format diagram (6939)
  • big integers (6472)
  • BIGINT data type (8284)
  • description (6469)
  • precision (6470)
  • range (6471)
  • BIGINT function (7003)
  • BIGINT function, integer values from expressions (7388)
  • binary integer, as data type (6401)
  • Binary Large OBject (6417)
  • BINDADD parameter, GRANT...ON DATABASE statement (8586)
  • binding (8611)
  • bound statement, overview of (6160)
  • data retrieval, role in optimizing (5961)
  • revoking all privileges (8789)
  • binding semantics
  • functions (6787)
  • methods (6788)
  • bit data
  • BLOB string (6420)
  • definition (6439)
  • blank (6264)
  • blanks
  • definition of (6260)
  • BLOB
  • data type (8297)
  • scalar function description (7391)
  • string (6416)
  • BLOB function (7005)
  • books (9328), (9341)
  • bound statement, use of (6158)
  • buffer insert (8692)
  • buffer pool
  • deleting, using DROP statement (8487)
  • description (6240)
  • extended storage use (7980), (7981), (8186)
  • page size (8185)
  • setting size (7979), (8183)
  • bufferpool
  • naming conventions (6304)
  • BUFFERPOOL clause
  • ALTER TABLESPACE statement (8045)
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8365)
  • DROP statement (8497)
  • built-in function (6986)
  • description (6771)
  • byte length values, list for data types (7557)
  • C
  • caching
  • EXECUTE statement (8535)
  • call level interface (5978)
  • CALL statement (8074), (8077)
  • cancelling a unit of work (8843)
  • CASCADE delete rule (8334)
  • description (6082)
  • case
  • expression (6872)
  • case sensitive identifiers, SQL (6280)
  • CASE statement (9013)
  • CAST
  • expression as operand (6877)
  • NULL as operand (6879)
  • parameter marker as operand (6881)
  • CAST specification (6875)
  • casting
  • between data types (6544)
  • reference types (6548)
  • user-defined types (6546)
  • catalog
  • adding comments on tables, views, columns (8089)
  • COMMENT ON, detailed syntax (8088)
  • catalog views
  • BUFFERPOOLS (9127)
  • CHECKS (9129)
  • COLAUTH (9130)
  • COLCHECKS (9131)
  • COLDIST (9132)
  • COLOPTIONS (9133)
  • COLUMNS (9134)
  • CONSTDEP (9135)
  • DATATYPES (9136)
  • DBAUTH (9137)
  • definition (6111)
  • EVENTS (9139)
  • FUNCDEP (9141)
  • FUNCPARMS (9145)
  • FUNCTIONS (9146)
  • INDEXAUTH (9148)
  • INDEXCOLUSE (9149)
  • INDEXDEP (9150)
  • INDEXES (9151), (9199)
  • KEYCOLUSE (9153)
  • NODEGROUPS (9156)
  • overview (9120)
  • PACKAGEAUTH (9157)
  • PACKAGEDEP (9158)
  • PACKAGES (9159)
  • PROCEDURES (9162)
  • PROCOPTIONS (9163)
  • PROCPARMS (9165)
  • read-only (9123)
  • REFERENCES (9166)
  • SCHEMAAUTH (9168)
  • SCHEMATA (9169)
  • SERVERS (9171)
  • STATEMENTS (9172)
  • SYSDUMMY1 (9124)
  • TABAUTH (9173)
  • TABCONST (9174)
  • TABLES (9175)
  • TABLESPACES (9176)
  • TABOPTIONS (9177)
  • TBSPACEAUTH (9178)
  • TRANSFORMS (9206)
  • TRIGDEP (9179)
  • TRIGGERS (9180)
  • updatable (9122)
  • USEROPTIONS (9182)
  • VIEWDEP (9183)
  • VIEWS (9184)
  • WRAPOPTIONS (9185)
  • WRAPPERS (9186)
  • catalog views (structured types)
  • ATTRIBUTES (9125)
  • HIERARCHIES (9147)
  • catalog views for structured types (9198)
  • overview (9196)
  • CEIL or CEILING function (7007)
  • CEILING or CEIL function
  • detailed format description (7393)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7394)
  • CHAR
  • function description (7398)
  • CHAR function (7009)
  • CHAR function(SYSFUN.CHAR) (7011)
  • CHAR VARYING data type (8294)
  • character conversion
  • character set (6210)
  • code page (6212)
  • code point (6214)
  • encoding scheme (6216)
  • rules for assignments (6582)
  • rules for comparison (6606)
  • rules for operations combining strings (6629)
  • rules when comparing strings (6631)
  • CHARACTER data type (8291)
  • Character Large OBject (6411)
  • character set (6211)
  • character string
  • arithmetic operators, prohibited use of (6807)
  • as data type (6396)
  • assignment, overview (6574)
  • bit data
  • definition (6438)
  • BLOB string representation (7392)
  • CLOB (6412)
  • comparisons, rules for (6600)
  • constants, range and precision (6655)
  • detailed description (6425)
  • double byte character string, returning (7748)
  • empty, compared to null value (6428)
  • equality, collating sequence examples (6605)
  • equality, definition of (6604)
  • fixed length (6397)
  • fixed length, description (6432)
  • hexadecimal constant (6658)
  • mixed data (6442)
  • POSSTR scalar function (7616)
  • returning from host variable name (7719)
  • SBCS data, definition (6440)
  • SQL statement string, rules for creating (8549)
  • SQL statement, execution as (8542)
  • translating string syntax (7718)
  • VARCHAR scalar function, using (7743)
  • VARGRAPHIC scalar function, using (7747)
  • varying length (6398)
  • varying length, description (6433)
  • CHARACTER VARYING data type (8293)
  • characters, SQL, range of (6259)
  • CHECK clause in CREATE VIEW statement (8408)
  • check constraint
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8018), (8025)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8342)
  • INSERT statement (8689)
  • check pending state (6090), (8915)
  • CHR function (7013)
  • detailed format description (7403)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7404)
  • CLI (5979)
  • client/server
  • server name, description of (6342)
  • CLOB data type (8298)
  • CLOB function (7015)
  • detailed format description (7406)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7407)
  • CLOB string (6410)
  • CLOSE statement (8079), (8084)
  • closed state of cursor (8728)
  • CLUSTER clause
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8243)
  • CL_SCHED sample table (9255)
  • function description (7410)
  • COALESCE function (7017)
  • code page (6213)
  • code point (6215)
  • collating sequence, string comparison, rules for (6602)
  • collating_sequence server option (9212)
  • column
  • adding to a table, ALTER TABLE (8011)
  • adding values (SUM) (7352)
  • adding with ALTER TABLE statement (7999)
  • adding, privileges for, granting (8634)
  • ambiguous name reference, error conditions (6729)
  • averaging a column set of values (AVG) (7275)
  • BASIC predicate, use in matching strings (6933)
  • BETWEEN predicate, use in matching strings (6942)
  • column name, qualified, conditions for (6745)
  • column name, unqualified, conditions for (6746)
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8092)
  • constraint name, FOREIGN KEY, rules (8331)
  • correlation between a set of number pairs (CORRELATION) (7282)
  • covariance of a column set of number pairs (COVARIANCE) (7308)
  • definition of (6002), (6004)
  • DISTINCT keyword, queries, role of (7268)
  • EXISTS predicate, use in matching strings (6944)
  • fixed length character strings, attributes (6430)
  • GROUP BY, use in limiting in SELECT clause (7806)
  • grouping column name, use in GROUP BY (7856)
  • HAVING clause, search names, rules for (7876)
  • HAVING, use in limiting in SELECT clause (7807)
  • IN predicate, fullselect, values returned (6951)
  • index key, column-name, use in (8238)
  • inserting values, INSERT statement (8679)
  • LIKE predicate, use in matching strings (6952)
  • maximum value, finding (7314)
  • minimum value, finding (7321)
  • naming conventions (6306)
  • naming conventions, applications of
  • in CREATE INDEX statement (6705)
  • in CREATE TABLE statement (6704)
  • in expressions (6707)
  • in GROUP BY or ORDER BY statements (6706)
  • nested table expression, use of (6742)
  • null values in result columns, rules for (7813)
  • null values, ALTER TABLE, prevention of (8014)
  • qualified column names, rules for (6708)
  • result data, expression type, table of (7817)
  • scalar fullselect, use of (6739)
  • searching using WHERE clause (7846)
  • SELECT clause, select list notation (7785)
  • standard deviation of a column set of values (STDDEV) (7346)
  • string assignment, basic rules for (6576)
  • subquery, use of (6736)
  • undefined name reference, error conditions (6730)
  • updating row values, UPDATE statement (8958)
  • variance of a column set of values (VARIANCE) (7361)
  • varying length character strings, attributes (6431)
  • COLUMN clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8105)
  • column function, arguments for (6987)
  • column name
  • in ORDER BY clause (7916)
  • rules for (6305)
  • column name qualification in the COMMENT ON statement (6711)
  • column name, uses for (6703)
  • column options
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8306)
  • numeric string (9207)
  • varchar_no_trailing_blanks (9209)
  • column-name
  • in INSERT statement (8680)
  • combining grouping sets (7874)
  • comment
  • SQL static statements, use in (7974)
  • comment in catalog table (8087)
  • COMMENT ON statement (8085), (8121)
  • comments
  • host language, format for (6278)
  • SQL, format for (6277)
  • commit processing
  • locks, relation to uncommitted changes (6118)
  • COMMIT statement (8123), (8136)
  • pass-through (9247)
  • common table expression (7906)
  • description (6106)
  • recursive (7909)
  • common-table-expression
  • select-statement (7905)
  • comm_rate server option (9214), (9216)
  • comparing a value with a collection (6940)
  • comparing LONG VARGRAPHIC strings, restricted use of (6611)
  • comparing two predicates, truth conditions (6932), (6966)
  • comparison
  • compatibility rules (6559), (6564)
  • compatibility rules, data types, summary (6560)
  • datetime values, rules for (6613)
  • graphic strings, rules for (6612)
  • LONG VARGRAPHIC, restricted use of (6610)
  • numbers, rules for (6597)
  • reference type (6618)
  • SBCS/MBCS, rules for (6609)
  • strings, rules for (6601)
  • user-defined type (6615)
  • compatibility
  • data types (6562)
  • data types, summary (6557)
  • rules (6563)
  • rules for operation types (6558)
  • compensation (6207)
  • composite column value (7872)
  • composite key (6023)
  • Compound SQL (Embedded) statement
  • combining statements into a block (8138)
  • Compound SQL statement (8140)
  • compound statement (9016)
  • CONCAT function
  • detailed format description (7411)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7412)
  • CONCAT or || function (7019)
  • concatenation
  • distinct type (6803)
  • operator (6796)
  • result data type (6800)
  • result length (6801)
  • concurrency
  • application (6114)
  • prevention of
  • LOCK TABLE statement (8706)
  • tables with NOT LOGGED INITIALLY parameter, restriction (8322)
  • condition
  • naming conventions (6309)
  • condition handler
  • declaring (9027)
  • condition name
  • rules for (6308)
  • configure multisite update wizard (9360)
  • CONNECT parameter, GRANT...ON DATABASE statement (8588)
  • CONNECT statement
  • disconnecting from current server (8156)
  • implicit connect (8146)
  • IMPLICIT connect, diagram of state transitions (6165)
  • information on application server, getting (8158)
  • information on setting a new password (8160)
  • non-IMPLICIT connect, diagram of state transitions (6167)
  • overview (6161)
  • with no operand, returning information (8159)
  • CONNECT statement (Type 1) (8142), (8162)
  • CONNECT statement (Type 2) (8164), (8168)
  • CONNECT TO statement
  • successful connection, detailed description (8148), (8166)
  • unsuccessful connection, detailed description (8150), (8167)
  • connected state (6172)
  • connection states
  • application process (6171)
  • distributed unit of work (6170)
  • remote unit of work (6164)
  • constants
  • character string, range and precision (6656)
  • decimal (6653)
  • floating-point, rules for (6646)
  • hexadecimal (6659)
  • integer, definition of (6643)
  • with user-defined types (6661)
  • constants, overview of (6640)
  • constraint
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8094)
  • Explain tables (9300)
  • referential (6039), (6049)
  • table check (6040), (6089)
  • unique (6038), (6044)
  • CONSTRAINT clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8106)
  • constraints
  • adding or dropping, ALTER TABLE (8003)
  • container
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8358)
  • description (6238)
  • container-clause
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8362)
  • CONTINUE clause in WHENEVER statement (8990)
  • CONTROL clause
  • GRANT statement (table, view or nickname) (8637)
  • CONTROL clause in GRANT statement, revoking (8814)
  • CONTROL parameter
  • revoking privileges for packages (8791)
  • conversion
  • character string to executable SQL (8543)
  • datetime to character string variable (6590)
  • integer to decimal, mixed expression, rules (6820)
  • conversion rules
  • for assignments (6581)
  • for comparison (6607)
  • for operations combining strings (6630)
  • for string comparisons (6632)
  • conversions
  • CHAR, returning converted datetime values (7402)
  • character string to timestamp (7706)
  • DBCS from mixed SBCS and DBCS (7749)
  • decimal values from numeric expressions (7451)
  • double byte character string, returning (7750)
  • floating point values from numeric expressions (7503), (7638)
  • numeric, scale and precision, summary (6569)
  • correlated reference (7852)
  • correlated reference, use in nested table expression (6741)
  • correlated reference, use in scalar fullselect (6738)
  • correlated reference, use in subquery (6735), (6744)
  • CORRELATION function, detailed description (7283)
  • correlation name
  • FROM clause, subselect, rules for use (7820)
  • CORRELATION or CORR (7021)
  • correlation-name
  • detailed description (6311)
  • in SELECT clause, syntax diagram (7788)
  • qualified reference of column name (6716)
  • correlation-name, rules for (6718)
  • COS function (7023)
  • detailed format description (7414)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7415)
  • COT function (7025)
  • detailed format description (7417)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7418)
  • COUNT function (7027)
  • detailed format description (7286)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7287)
  • COUNT_BIG function (7029), (7295)
  • detailed format description (7296)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7297)
  • COVARIANCE function, detailed description (7309)
  • COVARIANCE or COVAR function (7031)
  • cpu_ratio server option (9218)
  • CREATE ALIAS statement (8170), (8176)
  • CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement (8178), (8188)
  • create database wizard (9362)
  • CREATE DISTINCT TYPE statement (8190), (8194)
  • CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement (8196), (8199)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (External Scalar) statement (8204)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (External Table) statement (8207)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (OLE DB External Table) statement (8213)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (Source or Template) statement (8218)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (Source) statement (8221)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (SQL Scalar, Table or Row) statement (8223)
  • CREATE FUNCTION statement (8201), (8211), (8216), (8226)
  • CREATE INDEX EXTENSION statement (8248)
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8229), (8246)
  • column-name, rules for key creation (8239)
  • CREATE METHOD statement (8252)
  • CREATE NODEGROUP statement (8254), (8260)
  • CREATE PROCEDURE statement (8262)
  • assignment statement (9003)
  • CASE statement (9012)
  • compound statement (9015)
  • condition handlers (9026)
  • DECLARE statement (9021)
  • FOR statement (9032)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (9035)
  • GOTO statement (9040)
  • handler statement (9029)
  • IF statement (9044)
  • ITERATE statement (9047)
  • LEAVE statement (9050)
  • LOOP statement (9053)
  • REPEAT statement (9056)
  • RESIGNAL statement (9059)
  • RETURN statement (9062)
  • SIGNAL statement (9065)
  • SQL procedure statement (8995)
  • variables (9018)
  • WHILE statement (9068)
  • CREATE SCHEMA statement (8266), (8271)
  • CREATE SERVER statement (8273)
  • create table space wizard (9366)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8275), (8348)
  • syntax diagram (8279)
  • create table wizard (9364)
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8350), (8366)
  • CREATE TRANSFORM statement (8368)
  • CREATE TRIGGER statement (8370), (8379)
  • CREATE TYPE (Structured) statement (8381), (8387)
  • CREATE TYPE MAPPING statement (8389)
  • CREATE USER MAPPING statement (8391)
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8393), (8420)
  • CREATE VIEW statement, definition of (6011)
  • CREATE WRAPPER statement (8422)
  • CREATETAB parameter, GRANT...ON DATABASE statement (8590)
  • creating a database, granting authority for (8597)
  • creating the sample database (9251)
  • cross tabulation rows (7871)
  • CS (cursor stability) isolation level (6141), (9281)
  • CUBE (7868)
  • cube
  • examples of (7886)
  • current connection state (6175)
  • CURRENT DATE special register (6665)
  • CURRENT DEFAULT TRANSFORM GROUP special register (6667)
  • CURRENT DEGREE special register (6669)
  • SET CURRENT DEGREE statement (8887)
  • CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE special register (6671)
  • SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE statement (8892)
  • CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT special register (6673)
  • CURRENT FUNCTION PATH special register (6678)
  • SET CURRENT FUNCTION PATH statement (8931)
  • SET CURRENT PATH statement (8932)
  • SET PATH statement (8933)
  • CURRENT NODE special register (6675)
  • CURRENT PATH special register (6679)
  • SET CURRENT FUNCTION PATH statement (8928)
  • SET CURRENT PATH statement (8929)
  • SET PATH statement (8930)
  • CURRENT QUERY OPTIMIZATION special register (6683)
  • CURRENT REFRESH AGE special register (6685)
  • CURRENT SCHEMA special register (6687)
  • CURRENT SERVER special register (6692)
  • CURRENT SQLID special register (6688)
  • CURRENT TIME special register (6695)
  • CURRENT TIMESTAMP special register (6697)
  • CURRENT TIMEZONE special register (6699)
  • cursor
  • active set, associated with (8717)
  • ambiguous (8445)
  • closed state, pre-conditions for (8727)
  • closing, CLOSE statement (8081)
  • current row (8569)
  • declaring, SQL statement syntax for (8424)
  • defining (8430)
  • deleting, search condition details (8458)
  • location in table, results of FETCH (8562)
  • moving position, using FETCH (8560)
  • opening a cursor, OPEN statement (8715)
  • positions for open (8568)
  • preparing for application use (8716)
  • program usage, rules for (8440)
  • read-only status, conditions for (8442)
  • result table, relation to (8426)
  • terminating for unit of work, ROLLBACK (8854)
  • unit of work, conditional states of (8425)
  • updatability, determining (8441)
  • WITH HOLD lock clause, COMMIT statement, effect (8135)
  • cursor stability (6140), (9290)
  • cursor-name, ALLOCATE (8999)
  • cursor-name, definition of (6312)
  • D
  • data integrity
  • concurrent updates, preventing, LOCK TABLE (8710)
  • point of consistency, example of (6122)
  • data representation considerations (6180)
  • data sources in federated systems
  • using pass-through to query (9238)
  • data structure
  • column, definition of (6008)
  • constants
  • character string, rules for (6651)
  • decimal, rules for (6650)
  • floating point, rules for (6649)
  • graphic string (DBCS), rules for (6652)
  • integer, rules for (6648)
  • date syntax and range (6500)
  • index, derived values of (6018)
  • numeric data, overview (6454)
  • packed decimal (9119)
  • row, definition of (6007)
  • time syntax and range (6502)
  • value, definition of (6006)
  • values
  • data types (6395)
  • sources (6394)
  • data type (6635)
  • abstract (8052), (8385)
  • ALTER TYPE (Structured) statement (8050)
  • character string (6426)
  • CREATE TYPE (Structured) statement (8383)
  • datalink (6530)
  • datetime (6498)
  • distinct (6534), (8193)
  • overview (6388)
  • partition compatibility (6636)
  • reference (6540)
  • result column data, SELECT, table of (7818)
  • result columns (7816)
  • row (8051), (8384)
  • structured (6538), (8053), (8386)
  • TYPE_ID function (7727)
  • TYPE_NAME function (7730)
  • TYPE_SCHEMA function (7733)
  • user-defined (6532)
  • data type mapping (6202)
  • data types
  • casting between (6545)
  • promotion (6543)
  • database access
  • authority to access database, granting (8589)
  • database administration privilege (6225)
  • database managed space (6234)
  • database management
  • control, granting authority, SQL statement for (8584)
  • database loading authority, granting (8599)
  • DBADM creation authority, granting (8596)
  • saving changes, COMMIT statement (8129)
  • switching tasks, COMMIT statement (8130)
  • database manager
  • catalog views
  • overview of (6112)
  • distributed relational database, use in (6153)
  • limits (9072)
  • SQL, interpretation of (5960)
  • database manager limits (9082)
  • database manager page size specific limits (9084)
  • database-containers
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8361)
  • datalink
  • BNF specifications (9325)
  • building (7497)
  • extracting comment (7469)
  • extracting complete URL (7477)
  • extracting file server (7493)
  • extracting linktype (7473)
  • extracting path and file name (7481), (7485)
  • extracting scheme (7489)
  • INSERT statement (8691)
  • datalink type
  • description (6529)
  • DATE
  • date
  • arithmetic operations (6852)
  • CHAR, use of in format conversion (7399)
  • day durations, finding from range (DAYS) (7443)
  • day, returning from value (DAY function) (7427)
  • duration, format of (6843)
  • month, returning from datetime value (7599)
  • strings (6508)
  • value to date, format conversion (DATE) (7423)
  • WEEK scalar function, using (7755)
  • WEEK_ISO scalar function, using (7760)
  • year, using in expressions (7765)
  • DATE data type (8301)
  • DATE function (7033)
  • DATE function, returning dates from values (7422)
  • datetime
  • arithmetic operations (6849)
  • data types
  • description (6499)
  • string representation (6506), (6507)
  • format
  • EUR, ISO, JIS, LOCAL, USA (6509)
  • limits (9080)
  • VARCHAR scalar function, using (7744)
  • datetime format (6515)
  • DAY function (7035)
  • DAY function, returning day part of values (7426)
  • DAYNAME function (7037)
  • detailed format description (7428)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7429)
  • DAYOFWEEK function (7039), (7041)
  • detailed format description (7431)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7432)
  • DAYOFWEEK_ISO function (7043)
  • detailed format description (7434)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7435)
  • DAYOFYEAR function (7045)
  • detailed format description (7437)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7438)
  • DAYS function (7047)
  • DAYS function, returning integer durations (7442)
  • DB2 federated system (6185)
  • compensation (6195)
  • data type mapping (6190)
  • distributed requests (6194)
  • federated server (6186)
  • function mapping (6191)
  • index specification (6193)
  • nickname (6192)
  • pass-through (6187)
  • user mapping (6189)
  • wrapper (6188)
  • wrapper module (6196)
  • DB2 library
  • books (9327)
  • Information Center (9349)
  • language identifier for books (9332)
  • late-breaking information (9334)
  • online help (9342)
  • ordering printed books (9340)
  • printing PDF books (9337)
  • searching online information (9375)
  • setting up document server (9373)
  • structure of (9326)
  • viewing online information (9344)
  • wizards (9352)
  • db2nodes.cfg
  • CONNECT (Type 1) (8161)
  • CURRENT NODE (6677)
  • NODENUMBER function (7607)
  • DBADM parameter, GRANT...ON DATABASE statement (8595)
  • DBCLOB data type (8299)
  • DBCLOB function (7049)
  • detailed format description (7444)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7445)
  • DBCLOB string (6414)
  • dbname server option (9220)
  • decimal
  • arithmetic formulas, scale and precision (6824)
  • constants, range and precision (6654)
  • data type, overview (6490)
  • implicit decimal point (6492)
  • numbers (6489)
  • packed decimal (6491)
  • decimal conversion from integer, summary (6571)
  • DECIMAL function, returning decimal values (7449)
  • DECIMAL or DEC function (7051), (7053)
  • decimal, as data type (6403)
  • declaration
  • inserting into a program (8666)
  • BEGIN DECLARE SECTION statement (8067)
  • END DECLARE SECTION statement (8518)
  • DECLARE CURSOR statement (8427), (8429), (8446)
  • authorization, conditions for (8431)
  • program usage, notes for (8439)
  • DECLARE statement (9022)
  • declared temporary tables>
  • schema names in (6339)
  • decrementing a date, rules for (6854)
  • decrementing a time, rules for (6861)
  • default value
  • column
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8019)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8313)
  • DEGREES function (7055)
  • detailed format description (7454)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7455)
  • deletable
  • view (8410)
  • DELETE clause
  • GRANT statement (table or view) (8642)
  • REVOKE statement, revoking privilege for (8815)
  • delete rule for referential constraint (6086)
  • DELETE statement (8450), (8461)
  • authorization, searched or positioned format (8453)
  • delete-connected table (6087)
  • deleting SQL objects (8479)
  • delimited identifier in SQL (6291)
  • delimited identifier, SQL statement (6286)
  • delimiter tokens, definition of (6272)
  • OLAP function (6908)
  • OLAP function (6909)
  • DEPARTMENT sample table (9256)
  • dependency
  • of objects on each other (8512)
  • dependent row (6059), (6068)
  • dependent table (6055), (6065)
  • DEREF function (7057)
  • reference type (7458)
  • dereference operation (6887)
  • attribute-name operand (6892)
  • scoped-ref-expression (6890)
  • DESC clause
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8241)
  • of select-statement (7920)
  • descendent row (6060)
  • descendent table (6056), (6066)
  • DESCRIBE statement (8463), (8471)
  • prepared statements, destruction conditions (8469)
  • host variables, parameter substitution list (8534)
  • descriptor-name (6314)
  • in FETCH statement (8567)
  • diagnostic string
  • in RAISE_ERROR function (7629)
  • in SIGNAL SQLSTATE statement (8952)
  • DIFFERENCE function (7059)
  • detailed format description (7460)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7461)
  • DIGITS function (7061), (7464)
  • digits, range of (6265)
  • dirty read (9294)
  • DISCONNECT statement (8472), (8475)
  • DISTINCT clause
  • of subselect (7796)
  • DISTINCT keyword
  • AVG function, relation to (7272)
  • column function (7266)
  • COUNT function, relationship to (7289)
  • COUNT_BIG function, relationship to (7300)
  • MAX function, restriction for (7318)
  • MIN function (7324)
  • STDDEV function, relation to (7343)
  • SUM function (7354)
  • VARIANCE function, relation to (7358)
  • DISTINCT keyword, overview (7269)
  • distinct type
  • as arithmetic operands (6830)
  • comparison (6614)
  • concatenation (6802)
  • constants (6662)
  • CREATE DISTINCT TYPE statement (8192)
  • description (6315), (6533)
  • DROP statement (8489)
  • DISTINCT TYPE clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8119)
  • DROP statement (8509)
  • distributed relation database, definition (6154)
  • distributed relational database
  • application requester, overview (6145)
  • application server, overview (6147)
  • data representation considerations (6179)
  • environment, illustration of (6155)
  • remote unit of work, overview (6163)
  • requester-server protocols, overview (6146)
  • distributed relational database architecture (DRDA) (6150)
  • distributed requests (6206)
  • DLCOMMENT function (7063)
  • DLCOMMENT function, extracting comment from DATALINK value (7468)
  • DLLINKTYPE function (7065)
  • DLLINKTYPE function, extracting linktype from DATALINK value (7472)
  • DLURLCOMPLETE function (7067)
  • DLURLCOMPLETE function, extracting complete URL from DATALINK value (7476)
  • DLURLPATH function (7069)
  • DLURLPATH function, extracting path and file name from DATALINK value (7480)
  • DLURLPATHONLY function (7071)
  • DLURLPATHONLY function, extracting path and file name from DATALINK value (7484)
  • DLURLSCHEME function (7073)
  • DLURLSCHEME function, extracting scheme from DATALINK value (7488)
  • DLURLSERVER function (7075)
  • DLURLSERVER function, extracting file server from DATALINK value (7492)
  • DLVALUE function (7077)
  • DLVALUE function, building a DATALINK value (7496)
  • DMS table space
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8360)
  • description (6233)
  • dormant connection state (6176)
  • CHAR, use of in format conversion (7401)
  • double byte character string (DBCS), returning (7751)
  • DOUBLE data type (8289)
  • precision (6482)
  • range (6481)
  • DOUBLE function (7081)
  • DOUBLE function, double precision conversion (7500)
  • DOUBLE or DOUBLE_PRECISION function (7079)
  • DOUBLE PRECISION data type (8290)
  • double precision float data type (8287)
  • double-byte character
  • truncated during assignment (6587)
  • Double-Byte Character Large OBject (6415)
  • double-precision floating-point (6484)
  • DRDA (Distributed Relational Database Architecture) (6151)
  • DROP CHECK clause of ALTER TABLE statement (8033)
  • DROP CONSTRAINT clause of ALTER TABLE statement (8032)
  • DROP FOREIGN KEY clause (8030)
  • DROP PARTITIONING KEY clause of ALTER TABLE statement (8034)
  • DROP PRIMARY KEY clause (8029)
  • DROP statement (8476), (8514)
  • DROP UNIQUE clause (8031)
  • duration
  • adding, results of (6855)
  • date, format of (6844)
  • labeled (6840)
  • subtracting, results of (6856)
  • time, format of (6845)
  • timestamp (6847)
  • durations (6839)
  • dynamic select
  • host variables, restrictions on (7956)
  • parameter markers, usage in (7955)
  • dynamic SQL (5977), (9088)
  • DECLARE CURSOR statement, usage in (7958)
  • definition of (5964)
  • description, preparation methods (7931)
  • execution (7944)
  • FETCH statement, usage in (7960)
  • OPEN statement, usage in (7959)
  • preparation (7943)
  • PREPARE statement, execution of (8737)
  • PREPARE statement, usage in (7957)
  • prepared statement information, using DESCRIBE (8466)
  • preparing and executing, commands for (5963)
  • SQLDA used with (9100)
  • E
  • embedded SQL for Java (SQLJ) Programs (5983)
  • embedded SQL statement
  • executing character strings, EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (8544)
  • embedded SQL, requirements overview (7932)
  • embedding SQL statements
  • SQL Procedures (7941)
  • EMPLOYEE sample table (9257)
  • empty character string (6427)
  • EMP_ACT sample table (9258)
  • EMP_PHOTO sample table (9259)
  • EMP_RESUME sample table (9260)
  • encoding scheme (6217)
  • END DECLARE SECTION statement (8515), (8517), (8522)
  • erasing the sample database (9254)
  • error
  • closes cursor (8726)
  • during FETCH (8570)
  • during UPDATE, (8970)
  • return code, language overview (7963)
  • errors
  • executing triggers (8376)
  • escape character in SQL (6292)
  • ESCAPE clause
  • LIKE predicate (6958)
  • EUC considerations (9324)
  • EUR (6516)
  • European (EUR) date format (6512)
  • European (EUR) time format (6524)
  • evaluation order, expressions (6868)
  • event monitor
  • CREATE EVENT MONITOR statement (8198)
  • description (6104)
  • DROP statement (8492)
  • EVENT_MON_STATE function (7506)
  • FLUSH EVENT MONITOR statement (8575)
  • name description (6316)
  • SET EVENT MONITOR STATE statement (8907)
  • EVENT_MON_STATE function (7083), (7507)
  • EXCEPT clause of fullselect (7895)
  • except-on-nodes-clause
  • CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement (8184)
  • exception tables
  • SET INTEGRITY statement (8916)
  • structure (9323)
  • exclusive locks (6131)
  • EXCLUSIVE option, LOCK TABLE statement (8708)
  • executable statement, methods overview (7926)
  • executable statement, processing summary (7933)
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (8552)
  • detailed instructions for (8539)
  • embedded usage, detailed description (7947)
  • use in dynamic SQL (5972)
  • EXECUTE statement (8536)
  • detailed instructions for (8523)
  • embedded usage, detailed description (7946)
  • use in dynamic SQL (5971)
  • executing, revoking package privileges (8790)
  • execution
  • package, necessary privileges, granting (8612)
  • EXISTS predicate, detailed format description (6946)
  • EXP function (7085)
  • detailed format description (7508)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7509)
  • EXPLAIN statement (8553), (8557)
  • explainable statement
  • definition (8555)
  • EXPLAIN_ARGUMENT table (9301)
  • EXPLAIN_ARGUMENT table definition (9310)
  • EXPLAIN_INSTANCE table (9302)
  • EXPLAIN_INSTANCE table definition (9311)
  • EXPLAIN_OBJECT table (9303)
  • EXPLAIN_OBJECT table definition (9312)
  • EXPLAIN_OPERATOR table (9304)
  • EXPLAIN_OPERATOR table definition (9313)
  • EXPLAIN_PREDICATE table (9305)
  • EXPLAIN_PREDICATE table definition (9314)
  • EXPLAIN_STATEMENT table (9306)
  • EXPLAIN_STATEMENT table definition (9315)
  • EXPLAIN_STREAM table (9307)
  • EXPLAIN_STREAM table definition (9316)
  • exposed name, correlation-name, FROM clause (6725)
  • expression
  • case (6871)
  • CAST specification (6874)
  • concatenation operator (6794)
  • datetime operands, summary of (6835)
  • decimal operands (6817), (6821)
  • dereference operation (6886)
  • floating-point operands, rules for (6826)
  • format and rules (6792)
  • grouping-expression, use in GROUP BY (7857)
  • in CAST specification (6876)
  • in DIGITS function (7465)
  • in ORDER BY clause (7918)
  • in SELECT clause, syntax diagram (7792)
  • in subselect (7802)
  • integer operands (6814), (6816)
  • method invocation (6921)
  • OLAP Functions (6893)
  • operators, mathematical, listing (6790)
  • precedence of operation (6867)
  • scalar fullselect, summary of (6832)
  • sign of, values (6789)
  • string (6795)
  • substitution operators, listing (6791)
  • subtype treatment (6925)
  • with arithmetic operators (6804)
  • without operators (6793)
  • EXTEND USING clause
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8244)
  • extended character set (6262)
  • extended storage (7982), (8187)
  • external function
  • description (6774)
  • F
  • federated server (6197)
  • federated systems
  • pass-through (9237)
  • FETCH statement (8558), (8572)
  • cursor prerequisites for executing (8561)
  • file reference variables
  • BLOB (6764)
  • CLOB (6765)
  • DBCLOB (6766)
  • FLOAT data type (6477), (6483), (8285)
  • FLOAT function (7087)
  • FLOAT function, double precision conversion (7513)
  • floating point numbers
  • as data type (6402)
  • precision (6473), (6479)
  • range (6474), (6480)
  • floating-point constants (6647)
  • floating-point to decimal conversion (6572)
  • FLOOR function (7089)
  • detailed format description (7514)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7515)
  • FLUSH EVENT MONITOR statement (8573), (8576)
  • fold_id server option (9222)
  • fold_pw server option (9224)
  • FOR BIT DATA clause
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8296)
  • FOR FETCH ONLY clause
  • select-statement (7922)
  • FOR READ ONLY clause
  • select-statement (7921)
  • FOR statement (9033)
  • foreign key (6034), (6045), (6050)
  • adding or dropping, ALTER TABLE (8002)
  • constraint name, conventions for (8330)
  • view, referential constraints in (6014)
  • FOREIGN KEY clause
  • CASCADE clause, propagation summary (8338)
  • constraint name, conventions for (8329)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8328)
  • delete rule, conventions for (8336)
  • multiple paths, consequences of using (8340)
  • RESTRICT clause, prohibition (8337)
  • SET NULL clause, operation of (8339)
  • fragments in SUBSTR function, warning (7687)
  • FREE LOCATOR statement (8578), (8582)
  • FROM clause
  • correlation name, use of, example (6720)
  • exposed and non-exposed names, explanation (6721)
  • PREPARE statement (8742)
  • subselect syntax (7819)
  • FROM clause in DELETE statement (8454)
  • FROM clause, use in correlation-name, example (6719)
  • fullselect
  • examples of (7902)
  • multiple operations, order of execution (7900)
  • ORDER BY clause (7915)
  • scalar (6834)
  • subquery role, search condition, overview (6733)
  • table-reference (7834)
  • used in CREATE VIEW statement (8406)
  • fullselect, detailed syntax (7888)
  • function (6769), (6982), (7293), (7298), (7365)
  • arguments (6984)
  • built-in (6770)
  • column (7265)
  • AVG (7002)
  • AVG, options and results (7270)
  • CORR, options and results (7278)
  • CORRELATION or CORR (7022), (7279)
  • CORRELATION, options and results (7277)
  • COUNT (7028), (7285)
  • COUNT, values returned (7288)
  • COUNT_BIG (7030), (7294)
  • COUNT_BIG, values returned (7299)
  • COVAR, options and results (7304)
  • COVARIANCE or COVAR (7032), (7305)
  • COVARIANCE, options and results (7303)
  • MAX (7132), (7313)
  • MAX, values returned (7317)
  • MIN (7138), (7323)
  • REGRESSION Function (7327)
  • REGRESSION Function, options and results (7325), (7326)
  • REGR_AVGX (7168)
  • REGR_AVGY (7170)
  • REGR_COUNT (7172)
  • REGR_R2 (7176)
  • REGR_SLOPE (7178)
  • REGR_SXX (7180)
  • REGR_SXY (7182)
  • REGR_SYY (7184)
  • STDDEV (7214), (7342)
  • STDDEV, options and results (7341)
  • SUM (7218), (7353)
  • VAR, options and results (7356)
  • VARIANCE or VAR (7254), (7357)
  • VARIANCE, options and results (7355)
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8097)
  • description (6768), (6983)
  • expression (6985)
  • external
  • description (6777)
  • name description (6318)
  • nesting (7367)
  • OLAP
  • DENSERANK (6895)
  • DENSE_RANK (6896)
  • RANK (6894)
  • ROWNUMBER (6897)
  • ROW_NUMBER (6898)
  • resolution (6782)
  • scalar
  • ABS or ABSVAL (6990), (7370)
  • ACOS (6992), (7373)
  • ASCII (6994), (7376)
  • ASIN (6996), (7379)
  • ATAN (6998), (7382)
  • ATAN2 (7000), (7385)
  • AVG (7271)
  • BIGINT (7004), (7387)
  • BIGINT, returning integer values (7386)
  • BLOB (7006), (7390)
  • CEIL or CEILING (7008)
  • CEILING or CEIL (7395)
  • CHAR (7010), (7397)
  • CHAR (SYSFUN schema) (7012)
  • CHAR, use in datetime conversion (7396)
  • CHR (7014), (7405)
  • CLOB (7016), (7408)
  • COALESCE (7018), (7409)
  • CONCAT (7413)
  • CONCAT or || (7020)
  • COS (7024), (7416)
  • COT (7026), (7419)
  • DATE (7034), (7421)
  • DATE, returning dates from values (7420)
  • DAY (7036), (7425)
  • DAY, returning day part of value (7424)
  • DAYNAME (7038), (7430)
  • DAYOFWEEK (7040), (7042), (7433)
  • DAYOFWEEK_ISO (7044), (7436)
  • DAYOFYEAR (7046), (7439)
  • DAYS (7048), (7441)
  • DAYS, returning integer durations (7440)
  • DBCLOB (7050), (7446)
  • DECIMAL or DEC (7052), (7054), (7448)
  • DECIMAL, returning decimal equivalents (7447)
  • definition (7363)
  • DEGREES (7056), (7456)
  • DEREF (7058), (7457)
  • DIFFERENCE (7060), (7462)
  • DIGITS (7062), (7463)
  • DLCOMMENT (7064), (7467)
  • DLCOMMENT, extracting comment from DATALINK value (7466)
  • DLLINKTYPE (7066), (7471)
  • DLLINKTYPE, extracting linktype from DATALINK value (7470)
  • DLURLCOMPLETE (7068), (7475)
  • DLURLCOMPLETE, extracting complete URL from DATALINK value (7474)
  • DLURLPATH (7070), (7479)
  • DLURLPATH, extracting path and file name from DATALINK value (7478)
  • DLURLPATHONLY (7072), (7483)
  • DLURLPATHONLY, extracting path and file name from DATALINK value (7482)
  • DLURLSCHEME (7074), (7487)
  • DLURLSCHEME, extracting scheme from DATALINK value (7486)
  • DLURLSERVER (7076), (7491)
  • DLURLSERVER, extracting file server from DATALINK value (7490)
  • DLVALUE (7078), (7495)
  • DLVALUE, building a DATALINK value (7494)
  • DOUBLE (7082)
  • DOUBLE or DOUBLE_PRECISION (7080), (7499)
  • DOUBLE, returning floating point values (7498)
  • EVENT_MON_STATE (7084), (7505)
  • EVENT_MON_STATE, returning event monitor states (7504)
  • EXP (7086), (7510)
  • FLOAT (7088), (7512)
  • FLOAT, returning floating point values (7511)
  • FLOOR (7090), (7516)
  • GENERATE_UNIQUE (7092), (7517)
  • GRAPHIC (7094), (7526)
  • GROUPING (7096), (7310)
  • HEX (7098), (7527)
  • HOUR (7100), (7531)
  • HOUR, returning hour part of values (7530)
  • INSERT (7102), (7536)
  • INTEGER or INT (7104), (7538)
  • INTEGER, returning integer values (7537)
  • JULIAN_DAY (7106), (7543)
  • LCASE (7108)
  • LCASE (SYSFUN schema) (7110), (7549)
  • LCASE or LOWER (7546)
  • LEFT (7112), (7552)
  • LENGTH (7114), (7554)
  • LENGTH, length values from expressions (7553)
  • LN (7116), (7560)
  • LOCATE (7118), (7563)
  • LOG (7120), (7566)
  • LOG10 (7122), (7569)
  • LONG_VARCHAR (7124), (7572)
  • LONG_VARGRAPHIC (7126), (7575)
  • LTRIM (7128), (7578)
  • LTRIM (SYSFUN schema) (7130)
  • MICROSECOND (7134), (7583)
  • MICROSECOND, returning microsecond part of values (7582)
  • MIDNIGHT_SECONDS (7136), (7588)
  • MINUTE (7140), (7590)
  • MINUTE, returning minute part of values (7589)
  • MOD (7142), (7595)
  • MONTH (7144), (7597)
  • MONTH, returning month part of values (7596)
  • MONTHNAME (7146), (7602)
  • NODENUMBER (7148), (7603)
  • NULLIF (7150), (7609)
  • PARTITION (7152), (7611)
  • POSSTR (7154), (7614)
  • POWER (7156), (7619)
  • QUARTER (7158), (7622)
  • RADIANS (7160), (7625)
  • RAISE_ERROR (7162), (7626)
  • RAND (7164), (7633)
  • REAL (7166), (7635)
  • REAL, returning floating point values (7634)
  • REPEAT (7186), (7641)
  • REPLACE (7188), (7644)
  • restrictions, overview of (7364)
  • RIGHT (7190), (7647)
  • ROUND (7192), (7650)
  • RTRIM (7194), (7653)
  • RTRIM (SYSFUN schema) (7196), (7656)
  • SECOND (7198), (7658)
  • SECOND, returning second from values (7657)
  • SIGN (7200), (7663)
  • SIN (7202), (7666)
  • SMALLINT (7204), (7668)
  • SMALLINT, returning small integer values (7667)
  • SOUNDEX (7206), (7673)
  • SPACE (7208), (7676)
  • SQRT (7212), (7679)
  • SUBSTR (7216), (7681)
  • SUBSTR, returning substring from string (7680)
  • TABLE_NAME (7220), (7688)
  • TABLE_SCHEMA (7222), (7691)
  • TAN (7224), (7696)
  • TIME (7226), (7698)
  • TIME, using time in an expression (7697)
  • TIMESTAMP (7228), (7703)
  • TIMESTAMP, returning timestamp from values (7702)
  • TIMESTAMPDIFF (7232), (7712)
  • TIMESTAMP_ISO (7230), (7709)
  • TRANSLATE (7234), (7713)
  • TRUNC or TRUNCATE (7236)
  • TRUNCATE or TRUNC (7724)
  • TYPE_ID (7238), (7725)
  • TYPE_NAME (7240), (7728)
  • TYPE_SCHEMA (7242), (7731)
  • UCASE (7244), (7736)
  • UCASE (SYSFUN schema) (7246)
  • UPPER (7737)
  • user-defined (7771)
  • VALUE (7248), (7739)
  • VALUE, returning non-null result (7738)
  • VARCHAR (7250), (7741)
  • VARGRAPHIC (7252), (7745)
  • WEEK (7256), (7258), (7752)
  • WEEK_ISO (7260), (7262), (7757)
  • YEAR (7264), (7763)
  • YEAR, returning values based on year (7762)
  • signature (6780)
  • sourced
  • description (6779)
  • SQL
  • description (6778)
  • SQL path (6781)
  • table (7766)
  • SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT (7210), (7768)
  • SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT, options and results (7767)
  • user-defined (6772)
  • FUNCTION clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8107)
  • function mapping (6203)
  • name description (6317)
  • function path (6536)
  • function templates (8228)
  • G
  • generated columns
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8312)
  • GENERATE_UNIQUE function (7091), (7518)
  • detailed format description (7519)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (9036)
  • GO TO clause
  • WHENEVER statement (8991)
  • GOTO statement (9041)
  • grand total row (7873)
  • Database Authorities (8583)
  • Nickname Privileges (8658)
  • Package Privileges (8609)
  • Table Privileges (8624), (8659)
  • View Privileges (8625), (8660)
  • GRANT (Schema Privileges) statement (8615), (8622)
  • grant statement
  • authorization name, use in (6374), (6381)
  • GRAPHIC data type
  • for CREATE TABLE (8300)
  • GRAPHIC function (7093)
  • detailed format description (7524)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7525)
  • graphic string
  • returning from host variable name (7721)
  • translating string syntax (7720)
  • graphic string, as data type
  • fixed length (6399)
  • varying length (6400)
  • graphic strings
  • fixed length, description (6447)
  • varying length, description (6448)
  • GROUP BY clause
  • of subselect, rules and syntax (7855)
  • results with subselect (7808)
  • group-by-clause, rules and syntax (7854)
  • GROUPING function (7095), (7311)
  • grouping sets
  • examples of (7885)
  • grouping-expression (7861)
  • grouping-sets (7864)
  • H
  • handlers
  • declaring (9030)
  • hash partitioning (6246)
  • hashing on partition keys (8320)
  • HAVING clause
  • of subselect, use of search conditions (7875)
  • results with subselect (7809)
  • held connection state (6177)
  • HEX
  • function (7528)
  • hexadecimal (7529)
  • HEX function (7097)
  • host identifier
  • definition (6295)
  • in a host variable (6321)
  • SQL statement (6289)
  • host variable
  • active set, linking with cursor (8718)
  • assigning values from a row (8872), (8979)
  • BLOB (6760)
  • CLOB (6761)
  • DBCLOB (6762)
  • declaration rules, related to cursor (8437)
  • description (6749)
  • description of (6319)
  • embedded SQL statements, end declaration (8520)
  • embedded statements, usage in (7934)
  • embedded use, BEGIN DECLARE SECTION, rules (8070)
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (8546)
  • FETCH statement, identifying (8564)
  • host identifier in (6320)
  • indicator variable, uses of (6756)
  • inserting in rows, INSERT statement (8684)
  • PREPARE statement (8743)
  • REXX applications, special case (8071)
  • statement string, restricted listing, PREPARE statement (8744)
  • substitution for parameter markers (8531)
  • syntax, diagram of (6753)
  • host-identifier
  • in host variable (6755)
  • host-label (8992)
  • HOUR function (7099)
  • HOUR function, returning hour part of values (7532)
  • HTML
  • sample programs (9331)
  • I
  • identifiers
  • limits (9073)
  • identifiers in SQL
  • description (6287)
  • host identifiers, syntax for (6288)
  • ordinary (6290)
  • IF statement (9045)
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (8541), (8550)
  • implicit connect
  • CONNECT statement (8147)
  • implicit decimal number (6494)
  • implicit schema
  • GRANT (Database Authorities) statement (8594)
  • REVOKE (Database Authorities) statement (8781)
  • IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority (5995)
  • IN EXCLUSIVE MODE clause, LOCK TABLE statement (8707)
  • IN predicate, detailed format description (6948)
  • IN SHARE MODE clause, LOCK TABLE statement (8705)
  • INCLUDE clause
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8242)
  • INCLUDE statement (8664)
  • incrementing a date, rules for (6853)
  • incrementing a time, rules for (6860)
  • index
  • authorization ID, use in name (6372)
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8099)
  • control (to drop), granting, SQL statement for (8604)
  • control, granting (8645)
  • correspondence to inserted row values, rules for (8686)
  • definition of (6016)
  • deleting, using DROP statement (8481)
  • primary key, use in matching (8024)
  • unique key, use in matching (8022)
  • uses of (6017)
  • view, relationship to (6020)
  • INDEX clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8109)
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8231), (8236)
  • DROP statement (8498)
  • GRANT statement (table, view or nickname) (8644)
  • REVOKE statement, removing privileges for (8816)
  • index name
  • primary key constraint (8327)
  • unique constraint (8325)
  • index specification (6205)
  • index wizard (9368)
  • index-name, qualified and unqualified naming (6322)
  • indicator
  • variable (6758), (8545)
  • indicator variable
  • host variable, uses in declaring (6757)
  • infix operators (6813)
  • Information Center (9350)
  • inoperative trigger
  • CREATE TRIGGER statement (8374)
  • inoperative view
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8419)
  • INSERT clause
  • GRANT statement (table or view) (8646)
  • REVOKE statement, removing privileges for (8817)
  • values, restrictions leading to failure (8687)
  • INSERT function (7101)
  • detailed format description (7534)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7535)
  • insert rule with referential constraint (6080)
  • INSERT statement (8676), (8697)
  • insertable
  • view (8414)
  • installing
  • Netscape browser (9347)
  • integer
  • in ORDER BY clause (7917)
  • integer constants
  • definition of (6644)
  • syntax example (6645)
  • INTEGER data type (8283)
  • description (6465)
  • precision (6466)
  • range (6467)
  • INTEGER function, integer values from expressions (7539)
  • INTEGER or INT function (7103)
  • integer to decimal conversion, summary (6570)
  • interactive entry of SQL statements (7961)
  • interactive SQL (5984)
  • CLOSE, use in, example (5991)
  • DECLARE CURSOR, use in, example (5986)
  • DESCRIBE, use in, example (5988)
  • FETCH, use in, example (5990)
  • OPEN, use in, example (5989)
  • PREPARE, use in, example (5987)
  • SELECT statement, dynamic example (5985)
  • interactive SQL, definition of (5973)
  • intermediate result table (7824), (7825), (7851), (7860), (7879)
  • International Standards Organization (ISO) date format (6510)
  • International Standards Organization (ISO) time format (6522)
  • INTERSECT clause
  • duplicate rows, use of ALL, effect of (7898)
  • of fullselect, role in comparison (7897)
  • INTO clause
  • DESCRIBE statement, SQLDA area name (8467)
  • FETCH statement, host variable substitution (8563)
  • FETCH statement, use in host variable (6750)
  • INSERT statement, naming table or view (8677)
  • PREPARE statement (8740)
  • restrictions on using, list of (8678)
  • SELECT INTO statement (8874)
  • SELECT INTO statement, use in host variable (6751)
  • values from applications programs (6752)
  • VALUES INTO statement (8981)
  • invoking SQL statements (7925)
  • IN_TRAY sample table (9261)
  • io_ratio server option (9226)
  • IS clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8120)
  • ISO (6517)
  • ISO/ANSI standards
  • SQLCODE, use of SQL (7972)
  • SQLSTATE, use of SQL92 (7973)
  • isolation level
  • comparison (9280)
  • cursor stability (6139), (9285)
  • declared temporary tables, lack of (6124)
  • description (6123)
  • none (9289)
  • read stability (6135), (9286)
  • repeatable read (6132), (9287)
  • uncommitted read (6142), (9288)
  • ITERATE statement (9048)
  • J
  • Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) date format (6513)
  • Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS) time format (6525)
  • Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) Programs (5982)
  • JIS (6518)
  • join
  • examples of (7884)
  • examples of a subselect (7883)
  • full outer (7845)
  • inner (7842)
  • left outer (7843)
  • partitioning key considerations (8346), (8347)
  • right outer (7844)
  • table collocation (6252)
  • joined-table (7841)
  • table-reference (7835)
  • JULIAN_DAY function (7105)
  • detailed format description (7541)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7542)
  • K
  • key
  • composite (6021)
  • foreign (6032), (6048)
  • parent (6054)
  • partitioning (6035)
  • primary (6028)
  • unique (6022), (6025), (6043)
  • key, start (8251)
  • key, stop (8250)
  • L
  • label
  • naming conventions (6323)
  • label, GOTO (9043)
  • labeled duration, detailed description (6841)
  • labelled durations, in expressions, diagram
  • labelled duration values, listing (6842)
  • language identifier
  • books (9333)
  • large integers (6468)
  • large object location, definition (6421)
  • late-breaking information (9335)
  • LCASE function (7107)
  • LCASE function(SYSFUN.LCASE) (7109)
  • detailed format description (7547)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7548)
  • LCASE or LOWER function
  • detailed format description (7544)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7545)
  • LEAVE statement (9051)
  • LEFT function (7111)
  • detailed format description (7550)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7551)
  • length attributes of columns (6429)
  • LENGTH function (7113)
  • LENGTH function, length values from expressions (7555)
  • lengths of expressions, rules for (7556)
  • letters, range of (6266)
  • LIKE predicate, rules for (6953)
  • limits
  • database manager (9081), (9083)
  • datetime (9079)
  • identifier (9074)
  • numeric (9075)
  • SQL (9071)
  • string (9077)
  • literals, overview of (6639)
  • LN function (7115)
  • detailed format description (7558)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7559)
  • LOAD parameter, GRANT...ON DATABASE statement (8598)
  • loading a database, granting authority for (8600)
  • LOB
  • locator, definition (6422)
  • string, definition (6419)
  • LOCAL (6519)
  • LOCAL datetime format (6514)
  • LOCAL time format (6526)
  • LOCATE function (7117)
  • detailed format description (7561)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7562)
  • locator
  • definition (6423)
  • FREE LOCATOR statement (8580)
  • locator variable
  • description (6763)
  • LOCATORS (9009)
  • LOCK TABLE statement (8698), (8712)
  • locking
  • COMMIT statement, effect on (8133)
  • definition of (6117)
  • LOCK TABLE statement (8701)
  • table rows and columns, restricting access (8700)
  • locks
  • declared temporary tables, lack of (6126)
  • during UPDATE (8972)
  • exclusive (6130)
  • INSERT statement, default rules for (8693)
  • share (6125)
  • terminating for unit of work, ROLLBACK (8853)
  • update (6128)
  • LOG function (7119)
  • detailed format description (7564)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7565)
  • LOG10 function (7121)
  • detailed format description (7567)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7568)
  • logging
  • creating table without initial logging (8321)
  • logical operators, rules for search conditions (6969)
  • LONG VARCHAR data type
  • for CREATE TABLE (8295)
  • LONG VARCHAR strings
  • attributes, summary (6436)
  • restrictions on usage (6437)
  • attributes, summary (6451)
  • restrictions on usage (6452)
  • LONG_VARCHAR function (7123)
  • detailed format description (7570)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7571)
  • LONG_VARGRAPHIC function (7125)
  • detailed format description (7573)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7574)
  • LOOP statement (9054)
  • LTRIM function (7127)
  • detailed format description (7576)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7577)
  • LTRIM function(SYSFUN.LTRIM) (7129)
  • detailed format description (7579)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7580)
  • M
  • MANAGED BY clause
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8353)
  • MAX function (7131)
  • detailed format description (7315)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7316)
  • MBCS (double-byte character set) data
  • within mixed data (6444)
  • method
  • description (6784)
  • invocation (6920)
  • naming conventions (6326)
  • user-defined (6785)
  • METHOD clause
  • DROP statement (8499)
  • Method invocation (6923)
  • method name, syntax for (6325)
  • MICROSECOND function (7133)
  • MICROSECOND function, returning microsecond from value (7584)
  • MIDNIGHT_SECONDS function (7135)
  • detailed format description (7586)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7587)
  • MIN function (7137)
  • detailed format description (7319)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7320)
  • MINUTE function (7139)
  • MINUTE function, returning minute from value (7591)
  • mixed data
  • description (6443)
  • LIKE predicate (6957)
  • MOD function (7141)
  • detailed format description (7593)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7594)
  • MODE keyword, LOCK TABLE statement (8709)
  • MONTH function (7143)
  • MONTH function, returning month from value (7598)
  • MONTHNAME function (7145)
  • detailed format description (7600)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7601)
  • multi-byte character set (MBCS), support for (6269)
  • multiple row VALUES clause
  • result data type (6627)
  • N
  • name
  • identifying columns in subselect (7803)
  • name, use of in deleting a row (8460)
  • names for columns, rules governing (6307)
  • names for conditions, rules governing (6310)
  • names for labels, rules governing (6324)
  • names in SQL, rules for, summary (6298)
  • names, qualified column, rules for (6710)
  • naming conventions in SQL (6296)
  • nested table expression (7837)
  • Netscape browser
  • installing (9348)
  • new unit of work, initiating (8850)
  • nickname (6204)
  • control privilege, granting (8638)
  • exposed or non-exposed names, FROM clause (6723)
  • FROM clause, subselect, naming conventions (7822)
  • in FROM clause (7826)
  • in SELECT clause, syntax diagram (7789)
  • privileges, granting (8629)
  • qualifying a column name (6714)
  • revoking privileges for (8809)
  • NICKNAME clause
  • DROP statement (8500)
  • NO ACTION delete rule (8332)
  • node number of row, obtaining (7606)
  • node server option (9228)
  • nodegroup
  • adding a node (7990)
  • adding a partition (7989)
  • creation (8256)
  • description (6242)
  • dropping a node (7992)
  • dropping a partition (7991)
  • naming conventions (6328)
  • partitioning map created with (8259)
  • NODEGROUP clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8110)
  • CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement (8182)
  • DROP statement (8501)
  • nodegroup name, syntax for (6327)
  • nodegroups
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8103)
  • NODENUMBER function (7147), (7604), (7608)
  • non-exposed name, re. correlation-name, FROM clause (6726)
  • nonexecutable statement
  • precompiler requirements summary (7937)
  • nonexecutable statement, methods overview (7927)
  • nonrepeatable read (9295)
  • NOT FOUND clause
  • WHENEVER statement (8986)
  • NOT NULL clause
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8307)
  • NOT NULL, use in NULL predicate (6961)
  • NULL
  • in CAST specification (6878)
  • keyword SET NULL delete rule
  • description (6085)
  • NULL predicate, rules for (6959)
  • null value in SQL
  • assignment, rules governing (6565)
  • column names in a result (7812)
  • in duplicate rows (7797)
  • in grouping-expressions, allowable uses (7863)
  • in result columns (7811)
  • specified by indicator variable (6759)
  • unknown condition (6968)
  • null value in SQL, definition of (6408)
  • function description (7610)
  • NULLIF function (7149)
  • numbers, summary of types (6456)
  • numeric
  • assignments in SQL operations (6566)
  • comparisons, rules for (6596)
  • limits (9076)
  • numeric data
  • data types, overview (6455)
  • numeric data, remote conversions of (6184)
  • numeric string column option (9208)
  • O
  • object identifier (OID) (8315)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8314)
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8400)
  • object table (6727)
  • ODBC (5980)
  • OF clause
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8398)
  • OID column (8316)
  • OLAP (6918)
  • OLAP Functions
  • BETWEEN clause (6904)
  • CURRENT ROW clause (6906)
  • ORDER BY clause (6901)
  • OVER clause (6899)
  • PARTITION BY clause (6900)
  • RANGE clause (6902)
  • ROW clause (6903)
  • UNBOUNDED clause (6905)
  • ON clause
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8237)
  • ON TABLE clause
  • GRANT statement (8654)
  • REVOKE statement (8821)
  • ON UPDATE clause (8341)
  • On-line Analytical Processing (6919)
  • on-nodes-clause
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8359), (8363), (8364)
  • online help (9343)
  • online information
  • searching (9377)
  • viewing (9346)
  • ONLY clause in DELETE statement (8455)
  • ONLY clause in UPDATE statement (8961)
  • open database connectivity (5981)
  • OPEN statement (8713), (8734)
  • operand
  • string (6798)
  • operands
  • datetime
  • date duration (6837)
  • labelled duration (6836)
  • time duration (6838)
  • decimal (6822)
  • decimal, rules governing (6819)
  • floating-point, rules for (6827)
  • integer (6815)
  • integer, rules governing (6818)
  • operands of in list
  • result data type (6625)
  • operation
  • assignment (6555), (6592)
  • assignments, general description (6551)
  • comparison (6598), (6616)
  • comparisons, general description (6552)
  • datetime, SQL rules for (6851)
  • dereference (6885)
  • operators
  • arithmetic, summary of results (6805)
  • OPTION clause
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8409)
  • OR truth table (6979)
  • ORDER BY clause
  • of select-statement (7913)
  • ORDER BY clause, using in OLAP functions (6914)
  • order of evaluation, expressions (6869)
  • order-by-clause (7912)
  • ordinary identifier, SQL statement (6285)
  • ordinary tokens, definition of (6271)
  • ORG sample table (9262)
  • outer join
  • joined-table (7836), (7840)
  • OVER clause, using in OLAP functions (6912)
  • P
  • package
  • access plan, relation to term (6108)
  • authority to create, granting (8587)
  • authorization ID and binding (6385)
  • authorization ID in dynamic statements (6380)
  • authorization ID, use in name (6373)
  • binding, overview of relationship (6159)
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8100)
  • COMMIT statement, effect on cursor (8134)
  • definition of (6110)
  • deleting, using DROP statement (8484)
  • DROP FOREIGN KEY, effect on dependencies (8038)
  • DROP PRIMARY KEY, effect on dependencies (8036)
  • DROP UNIQUE key, effect on dependencies (8037)
  • naming conventions (6330)
  • necessary privileges, granting (8610)
  • plan, relation to term (6109)
  • revoking all privileges (8788)
  • validity and usage rules when revoking privilege (8826)
  • PACKAGE clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8111)
  • DROP statement (8502)
  • package name, syntax for (6329)
  • packed decimal number, locating decimal point (6493)
  • parameter
  • naming conventions (6333)
  • parameter marker
  • host variables in dynamic SQL (6754)
  • in CAST specification (6880)
  • in EXECUTE statement (8528)
  • in OPEN statement (8724)
  • in PREPARE statement (8746)
  • rules, syntax and operations (8747)
  • substitution for, OPEN statement (8722)
  • typed (8749)
  • untyped (8750)
  • usage in expressions, predicates and functions (8751)
  • parameter name, syntax for (6332)
  • parent key (6053)
  • parent row (6061), (6069)
  • parent table (6052), (6064)
  • parentheses
  • precedence of operation, use (6870)
  • partial declustering (6247)
  • PARTITION BY clause, using in OLAP functions (6913)
  • partition compatibility
  • definition (6633)
  • PARTITION function (7151), (7612)
  • partition number of row, obtaining (7605)
  • partitioned relational database, definition (5958)
  • partitioning data
  • compatibility table (6637)
  • description (6243)
  • hash partitioning (6245)
  • partial declustering (6248)
  • partition compatibility (6634)
  • partitioning map, definition (6249)
  • partitioning key (6037)
  • adding or dropping, ALTER TABLE (8004)
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8026)
  • considerations (8343)
  • defining when creating table (8319)
  • purpose (6244)
  • partitioning map
  • created with nodegroup (8258)
  • partitioning map index of row, obtaining (7613)
  • partitioning of data (5959)
  • pass-through (6198)
  • COMMIT statement (9245)
  • considerations, restrictions (9240)
  • SET PASSTHRU statement (9241), (9243)
  • SQL processing (9239)
  • password server option (9230)
  • PCTFREE clause
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8245)
  • PDF (9338)
  • performance
  • partitioning key recommendation (8344)
  • performance configuration wizard (9370)
  • phantom row (6138), (9296)
  • plan_hints server option (9232)
  • positional updating of columns by row (8963)
  • POSSTR function (7153)
  • POSSTR scalar function
  • description (7615)
  • POWER function (7155)
  • detailed format description (7617)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7618)
  • precedence
  • level operators, rules for (6866)
  • operation, order of evaluating (6865)
  • precision of numbers
  • determined by SQLLEN variable (9118)
  • precision, as a numeric attribute (6458)
  • precision-integer, DECIMAL function
  • default values for data types (7452)
  • precompiler
  • INCLUDE statement, trigger for (8667)
  • non-executable statements, usage overview (7940)
  • static SQL, use in Run-Time Service calls (5975)
  • precompiling
  • including external text file (8670)
  • initiating and setting up SQLDA and SQLCA (8671)
  • predicate
  • basic, detailed format, diagram (6929)
  • BETWEEN, detailed format diagram (6943)
  • description (6927)
  • EXISTS, detailed format description (6947)
  • IN, detailed format description (6949)
  • LIKE (6954)
  • NULL, detailed format, diagram (6960)
  • quantified, usage and rules (6935)
  • TYPE, detailed format, diagram (6963)
  • prefix operator (6808)
  • PREPARE statement (8735), (8756)
  • embedded usage, detailed description (7945)
  • use in dynamic SQL (5970)
  • prepared SQL statement (9089)
  • dynamically declaring, PREPARE statement (8738)
  • dynamically prepared by PREPARE (8753)
  • executing (8525), (8538)
  • host variables, substitution of (8526)
  • information, obtaining with DESCRIBE (8465)
  • prepared statement
  • OPEN statement, use in variable substitution (8721)
  • SQLDA provides information about (9102)
  • primary key (6030)
  • adding or dropping, ALTER TABLE (8000)
  • adding, privileges for, granting (8635)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8310)
  • dropping, privileges for, granting (8636)
  • PRIMARY KEY clause
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8023)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8326)
  • printing PDF books (9339)
  • privilege (8811)
  • privileges
  • CONTROL privilege, overview of (6219)
  • database, effects of revoking (8783), (8799)
  • DBADM, scope of (6224)
  • definition (6221)
  • index, effects of revoking (8786)
  • overview (6218)
  • package, effects of revoking (8793)
  • packages, validity rules when revoking (8824)
  • SYSADM, scope of (6222)
  • SYSCTRL, scope of (6226)
  • SYSMAINT, scope of (6228)
  • table or view, effects of revoking (8827)
  • views, cascading effects of revoking (8823)
  • procedure
  • authorization for creating (8265)
  • creating, SQL statement instructions (8264)
  • naming conventions (6335)
  • PROCEDURE clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8112)
  • procedure name, syntax for (6334)
  • PROJECT sample table (9263)
  • promotion
  • of data types (6542)
  • PUBLIC clause
  • GRANT statement (8602), (8608), (8614), (8621), (8656)
  • REVOKE statement (8782), (8785), (8792), (8798)
  • REVOKE statement, removing privileges for (8822)
  • pushdown server option (9234)
  • Q
  • qualified column names, rules for (6709)
  • qualifier
  • reserved (9272)
  • quantified predicate, detailed rules for (6934)
  • QUARTER function (7157)
  • detailed format description (7620)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7621)
  • query (7773), (7924)
  • authorization IDs required for issuing (7775)
  • definition (7774)
  • recursive (7908)
  • example (9320)
  • query (SQL)
  • subquery, use in WHERE clause (7847)
  • question mark (?) (8529)
  • R
  • RADIANS function (7159)
  • detailed format description (7623)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7624)
  • RAISE_ERROR function (7161), (7627)
  • raising errors
  • RAISE_ERROR function (7630)
  • SIGNAL SQLSTATE statement (8950)
  • RAND function (7163)
  • detailed format description (7631)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7632)
  • RANGE clause, using in OLAP functions (6915)
  • RANK
  • OLAP function (6907)
  • read stability (6136), (9291)
  • read-only
  • view (8416)
  • read-only cursor
  • ambiguous (8444)
  • REAL data type (8288)
  • precision (6476)
  • range (6475)
  • REAL function (7165)
  • REAL function, single precision conversion (7636)
  • Record Blocking
  • locks to row data, INSERT statement (8695)
  • recovery of applications (6116)
  • recursion
  • example (9321)
  • query (7910)
  • recursive common table expression (7911)
  • reference type
  • comparison (6617)
  • DEREF function (7459)
  • description (6539)
  • reference types
  • casting (6549)
  • REFERENCES clause
  • GRANT statement (8649)
  • REVOKE statement, removing privileges for (8818)
  • referential constraint (6046)
  • referential cycle (6057), (6067)
  • referential integrity (6047), (6058)
  • REFRESH TABLE statement (8757)
  • register (6664)
  • REGRESSION Function function, detailed description (7330)
  • REGRESSION Functions
  • REGR_AVGX (7331)
  • REGR_AVGY (7332)
  • REGR_COUNT (7333)
  • REGR_ICPT (7335)
  • REGR_R2 (7336)
  • REGR_SLOPE (7337)
  • REGR_SXX (7338)
  • REGR_SXY (7339)
  • REGR_SYY (7340)
  • REGR_AVGX function (7167)
  • REGR_AVGY function (7169)
  • REGR_COUNT function (7171)
  • REGR_INTERCEPT or REGR_ICPT function (7173)
  • REGR_R2 function (7175)
  • REGR_SLOPE function (7177)
  • REGR_SXX function (7179)
  • REGR_SXY function (7181)
  • REGR_SYY function (7183)
  • relational database, definition (5957)
  • release notes (9336)
  • RELEASE SAVEPOINT statement (8764)
  • RELEASE statement (8763)
  • release-pending connection state (6178)
  • remote access
  • application server, role in (6157)
  • character strings, conversions (6183)
  • CONNECT statement
  • EXCLUSIVE MODE, dedicated connection (8153)
  • ON SINGLE NODE, dedicated connection (8154)
  • server information only, no operand (8155)
  • SHARE MODE, read-only for non-connector (8152)
  • IMPLICIT connect, diagram of state transitions (6166)
  • non-IMPLICIT connect, diagram of state transitions (6168)
  • numeric data, conversions (6182)
  • successful connection, detailed description (8149)
  • unsuccessful connection, detailed description (8151)
  • remote execution of SQL (6169)
  • remote unit of work, overview (6162)
  • RENAME TABLE statement (8768), (8771)
  • RENAME TABLESPACE statement (8773), (8776)
  • REPEAT function (7185)
  • detailed format description (7639)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7640)
  • REPEAT statement (9057)
  • repeatable read (6133), (9292)
  • REPLACE function (7187)
  • detailed format description (7642)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7643)
  • reserved
  • qualifiers (9268)
  • schema names (9269)
  • words (9270)
  • Reserved Schemas (9273)
  • Reserved Words (9275)
  • Reserved Words, SQL (9278)
  • RESIGNAL statement (9060)
  • restore wizard (9372)
  • RESTRICT delete rule (8333)
  • description (6081)
  • result columns of subselect (7815)
  • result data type
  • arguments of COALESCE (6624)
  • multiple row VALUES clause (6628)
  • operands of in list (6626)
  • result expressions of CASE expression (6622)
  • set operator (6620)
  • result expressions of CASE expression
  • result data type (6621)
  • result sets
  • returning from a SQL procedure (9024)
  • result table (6010)
  • result table, result from query (7776)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (9037)
  • return code
  • embedded statements, language instructions for (7964)
  • executable statements, usage summary (7935)
  • RETURN statement (9063)
  • returning result sets (9025)
  • Database Authorities (8778)
  • Nickname Privileges (8804), (8830)
  • Package Privileges (8787)
  • Table Privileges (8802), (8828)
  • Table Space Privileges (8834)
  • View Privileges (8803), (8829)
  • REVOKE (Schema Privileges) statement (8794), (8800)
  • revoke statement
  • authorization-name, use in (6375), (6382)
  • REXX
  • END DECLARE SECTION, prohibition (8519)
  • RIGHT function (7189)
  • detailed format description (7645)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7646)
  • cursor, effect on (8855)
  • SQL statement, detailed usage instructions for (8856)
  • rollback description (6120)
  • ROLLBACK statement (8864)
  • detailed syntax instructions (8837)
  • atomic execution contexts (8858)
  • cursor, effect on (8857)
  • dynamic SQL caching, effect on (8860)
  • prepared statements, effect on (8859)
  • SQL statement, detailed usage instructions for (8862)
  • temporary tables, use with (8861)
  • detailed syntax instructions (8838)
  • ROLLUP (7866)
  • rollup
  • examples of (7887)
  • ROUND function (7191)
  • detailed format description (7648)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7649)
  • row
  • as syntax component, diagram (7787)
  • assigning values to host variable, SELECT INTO (8873)
  • assigning values to host variable, VALUES INTO (8980)
  • COUNT function, values returned (7284)
  • COUNT_BIG function, values returned (7292)
  • cursor, effect of closing on FETCH (8082)
  • cursor, FETCH statement, relation to (8732)
  • cursor, location in result table (8434)
  • definition of (6003)
  • deleting, privilege for, granting (8643)
  • deleting, SQL statement, details (8452)
  • dependent (6078)
  • descendent (6077)
  • exporting row data, privilege for, granting (8652)
  • FETCH request, cursor row selection (8436)
  • GROUP BY clause, result table from (7858)
  • GROUP BY, use in limiting in SELECT clause (7804)
  • HAVING clause, results from search, rules for (7877)
  • HAVING, use in limiting in SELECT clause (7805)
  • importing values, privilege for, granting (8648)
  • index, role of key (8233)
  • inserting into table or view (8673)
  • inserting values, INSERT statement (8683)
  • inserting, privilege for, granting (8647)
  • locks to row data, INSERT statement (8694)
  • locks, effect on cursor of WITH HOLD (8435)
  • parent (6076)
  • retrieving row data, privilege for, granting (8651)
  • search conditions, detailed syntax (6975)
  • SELECT clause, select list notation (7786)
  • self-referencing (6079)
  • UNIQUE clause, table index, effect on key (8235)
  • updating column values, UPDATE statement (8957)
  • values, insertion, restrictions leading to failure (8688)
  • ROW clause, using in OLAP functions (6916)
  • row fullselect
  • UPDATE statement (8964)
  • OLAP function (6910)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (9038)
  • OLAP function (6911)
  • RR (repeatable read) isolation level (6134), (9282)
  • RS (read stability) isolation level (6137), (9283)
  • RTRIM function (7193)
  • detailed format description (7651)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7652)
  • RTRIM function(SYSFUN.RTRIM) (7195)
  • detailed format description (7654)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7655)
  • run-time authorization ID (6377), (6378)
  • Run-Time Services, static SQL support for (5976)
  • S
  • SALES sample table (9264)
  • Sample Database (9249)
  • sample database
  • creating (9252)
  • erasing (9253)
  • sample programs
  • cross-platform (9330)
  • HTML (9329)
  • sample tables (9250), (9267)
  • savepoint (8766)
  • naming conventions (6337)
  • savepoint name, syntax for (6336)
  • SAVEPOINT statement (8865), (8868)
  • SBCS (single-byte character set) data
  • within mixed data (6445)
  • SBCS (single-byte character set) data, description (6441)
  • scalar fullselect (6833)
  • scalar function (7366)
  • scalar function, arguments for (6988)
  • scale of data (9098)
  • comparisons in SQL, overview (6599)
  • conversion of numbers in SQL (6568)
  • determined by SQLLEN variable (9110)
  • in results of arithmetic operations (6823)
  • scale of numbers
  • determined by SQLLEN variable (9117)
  • scale-integer, DECIMAL function (7453)
  • schema
  • controlling use of (5994)
  • CREATE SCHEMA statement (8268)
  • creating implicit schema, granting authority for (8593)
  • creating implicit schema, revoking authority for (8780)
  • definition of (5992)
  • privileges (5996)
  • SCHEMA clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8114)
  • DROP statement (8503)
  • schema-name
  • description (6331)
  • reserved names (9271)
  • schema-name, description of (6338)
  • schemas
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8102)
  • definition of (5993)
  • Schemas, Reserved (9274)
  • scope
  • adding with ALTER TABLE statement (8027)
  • adding with ALTER VIEW statement (8061)
  • defining in CAST specification (6884)
  • defining with added column (8015)
  • defining with CREATE TABLE statement (8308)
  • defining with CREATE VIEW statement (8402)
  • definition of (6541)
  • dereference operation (6888)
  • SCOPE clause
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8016), (8028)
  • ALTER VIEW statement (8062)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8309)
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8403), (8404)
  • in CAST specification (6883)
  • scoped-ref-expression
  • in dereference operation (6889)
  • search condition
  • AND, logical operator (6971)
  • description (6977)
  • HAVING clause, arguments and rules (7878)
  • NOT, logical operator (6970)
  • OR, logical operator (6972)
  • order of evaluation (6981)
  • using WHERE clause, rules for (7849)
  • with DELETE, row selection (8457)
  • with UPDATE, applying changes to a match (8967)
  • searching
  • online information (9351), (9376)
  • SECOND function (7197)
  • SECOND function, returning second from value (7659)
  • security
  • CONNECT statement (8157)
  • SELECT clause
  • DISTINCT keyword, use in (7782)
  • GRANT statement (table or view) (8650)
  • list notation, column reference (7783)
  • REVOKE statement, removing privileges for (8819)
  • SELECT INTO statement (8869), (8876)
  • select list
  • application of, rules and syntax (7810)
  • description (7794)
  • notation rules and conventions (7801)
  • SELECT statement
  • cursor, rules regarding parameter markers (8438)
  • dynamic invocation, execution overview (7949)
  • embedding in SQL Procedures (7942)
  • fullselect, detailed syntax (7889)
  • interactive invocation, limitations on (7962)
  • invoking, usage summary (7928)
  • result table, OPEN statement, relation to cursor (8719)
  • select-statement (7903)
  • static invocation, execution overview (7948)
  • subselect (7781)
  • VALUES clause (7890)
  • select-statement
  • examples of (7923)
  • SELECTIVITY (6976)
  • self-referencing row (6062), (6070)
  • self-referencing table (6063), (6071)
  • sequence values
  • generating (7522)
  • server definition (6199)
  • server options
  • collating_sequence (9211)
  • comm_rate (9213)
  • connectstring (9215)
  • cpu_ratio (9217)
  • dbname (9219)
  • fold_id (9221)
  • fold_pw (9223)
  • io_ratio (9225)
  • node (9227)
  • password (9229)
  • plan_hints (9231)
  • pushdown (9233)
  • varchar_no_trailing_blanks (9235)
  • server-name, description of (6341)
  • SET clause
  • UPDATE statement, column names and values (8962)
  • SET CONNECTION statement (8877), (8882)
  • successful connection, detailed description (8879)
  • unsuccessful connection, detailed description (8880)
  • SET CONSTRAINTS statement (8911)
  • SET CURRENT DEGREE statement (8885), (8888)
  • SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE statement (8890), (8893)
  • SET CURRENT EXPLAIN SNAPSHOT statement (8895), (8898)
  • SET CURRENT FUNCTION PATH statement (8922)
  • SET CURRENT PATH statement (8923)
  • SET CURRENT QUERY OPTIMIZATION statement (8900), (8903)
  • SET CURRENT SQLID statement (8938)
  • SET DEFAULT delete rule
  • description (6084)
  • SET EVENT MONITOR STATE statement (8905), (8908)
  • SET INTEGRITY statement (8910), (8918)
  • SET NULL delete rule (8335)
  • description (6083)
  • set operator
  • EXCEPT, comparing differences only (7894)
  • INTERSECT, role of AND in comparisons (7896)
  • result data type (6619)
  • UNION, correspondence to OR (7892)
  • SET PASSTHRU statement (8920), (9242), (9244), (9246)
  • independence from COMMIT statement (8132)
  • independence from ROLLBACK statement (8851)
  • SET PATH statement (8924)
  • SET SCHEMA statement (8937)
  • SET SERVER OPTION statement (8940)
  • independence from COMMIT statement (8131)
  • independence from ROLLBACK statement (8852)
  • SET statement (9004)
  • SET transition-variable statement (8942), (8945)
  • setting up document server (9374)
  • IN SHARE MODE (8144)
  • share locks (6127)
  • SHARE option, LOCK TABLE statement (8704)
  • shift-in character
  • not truncated by assignments (6588)
  • SIGN function (7199)
  • detailed format description (7661)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7662)
  • sign, as a numeric attribute (6457)
  • SIGNAL SQLSTATE statement (8947), (8953)
  • SIGNAL statement (9066)
  • SIN function (7201)
  • detailed format description (7664)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7665)
  • single precision float data type (8286)
  • single row select (8871)
  • single-byte character set (SBCS) (6446)
  • single-byte character set (SBCS), support for (6268)
  • single-precision floating-point (6478)
  • small integer
  • description (6462)
  • precision (6463)
  • range (6464)
  • SMALLINT data type (8282)
  • description (6459)
  • precision (6460)
  • range (6461)
  • SMALLINT function (7203)
  • SMALLINT function, small integer values from expressions (7669)
  • SmartGuides
  • wizards (9353)
  • SMS table space
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8356)
  • description (6235)
  • SOME in quantified predicate (6938)
  • sorting
  • ordering of results (6608)
  • string comparisons (6603)
  • SOUNDEX function (7205)
  • detailed format description (7671)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7672)
  • sourced function
  • description (6775)
  • space (6263)
  • SPACE function (7207)
  • detailed format description (7674)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7675)
  • spaces
  • rules governing (6275)
  • special characters, range of (6267)
  • special register (6663)
  • CURRENT DATE (6666), (6694)
  • CURRENT NODE (6676)
  • CURRENT PATH (6681)
  • CURRENT SERVER (6691), (6693)
  • CURRENT SQLID (6690)
  • CURRENT TIME (6696)
  • interaction of Explain special registers (9319)
  • USER (6702)
  • specific function
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8098)
  • COMMENT ON statement (8108)
  • COMMENT ON statement (8113)
  • specific-name, description of (6343), (6346)
  • specification
  • CAST (6873)
  • SQL (Structured Query Language)
  • numbers (6453)
  • tokens (6270)
  • SQL comments, static statements, rules for (7975)
  • SQL error code (9086)
  • SQL function
  • description (6776)
  • SQL identifiers
  • database identifier (6294)
  • SQL path (6535)
  • CURRENT PATH special register (6682)
  • resolution (6783)
  • SQL procedure
  • assignment statement (9005)
  • CASE statement (9014)
  • compound statement (9017)
  • condition handler statement (9028)
  • condition handlers (9031)
  • DECLARE statement (9023)
  • FOR statement (9034)
  • GET DIAGNOSTICS statement (9039)
  • GOTO statement (9042)
  • IF statement (9046)
  • ITERATE statement (9049)
  • LEAVE statement (9052)
  • LOOP statement (9055)
  • REPEAT statement (9058)
  • RESIGNAL statement (9061)
  • RETURN statement (9064)
  • SET statement (9006)
  • SIGNAL statement (9067)
  • variables (9020)
  • WHILE statement (9070)
  • SQL Reserved Words (9277)
  • SQL return code (7965)
  • SQL statement
  • ALLOCATE CURSOR (8997), (9002)
  • ALTER BUFFERPOOL (7977), (7984)
  • ALTER NODEGROUP (7988), (7995)
  • ALTER SERVER (7997)
  • ALTER TABLE (8005), (8040)
  • ALTER TABLESPACE (8043), (8047)
  • ALTER TYPE (Structured) (8049), (8055)
  • ALTER VIEW (8063)
  • ASSOCIATE LOCATORS (9008), (9011)
  • BEGIN DECLARE SECTION (8066), (8072)
  • CALL (8075), (8078)
  • CLOSE (8080), (8083)
  • COMMENT ON (8086), (8122)
  • COMMIT (8124), (8137)
  • Compound SQL (8141)
  • Compound SQL (Embedded) (8139)
  • CONNECT (Type 1) (8143), (8163)
  • CONNECT (Type 2) (8165), (8169)
  • CONTINUE, response to exception (8989)
  • CREATE ALIAS (8171), (8177)
  • CREATE BUFFERPOOL (8179), (8189)
  • CREATE DISTINCT TYPE (8191), (8195)
  • CREATE EVENT MONITOR (8197), (8200)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (8202), (8212), (8217), (8227)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (External Scalar) (8205)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (External Table) (8208)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (OLE DB External Table) (8214)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (Source or Template) (8219)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (Source) (8222)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (SQL Scalar, Table or Row) (8224)
  • CREATE INDEX (8230), (8247)
  • CREATE METHOD (8253)
  • CREATE NODEGROUP (8255), (8261)
  • CREATE SCHEMA (8267), (8272)
  • CREATE SERVER (8274)
  • CREATE TABLE (8276), (8349)
  • CREATE TABLESPACE (8351), (8367)
  • CREATE TRIGGER (8371), (8380)
  • CREATE TYPE (Structured) (8382), (8388)
  • CREATE VIEW (8394), (8421)
  • DECLARE CURSOR (8428), (8447)
  • DELETE (8451), (8462)
  • DESCRIBE (8464), (8470)
  • DISCONNECT (8473), (8474)
  • DROP (8477), (8513)
  • dynamic SQL, definition of (5966)
  • END DECLARE SECTION (8516), (8521)
  • EXECUTE (8524), (8537)
  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE (8540), (8551)
  • EXPLAIN (8554), (8556)
  • FETCH (8559), (8571)
  • FLUSH EVENT MONITOR (8574), (8577)
  • FREE LOCATOR (8579), (8581)
  • GRANT (Nickname Privileges) (8627), (8662)
  • GRANT (Schema Privileges) (8616), (8623)
  • GRANT (Table Privileges) (8626), (8661)
  • GRANT (View Privileges) (8628), (8663)
  • immediate execution of dynamic SQL (5969)
  • INCLUDE (8665)
  • INSERT (8672), (8696)
  • interactive SQL, definition of (5967)
  • LOCK TABLE (8699), (8711)
  • OPEN (8714), (8733)
  • PREPARE (8736), (8755)
  • preparing and executing dynamic SQL (5968)
  • REFRESH TABLE (8758)
  • RELEASE (8762)
  • RENAME TABLE (8769), (8772)
  • RENAME TABLESPACE (8774), (8777)
  • REVOKE (Nickname Privileges) (8807), (8832)
  • REVOKE (Schema Privileges) (8795), (8801)
  • REVOKE (Table Privileges) (8805), (8831)
  • REVOKE (Table Space Privileges) (8835)
  • REVOKE (View Privileges) (8806), (8833)
  • ROLLBACK (8839), (8863)
  • SAVEPOINT (8866), (8867)
  • SELECT INTO (8870), (8875)
  • SET CONNECTION (8878), (8881)
  • SET CURRENT DEGREE (8886), (8889)
  • SET CURRENT EXPLAIN MODE (8891), (8894)
  • SET EVENT MONITOR STATE (8906), (8909)
  • SET INTEGRITY (8913), (8919)
  • SET PASSTHRU (8921)
  • SET PATH (8927)
  • SET SCHEMA (8934), (8939)
  • SET transition-variable (8943), (8946)
  • SIGNAL SQLSTATE (8948), (8954)
  • specific-name, conventions for (6344)
  • SQL-variable-name, conventions for (6347)
  • statement name, conventions for (6349)
  • static SQL, definition of (5965)
  • syntax conventions for (5955)
  • UPDATE (8956), (8975)
  • VALUES INTO (8978), (8982)
  • WHENEVER (8985), (8993)
  • WITH HOLD, cursor attribute (8433)
  • SQL statement syntax
  • case sensitive identifiers, rule for (6281)
  • cursor-name, definition of (6313)
  • escape character (6293)
  • specific-name, conventions for (6345)
  • SQL-variable-name, conventions for (6348)
  • statement name, conventions for (6350)
  • SQL Syntax
  • SQL syntax
  • AVG function, results on column set (7273)
  • basic predicate, detailed diagram (6930)
  • BETWEEN predicate, rules for (6941)
  • comparing two predicates, truth conditions (6931), (6965)
  • CORRELATION function, results on set of number pairs (7280)
  • COUNT function, arguments and results (7290)
  • COUNT_BIG function, arguments and results (7301)
  • COVARIANCE function, results on set number pairs (7306)
  • data types, overview (6387)
  • dates, detailed description (6496)
  • DISTINCT keyword, queries, role of (7267)
  • executable statements, embedded usage (7938)
  • EXISTS predicate, detailed format description (6945)
  • GENERATE_UNIQUE function, arguments and results (7520)
  • GROUP BY clause, use in subselect (7859)
  • IN predicate, detailed format description (6950)
  • LIKE predicate, rules for (6955)
  • multiple operations, order of execution (7901)
  • naming conventions, listing of, definitions (6297)
  • non-executable statements, embedded usage (7939)
  • null value, definition of (6407)
  • REGRESSION Functions function, results on column set (7328)
  • scale of data in SQL (6495)
  • search conditions, detailed formats and rules (6974)
  • SELECT clause, detailed description (7784)
  • SELECT statement, invocation methods (7929)
  • SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT function, results on set number pairs (7769)
  • STDDEV function, results on column set (7344)
  • times, detailed description (6497)
  • TYPE predicate, detailed diagram (6964)
  • values, overview (6393)
  • VARIANCE function, results on column set (7359)
  • WHERE clause, search conditions for (7850)
  • SQL variables (9019)
  • SQL92
  • setting rules for dynamic SQL (8936)
  • SQLCA (SQL communication area) (9085)
  • entry changed by UPDATE (8971)
  • SQLCA (SQL communication area) clause
  • INCLUDE statement (8668)
  • SQLCA structure, overview (7967)
  • SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT function (7209)
  • SQLCACHE_SNAPSHOT function, detailed description (7770)
  • description (7968)
  • return code values, table (7969)
  • SQLD field in SQLDA (9092)
  • description (9106)
  • host variable descriptions, OPEN statement (8725)
  • prepared statement information, storing (8741)
  • SQLDA (SQL descriptor area) (9087)
  • contents (9099)
  • FETCH statement (8566)
  • SQLDA (SQL descriptor area) clause
  • INCLUDE statement, specifying (8669)
  • SQLDA area, required variables for DESCRIBE (8468)
  • SQLDABC field in SQLDA (9090)
  • description (9104)
  • SQLDAID field in SQLDA
  • description (9103)
  • description (9115)
  • description (9116)
  • SQLERROR clause
  • WHENEVER statement (8987)
  • SQLIND field in SQLDA (9095)
  • description (9111)
  • SQLLEN field in SQLDA (9094)
  • description (9109)
  • description (9114)
  • SQLN field in SQLDA (9091)
  • description (9105)
  • SQLNAME field in SQLDA (9096)
  • description (9112)
  • sqlstate
  • description (7970)
  • in RAISE_ERROR function (7628)
  • in SIGNAL SQLSTATE statement (8951)
  • ISO/ANSI SQL92 standard, relation to (7971)
  • SQLTYPE field in SQLDA (9093)
  • description (9108)
  • SQLVAR field in SQLDA (9097)
  • base (9107)
  • secondary (9113)
  • SQLWARNING clause
  • WHENEVER statement (8988)
  • SQRT function (7211)
  • detailed format description (7677)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7678)
  • STAFF sample table (9265)
  • STAFFG sample table (9266)
  • standards
  • setting rules for dynamic SQL (8935)
  • starting a new unit of work (8849)
  • statement string, PREPARE statement, rules for (8745)
  • statement string, rules for creating (8548)
  • statement-name, description of (6340)
  • states
  • connection (6174)
  • static select (7953)
  • static SQL
  • DECLARE CURSOR statement, usage in (7950)
  • definition of (5962)
  • FETCH statement, usage in (7952)
  • invoking (7930), (7954)
  • OPEN statement, usage in (7951)
  • source code, differences from dynamic SQL (5974)
  • statistics
  • updating (9189), (9195)
  • STDDEV function (7213)
  • STDDEV function, detailed description (7347)
  • storage
  • backing out, unit of work, ROLLBACK (8844)
  • storage structures
  • ALTER BUFFERPOOL statement (7978)
  • ALTER TABLESPACE statement (8044)
  • buffer pool (6239)
  • CREATE BUFFERPOOL statement (8181)
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8354)
  • description (6230)
  • nodegroup (6241)
  • table space (6231)
  • stored procedures
  • CALL statement (8076)
  • string
  • assignment
  • conversion rules (6580)
  • BLOB (6418)
  • CLOB (6413)
  • constant
  • character (6657)
  • hexadecimal (6660)
  • definition (6209)
  • expression (6797)
  • LOB (6409)
  • operand (6799)
  • string limits (9078)
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • assignment operation, overview (6554)
  • basic operands, assignments and comparisons (6550)
  • character strings, overview of (6424)
  • characters, range of (6253)
  • comments, rules for (6258)
  • comparison operation, overview (6556)
  • constants, definition of (6638)
  • double byte character set (DBCS), considerations (6254)
  • identifiers, definition of
  • delimited identifier, description (6284)
  • ordinary identifiers, description (6283)
  • spaces, definition of (6257)
  • tokens, definition of
  • delimiter tokens (6256)
  • ordinary tokens (6255)
  • values
  • data types for (6392)
  • overview (6390)
  • sources of (6391)
  • variable names used (6299)
  • structured type
  • description (6537)
  • DROP statement (8490)
  • host variables (6767)
  • method invocation (6922)
  • subtype treatment (6924)
  • structured type catalog (9197)
  • sub-total rows (7867)
  • subject table of trigger (6094)
  • subquery
  • HAVING clause (7880)
  • in HAVING clause, execution of (7881)
  • in WHERE clause (7853)
  • subquery, fullselect use as, search conditions (6734)
  • subselect (7777)
  • definition (7778)
  • examples of (7882)
  • FROM clause, relation to subselect (7779)
  • sequence of operations, example (7780)
  • SUBSTR function (7215)
  • SUBSTR function, returning substring from string (7682)
  • substrings
  • cautions and restrictions (7686)
  • length, defining (7685)
  • locating in string (7683)
  • start, setting (7684)
  • Subtype Treatment (6926)
  • SUM function (7217)
  • detailed format description (7348)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7349)
  • SUMMARY table
  • in CREATE TABLE statement (8280)
  • summary tables
  • REFRESH TABLE statement (8759)
  • super-aggregate rows (7869)
  • super-groups (7865)
  • supertype
  • supertype name, conventions for (6352)
  • supertype-name, description (6351)
  • symmetric super-aggregate rows (7870)
  • synonym
  • CREATE ALIAS statement (8173)
  • DROP ALIAS statement (8494)
  • qualifying a column name (6717)
  • syntax diagrams
  • description (5954)
  • system administration privilege (6223)
  • system control privilege (6227)
  • system maintenance privilege (6229)
  • system managed space (6236)
  • system-containers
  • CREATE TABLESPACE statement (8357)
  • T
  • table (5956)
  • typed, and triggers (8378)
  • adding a column, ALTER TABLE (8012)
  • alias (8174), (8495)
  • authorization for creating (8278)
  • authorization ID, use in name (6370)
  • base table (5998)
  • catalog views on system tables (9121)
  • changing definition (8006)
  • collocation (6251)
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8091)
  • common table expression (6107)
  • control privilege, granting (8639)
  • correlation name (6712)
  • creating a table, granting authority for (8591)
  • creating, SQL statement instructions (8277)
  • declared global temporary table (6000)
  • declared temporary table (6001)
  • definition of (5997)
  • deleting, using DROP statement (8482)
  • dependent (6074)
  • descendent (6073)
  • designator, use to avoid ambiguity (6728)
  • exception (8917), (9322)
  • exposed or non-exposed names, FROM clause (6722)
  • foreign key (6033)
  • FROM clause, subselect, naming conventions (7821)
  • generated columns (8007)
  • index creation, requirements of (8232)
  • nested table expression, use of (6743)
  • parent (6051), (6072)
  • partitioning key (6036)
  • partitioning map (6250)
  • primary key (6029)
  • privileges, granting (8631)
  • qualifying a column name (6713)
  • renaming, requirements of (8770)
  • restricting shared access, LOCK TABLE statement (8702)
  • result table (5999)
  • revoking privileges for (8808)
  • row, inserting (8674)
  • Sample Database (9248)
  • scalar fullselect, use of (6740)
  • schema (8269)
  • self-referencing (6075)
  • space (6232), (8180), (8352), (8506)
  • subquery, use of (6737)
  • table name, conventions for (6354)
  • table-reference (7830)
  • temporary, OPEN statement, use of (8731)
  • unique correlation names as table designators (6747)
  • unique key (6026)
  • updating by row and column, UPDATE statement (8959)
  • table check constraint
  • description (6088)
  • TABLE clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8115)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (External Table) statement (8209)
  • DROP statement (8504)
  • table-reference (7829)
  • table expression
  • common-table-expression (7907)
  • description (6105)
  • DROP statement (8505)
  • table join
  • partitioning key considerations (8345)
  • table space
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8095)
  • deleting, using DROP statement (8486)
  • description (6237)
  • identification
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8317)
  • index
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8318)
  • name description (6356)
  • renaming, requirements of (8775)
  • revoking privileges for (8836)
  • table-name
  • in ALTER TABLE statement (8009)
  • in CREATE TABLE statement (8281)
  • in FROM clause (7827)
  • in LOCK TABLE statement (8703)
  • in SELECT clause, syntax diagram (7790)
  • table-name, description (6353)
  • table-reference
  • alias (7839)
  • nested table expressions (7838)
  • nickname (7832)
  • table-name (7831)
  • view-name (7833)
  • tables
  • distributed relational database, use in (6152)
  • tablespace
  • pagesize (8355)
  • TABLESPACE clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8116)
  • tablespace-name, description (6355)
  • TABLE_NAME function (7219)
  • alias (7689)
  • TABLE_SCHEMA function (7221)
  • alias (7692)
  • TAN function (7223)
  • detailed format description (7694)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7695)
  • temporary tables in OPEN (8730)
  • terminating
  • unit of work (8128), (8846)
  • terminating a unit of work (8845)
  • time
  • arithmetic operations, rules for (6857)
  • as data type (6404)
  • CHAR, use of in format conversion (7400)
  • duration, format of (6846)
  • expression, using in (7700)
  • hour values, using in an expression (HOUR) (7533)
  • microsecond, returning from datetime value (7585)
  • minute, returning from datetime value (7592)
  • returning values based on time (7701)
  • second, returning from datetime value (7660)
  • strings (6521)
  • timestamp
  • internal representation of (6504)
  • length of string (6505)
  • timestamp, as data type (6405)
  • timestamp, returning from values (7705)
  • TIME data type (8302)
  • time data type (6501)
  • TIME function (7225)
  • TIME function, using time in an expression (7699)
  • timestamp
  • arithmetic operations (6863)
  • as data type (6406)
  • data definition (6503)
  • duration (6848)
  • from GENERATE_UNIQUE result (7523)
  • multi-byte character string (MBCS) restriction (6528)
  • string representation format (6527)
  • WEEK scalar function, using (7756)
  • WEEK_ISO scalar function, using (7761)
  • TIMESTAMP data type (8303)
  • TIMESTAMP function (7227)
  • TIMESTAMP function, returning from values (7704)
  • TIMESTAMPDIFF function (7231)
  • detailed format description (7710)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7711)
  • TIMESTAMP_ISO function (7229)
  • detailed format description (7707)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7708)
  • TO clause
  • GRANT statement (8601), (8607), (8613), (8620), (8655)
  • tokens
  • as language element (6261)
  • delimiter tokens, definition of (6274)
  • ordinary tokens, definition of (6273)
  • spaces, rules governing (6276)
  • upper and lower case, support for (6279)
  • transform
  • DROP statement (8491)
  • transition tables in triggers (6102)
  • transition variables in triggers (6101)
  • TRANSLATE function (7233)
  • character string, using with (7715)
  • graphic string, using with (7714)
  • rules and restrictions (7716)
  • translation table (7717)
  • trigger
  • and constraints (9298)
  • CREATE TRIGGER statement (8372)
  • DROP statement (8507)
  • errors executing (8375)
  • Explain tables (9299)
  • inoperative (8373)
  • interactions (9297)
  • name description (6357)
  • typed tables and (8377)
  • TRIGGER clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8117)
  • triggered SQL statement
  • SET transition-variable statement (8944)
  • SIGNAL SQLSTATE statement (8949)
  • triggers
  • activation (6091)
  • activation time (6097)
  • cascading (6103)
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8101)
  • description (6092)
  • event (6096)
  • granularity (6099)
  • INSERT statement (8690)
  • set of affected rows (6098)
  • subject table (6095)
  • triggered action (6100)
  • uses of (6093)
  • TRUNC or TRUNCATE function (7235)
  • TRUNCATE or TRUNC function
  • detailed format description (7722)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7723)
  • truncation of numbers (6567)
  • truth table (6980)
  • truth valued logic, search conditions, rules for (6973)
  • type
  • type name, conventions for (6360)
  • TYPE clause
  • COMMENT ON statement (8118)
  • DROP statement (8508)
  • type mapping
  • name description (6358)
  • TYPE predicate, detailed format (6962)
  • type-name, description (6359)
  • typed-table
  • typed-table name, conventions for (6362)
  • typed-table-name, description (6361)
  • typed-view
  • typed-view name, conventions for (6364)
  • typed-view-name, description (6363)
  • TYPE_ID function (7237)
  • data type (7726)
  • TYPE_NAME function (7239)
  • data type (7729)
  • TYPE_SCHEMA function (7241)
  • data type (7732)
  • U
  • UCASE function (7243)
  • UCASE function(SYSFUN.UCASE) (7245)
  • UCASE or UPPER function
  • detailed format description (7734)
  • values and arguments, rules for (7735)
  • unary
  • minus sign, results of (6810)
  • plus sign, results of (6809)
  • uncommitted changes, relation to locks (6119)
  • uncommitted read (6143), (9293)
  • unconnected state (6173)
  • undefined reference, error conditions for (6732)
  • UNDER clause
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8399)
  • UNION clause, role in comparison
  • of fullselect (7893)
  • UNIQUE clause
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8021)
  • CREATE INDEX statement (8234)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8324)
  • unique constraint (6031), (6042)
  • adding or dropping, ALTER TABLE (8001)
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8020)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8323)
  • unique correlation names as table designators (6748)
  • UNIQUE key
  • unique key (6024), (6027), (6041)
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8017)
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8311)
  • unique values
  • generating (7521)
  • unit of work
  • COMMIT (8126)
  • description (6121)
  • destroying prepared statements (8754)
  • initiating closes cursors (8729)
  • referring to prepared statements (8739)
  • ROLLBACK statement, effect of (8842)
  • terminating (8127)
  • terminating destroys prepared statements (8752)
  • terminating without saving changes (8841)
  • unknown condition
  • null value (6967)
  • updatable
  • view (8412)
  • UPDATE clause
  • GRANT statement (8653)
  • REVOKE statement, removing privileges for (8820)
  • update locks (6129)
  • UPDATE statement (8955), (8976)
  • row fullselect (8965)
  • updating statistics (9188), (9194)
  • uppercase, folding to (6282)
  • UR (uncommitted read) isolation level (6144), (9284)
  • USA (6520)
  • USA date format (6511)
  • USA time format (6523)
  • user mapping (6201)
  • USER special register (6701)
  • user-defined data type
  • distinct-type-name
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8304)
  • structured-type-name
  • CREATE TABLE statement (8305)
  • user-defined function (7772)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (External Scalar) statement (8206)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (External Table) statement (8210)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (OLE DB External Table) statement (8215)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (Source or Template) statement (8220)
  • CREATE FUNCTION (SQL Scalar, Table or Row) statement (8225)
  • CREATE FUNCTION statement (8203)
  • description (6773)
  • DROP statement (8488)
  • GRANT (Database Authorities) statement (8592)
  • REVOKE (Database Authorities) statement (8779)
  • user-defined method
  • description (6786)
  • user-defined type
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8096)
  • description (6531)
  • user-defined types
  • casting (6547)
  • USING clause
  • EXECUTE statement (8527)
  • FETCH statement (8565)
  • OPEN statement, listing host variables (8720)
  • EXECUTE statement (8532)
  • OPEN statement (8723)
  • V
  • VALUE function (7247), (7740)
  • value in SQL (6389)
  • value, data definition of (6005)
  • VALUES clause
  • fullselect (7891)
  • INSERT statement, loading one row (8681)
  • number of values, rules for (8682)
  • VALUES INTO statement (8977), (8983)
  • DOUBLE scalar function, using (7501)
  • function (7742)
  • VARCHAR data type (8292)
  • VARCHAR function (7249)
  • VARCHAR strings
  • attributes, summary (6434)
  • restrictions on usage (6435)
  • VARCHAR(26)
  • WEEK scalar function, using (7754)
  • WEEK_ISO scalar function, using (7759)
  • varchar_no_trailing_blanks column option (9210)
  • varchar_no_trailing_blanks server option (9236)
  • function (7746)
  • VARGRAPHIC function (7251)
  • VARGRAPHIC strings
  • attributes, summary (6449)
  • restrictions on usage (6450)
  • VARIANCE function, detailed description (7362)
  • VARIANCE or VAR function (7253)
  • view
  • alias (8175), (8496)
  • authorization ID, use in name (6371)
  • comment descriptions, adding to catalog (8090)
  • control privilege
  • granting (8640)
  • limitations on (8641)
  • creating (8395)
  • deletable (8411)
  • deleting, using DROP statement (8483)
  • description (6012)
  • exposed or non-exposed names, FROM clause (6724)
  • foreign key, referential constraints (6013)
  • FROM clause, subselect, naming conventions (7823)
  • index, relation to view (6019)
  • inoperative (8418)
  • insertable (8415)
  • preventing view definition loss, WITH CHECK OPTION (8973)
  • privileges, granting (8630)
  • qualifying a column name (6715)
  • read-only (8417)
  • revoking privileges for (8810)
  • row, inserting in viewed table (8675)
  • schema (8270)
  • updatable (8413)
  • updating rows by columns, UPDATE statement (8960)
  • validity and usage rules when revoking privilege (8825)
  • view name, conventions for (6366)
  • WITH CHECK OPTION, effect on UPDATE (8974)
  • VIEW clause
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8396)
  • DROP statement (8510)
  • DROP statement (8511)
  • view-name
  • description of (6365)
  • in ALTER VIEW statement (8060)
  • in FROM clause (7828)
  • in SELECT clause, syntax diagram (7791)
  • viewing
  • online information (9345)
  • W
  • warning return code (7966)
  • WEEK
  • function (7753)
  • WEEK function (7255), (7257)
  • function (7758)
  • WEEK_ISO function (7259), (7261)
  • WHENEVER statement (8984), (8994)
  • WHENEVER statement, changing flow of control (7936)
  • WHERE clause
  • DELETE statement, row selection (8456)
  • search function, subselect, rules for (7848)
  • UPDATE statement, conditional search (8966)
  • DELETE statement, use of DECLARE CURSOR (8459)
  • UPDATE statement (8968), (8969)
  • WHILE statement (9069)
  • wildcard character
  • LIKE predicate, values for (6956)
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8407)
  • WITH clause
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8405)
  • INSERT statement (8685)
  • WITH common-table-expression (7904)
  • WITH DEFAULT clause
  • ALTER TABLE statement (8013)
  • GRANT statement (8657)
  • WITH HOLD clause
  • DECLARE CURSOR statement (8432)
  • WITH OPTIONS clause
  • CREATE VIEW statement (8401)
  • wizard
  • restore database (9371)
  • wizards
  • add database (9355)
  • back up database (9357)
  • completing tasks (9354)
  • configure multisite update (9359)
  • create database (9361)
  • create table (9363)
  • create table space (9365)
  • index (9367)
  • performance configuration (9369)
  • Words, Reserved (9276)
  • Words, SQL Reserved (9279)
  • WORK
  • in COMMIT statement (8125)
  • in ROLLBACK statement (8848)
  • wrapper (6200)
  • name description (6367)
  • wrapper module (6208)
  • Y
  • YEAR function (7263)
  • YEAR function, using in expressions (7764)

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